The change on the way we do things lead us all crazy. Just like in the change of technology, you buy a new smartphone today and the following month a new model is already introduced in the market.
The social media which we all love has been constantly changing.
In a school where I am connected, evaluators saw that students going to the library are getting fewer as the years go by. The reason? Most students would rather want to surf the net and study about their subject matter. Understandably because many of us can see the latest articles about the subject matter we wanted to study. It is also faster and easy of course.
Companies, on the other hand, must also think about the new strategies, especially in their approaches of their human resource. One of the area in the human resource management which must be given a serious look in terms of strategies and approaches is the Training and Development. Human Resource Department must think of the new techniques and tools that will help
One of the area in the human resource management which must be given a serious look in terms of strategies and approaches is the Training and Development. The traditional “one size fit all” approach in training and development may no longer be applicable today.
I have listed below some of the trends in Training and Development that will help training strategies relevant and will deliver results and return of organizational investments.
Most people in the corporate world are already using smartphones. They use smartphones not only to communicate but to stay connected with friends and families as well as to get updated of the daily news. The moment a person wakes up in the morning, most often than not they will check what’s inside their inbox.
With this scenario, micro-learning using the device which most people love will surely come very effective. With Micro-learning using the smartphones, the Training department can deliver contents and information to their employees anytime.
Have you tried live streaming on Facebook? Wow, this is one very powerful tool which Facebook provides for its users.
Progressive teachers are all now using social media to reach out to their students. This does not only delight the student but it even made the teacher cool on the eyes of their student.
The changes in the structure of workforce in the organization especially with the influx of the millennials in workplace warrants for social media learning as an integral strategy in Training and Development.
The use of internal social media networks for Training and Development played a crucial role in the seamless exchange of ideas especially with the absence of physical proximity between employees.
Social Media provides a great venue for people in the organization to share files, powerpoint presentations, videos and communicate effectively.
More and more organizations are now using private chat group on Facebook for easy communications.
Adaptive Learning
Adaptive Learning was introduced in 2012 but this is not yet fully maximize.
As an educational method, Adaptive Learning is using the computer as an interactive teaching device. With the use of the computer, the allocation of human and learning interventions are orchestrated to suit the individual needs of each learner.
With Adaptive learning, computers customized the educational materials presentation which suits to the students learning needs as shown by their responses to the questions and exercises.
Adaptive Learning covers various aspects from different fields including education, computer science, psychology and even brain science.
This technology has been partially inspired by the fact that tailored learning cannot be achieved by large-scale traditional approaches. With this technology, learners can study and learn from their own space.
While Adaptive Learning is primarily used in education, it is also used today for business training. Several designs being introduced today in the general curricula include web applications and desktop computer applications.
Virtual Reality
Millenials are very much oriented with virtual reality. The Virtual Reality is a technology which uses the computer, headsets and oftentimes in combination with physical spaces. With Virtual Reality, realistic images, sounds, and sensations are generated stimulating the physical presence on the part of the user in a virtual or imaginary domain.
When using the Virtual Reality gadget, the person will be enabled to “look around” and even interact with virtual items in the artificial world.
The Virtual Reality headsets are goggles which are head-mounted and with a screen in front of the eyes. Most often the programs include audio generated through headphones or speakers.
With Virtual Reality, Training and Development landscape will surely change giving the trainee an immersive experience. This technology will surely be one of the most powerful learning methods soon.
Now your turn. What do you think are other trends which we failed to include on this list? Feel free to comment below.
Change is the way we do things will lead us crazy, but there is nother wrong with it as long as it is for the better. Human resourse management should adapt with the changes in training and development because the approach before might not be applicable today especially that the technology and interest of employees are uprising. We should also invest with good and effective training because it will help the employees harness their skills which will also benefit the company.
Social media and high technology for training and development is a new trend already in our society. So It is very important that people should learn how to use this means to be on the right track on acquiring new knowledge for development. I know its a process but those things that was stated above helps me understand that even older people should learn how to adapt this upgrades for training and development.
Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles. Development is more expansive and focuses on employees growth and future performance, rather than an immediate job role. Good training ans development programs help us retain the right people ans grow profits. As the battle for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs are more important than ever.
High impact training and development programs don’t just happen. Instead, they’re the result of a a careful planning and innovative process.
Nowadays, even a regular individual is equipped with technology. So equating this with the new trends and techniques with the used of technology, I must say that it is now a NEED that will help an Organization improved the Quality and Standard of its Employees.
I consider myself lucky, being a witness of new tech unfolding in our lifetime. Yes i believe these tech at our disposal plays a vital role in making businesses at the forefront. But, in doing so, we have to be vigilant and observant as to whether we are using these tech at our advantage. AI for example, must be utilized properly because overdependency to this tech might cause us not to be self-reliant and thus impact our being productive and progressive.
