Outstanding Qualities of an Effective Team Player

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INTRASPEC’s Teambuilding for the Negros Women for Tomorrow’s Foundation, Bacolod City

INTRASPEC Management Consultancy are known for its Teambuilding Programs. Every year quite a number of Teambuilding Programs to various companies.  INTRASPEC also  attends to various inquiries from its client companies  on issues involving people or team effectiveness.

Outstanding Qualities of an Effective Team Player

Members make the team.    Teams need strong team players to perform well. But what defines such people?  I have outlined below Outstanding Qualities of an Effective Team Player.

They are Reliable

Every Team needs reliable team members. A reliable team members are those  who gets work done and does his fair share work hard and meet commitments;  follows through on assignments.   You can count on “reliable people”  to deliver good performance all the time, not just some of the time.

They Communicate Effectively

The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives. Anthony Robbins

Effective communication is the fuel that keeps the team moving. Teams need people who speak up and utter their views and ideas clearly, directly, honestly, and with respect for others and for the work of the team.    Effective communicators also listens effectively. Good listeners are all important for teams to run effectively. Teams call for team players who can engage, understand, and consider ideas and points of persuasion from other people without debating and arguing every point. Such a team member also can receive criticism without reacting defensively.

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Teambuilding for Merci Managers and Supervisors conducted by INTRASPEC

They Participate Actively

The team is a group which work together towards the achievement of a common goal. Good team players are active participants. They come prepared for team meetings and listen and speak up in discussions. They’re fully employed in the work of the team and do not sit passively on the sidelines. Team members who function as active participants take the initiative to help make things happen, and they volunteer for assignments. Their whole approach is can-do: “What contribution can I make to help the team achieve success?”

They Share Openly

Good team players share. They’re willing to share data, knowledge, and experience. They take the initiative to keep other team members informed. A lot of the communication within teams takes place informally. Beyond discussion at organized meetings, team members need to feel comfortable speaking with one another and passing along important word and information daily. Good team players are participating in this informal sharing. They keep other team members in the loop with information and expertise that helps get the job done and prevents surprises.

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Teambuilding Workshop for the Negros Women for Tomorrow’s Foundation in Cebu City

They Cooperates and pitches in to facilitate

Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.Virginia Burden

Simple things become hard to perform at times without cooperation. Cooperation is the human activity of playing with others and working together to execute a task. Effective team players work this way by second nature. Good team players, despite differences they may have with other team members concerning style and perspective, figure out ways to work together to solve problems and get work done. They answer to requests for assistance and utilize up the initiative to offer help.

They are more flexible

Thus, flexibility, as displayed by water, is a sign of life. Rigidity, its opposite, is an indicator of death. Anthony Lawlor

Flexibility! Teams often deal with changing conditions — and often create changes themselves. Good team players roll with the licks; they adapt to ever-switching spots. Flexible, team members can debate different points of views and compromise when needed. He or she doesn’t hold rigidly to a point of view and debate it to end, especially when the team needs to go forward to reach a decision or get something done. Strong team players are firm in their thoughts yet open to what others have to offer — flexibility at its best.

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Teambuilding for the scholars of Norwegian Ship Owners Association, Cebu City

They are committed

Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Vince Lombardi

Strong team players like about their oeuvre, the team, and the team’s work. They show up every day with this forethought and commitment up front. They desire to make a good effort, and they want other team members to manage the same.

They are Solution-Oriented

Rich and successful people are solution-oriented; they expend their time and energy strategizing and planning the answers to challenges that come up, and creating systems to make sure that the problem doesn’t happen once more. T. Harv Eker

Teams, of course, deal with problems. Sometimes, it seems, that’s the whole reason why a team is created — to address problems. Good team players are willing to share with all sorts of troubles in a solutions-oriented way. They’re problem-solvers, not problem-dwellers, problem-blamers, or problem-avoiders. They don’t just rehash a problem the way problem-dwellers do. They don’t look for others to blame, as the blamers do. And they don’t put off dealing with issues, the way avoiders do. Team players get problems out in the open for treatment and then collaborate with others to discover resolutions and make action plans.

They are Relational

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.Theodore Roosevelt

Team players treat fellow team members with good manners and consideration — not just some of the time but consistently. In addition, they show understanding and the appropriate support of other team members to help get the job done. They don’t set conditions on when they’ll furnish assistance, when they’ll choose to listen, and when they’ll share data. Good team players also have a sense of humor and know how to have fun (and all teams can employ a bit of both), but they don’t have fun at somebody else’s expense. Rather simply, effective team players deal with other people in a professional way.