As technology evolves, thus the process of training and development. We have to be as competitive as the business world have. Just like millenials today, they learned fast and efficiently improve in the training and development area. In the future more vast and highly developed training guides would be implemented. As for us people, we need to undergo go with these changes and enjoy future trends.
Indeed, technology is such a tremendous help, not only to make life comfortable but most definitely improves our way of living. This article tells how significant and beneficial technology can be in the company to adopt on how employees can be trained efficiently and effectively. In addition, I really find video tutorial very helpful for training. A video tutorial can show to the trainees what is the exact process that they must do instead of visualizing it by reading manuals. And a video can be saved in the mobile phones (which I believe most of us have) that can be repeatedly watched over and over again anywhere for mastery.
Because of technology change, it makes learning flexible anytime and anywhere by using mobile devices. Company can make training materials accessible to employees that will enble employees to flexibly control their learning. Mobile learning also can continue the training offline. By downloading training materials to their mobiles they can still learn even without internet
I can’t agree more to this article. New technology is good and yet, how far can it go to help us? Seeing the new trends now and experiencing them is really life changing. Those in this list are so true but at times there are cons for this. Learning and training is important in all fields. It’s sometimes overwhelming but on the other hand way too helpful.
With everyone aspiring to be digital nomads, there’s no better way to learn but through technology. It is known as Education Technology or EdTech for most. This provides easy access to materials and training to promote acquisition of new knowledge and skills. With the use of social media, virtual reality and adaptive learning, it is easier to connect a mentor/ teacher from one part of the world to another and have both work together to reach a common goal which is to learn and develop skills.
Adaptive Learning works best for me. I am taking on free and paid courses in Udemy, and Coursera to take on some new skills and improve performance. I can now have access to courses, workshops and seminars without leaving my room and at my convenience. I understand that this doesn’t work for all though as not everyone is self-motivated but it would be a great trend to develop to promote learning and career development.
Being an online free lancer I can say that I have used some of the techniques on the article to learn my roles in the company, I have Learned through group chat/ group calls, It is like being in a virtual classroom but at the comfort of your own home.
Video training is actually a great learning method since it allows you to learn at your own pace and the ability to rewind at a specific point of a video that you had trouble. Virtual reality would be more applicable to physical tasks since it emulates what you will do in your work place and would help in establishing muscle memory in your upcoming job. Virtual reality would be a great tool for training since it can train the personnel even before they hit production or the actual work place, giving them confidence in what they do.
Learning is a continuous process and training is one of them. Any knowledge is not a waste and always proves to be an asset for a person. In this digital world, companies can make training accessible to employees anywhere and anytime and enable employees to flexibly control their learning by utilizing their mobile devices. Implementing technology- based training and development programs can satisfy the demand and meet the need to retain talent for years to come.
As technology evolves, workplaces need to follow the trend, the growth in social media, smartphone usage, and virtual reality. Almost all people now have cell phones and internet, so I think training is more interesting thus making it effective and efficient. Automation makes the workload easier, you can train more people at the same time.
These new techniques are very convenient and handy. Thru this employees will be able to get access to training and updates with ease. This though needs reinforcement or follow up from the administrators to check if the message or purpose of the training come across accurately.
In my work place product updates are sent via Email, later our superiors do spot check with the knowledge we got from the communication.
As an HR student this article keeps me updated and informed of the possible techniques I might implement in the future in a company as an administrator.
Companies are now catching up with the digital age. Learning and development are evolving faster. With this learning strategies employees will be able to get information faster than usual beside who would rather read the book than to open the internet.
We live in an information age today, and adaption to new technologies are routinely valued this article teach us that everyday is a continuous learning process.
The word training is very important and vital because in this way you can sharpened your ability and skills as an employee and as a boss, we will never stop learning as long as we live. And to improve also in whatever ways that can helps you as a person.One thing that we can learn fast and easy is learning by doing.
Learning with the help of smartphone and social media, this option will not work in the company where i am currently associated right now. However, we have our own tool to be utilized. Using it is being taught in our trainings, and it has obviously helped us big time. One click and we’ll get to know the correct process and resolution to the clients issue. We also have our internal communication for up to date information that need to be done ASAP. Rather than using the traditional way , like “paper hand out, printed copies of the process etc” this new way of training is more useful to ease our job
I really love this article, it only deliver the message of learning is a never ending process, time goes by. technology change. We have to adapt the new innovations and trends and techique for us to become a better employee.
All these stuffs seems so new to me, thank you! This article really helped me very much