Team participants who show commitment don’t come in whatever particular flair or personality. They don’t ask to be   cheerleader types. In fact, they may even be soft-spoken, but they aren’t passive. They care about what the team is performing and they contribute to its success — without requiring a push. Team players with commitment look beyond their own piece of the work and worry about the team’s overall work. In the goal, their dedication is about winning — not in the sports sense of getting your opponent but about catching it.


  1. Jude Michael Belicano

    effective team leader is the ability to influence others to cooperate in order to complete their common goals or even exceed it.

  2. A team member must have certain qualities so that it will not only be able to work in a team but also deliver results and grow both professionally and personally. Everybody must have the zeal to work hard to achieve the team’s goal.

  3. Rasha Mustafa

    In everyteam good communication is vital.When you are playing enjoy and give your best but dont expect too much because this expectation will turn you down if the outcome is not possitive.Play clean and safe to your team.

  4. Teams need people who speak and express their thoughts and ideas clearly , directly, honestly, and with respect for the others and for the work of the team. That’s what it means to communicate constructively. Such a team member does not shy away from making a point but makes it in the best way possible- in a positive, confident, and respectful manner.

  5. Being a team player, it is imperative to keep the communication going to build relationships and assess programs. It is often challenging but frequently rewarding especially if its working well and enjoying the team works.

  6. Rodena Zuniga Vilches

    Team players should be flexible becasue being a member of team/group involves interaction with people having different behaviors and personality. Team player should be interactive and willingly works in cooperation with other teammates/groupmates. They should also be openminded to suggestions and new knowledge that might help in achieving the goal of the team/group.
    -R.Z Vilches HRM2015

  7. Ma. febe Legaspi

    In order to succeed each member should cooperate and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the team. By this means, we can help one another and continue exceeding with our goals.

    Ma. Febe Legaspi
    HR 2015

  8. Christy Mae Tenila

    Team players should be responsible and possess good judgement skills. It is important for them to be consistent and to know they are being held accountable for their work. HRM2015

  9. Leidor Cuenza

    Every member is very vital to the teams goals and future success. The qualities mentioned are all important and should be learned if not possessed already. 🙂 BSBA – HRM 2015

  10. Marvin Panes

    a person who plays on a team should put aside his personal goals and work well with others while striving for a common goal.

  11. Yes, these may be the qualities of a good team player, but not everyone in the team will have these qualities. It will still be the task of the leader to secure that all his team members are ready and equipped on the task at hand.

  12. Ruth Angila Vaflor

    Open communication and respect for other team members make accomplishing goals. The goal has to be shared , and methods should be defined to all the members for everybody on the team to contribute._HR2015

  13. Grace Tanjusay

    To work as a group, considering each member has their own opinions and ideals, would require people skill from each members. A “teambuilding’ does not only build relationships, it also encourages the member of the group to work as “one”. – HRM2015

  14. Ignacio C. Eboseo Jr.

    Coordination and collaboration determine the quality of outstanding Team Player:)

  15. Jeli Grace Alvarez

    Being a team player plays a vital role in every group of people who works together. Group work is better than individual work, combine with right attitude and great leadership in each and everyone your not just having a succesful group of people but also building a group of people with strong bond and good relationship. – Jeli Grace Alvarez

  16. Rizza Rebadomia

    Participation and commitment are vital for a team’s success. Every idea/suggestion counts. For me, even a good leader cannot always get 100% participation from all members, but a leader must never give up achieving this. (HR2015)

  17. We are born with distinct ideas and exceptional talents. We are different but through teamwork this leads to achieving goals that group has.

  18. Mai Hernandez

    Team work is really important in every organization, and having effective team players possessing these outstanding qualities is the key. It will make everything smooth sailing at work. Like what Helen Keller said “Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much”.

  19. Carlo Magno

    Each of us is unique. Combining each other’s differences, valuing one’s ideas and respecting each other’s perspective will create beauty to build an outstanding team. If these qualities shared by team members, there will be no boring moments at work.. 🙂

    C. Magno

  20. Jo Cherryl Javellana

    Great leaders started as good followers. If leaders perfected the qualities you’ve mentioned above, we probably would be overflowed by great leaders. I think its important that leaders realize how important it is to be an effective team player first.

  21. A team is as strong as its weakest link, each member may be given specific assignments to maximize their skill set and potential (job placement) to make sure goals are met effectively and efficiently.

  22. Joel Lagunilla

    Just one question… What do you do or how would you deal with people who are very negative on this team building thing. They would just go there for the of compliance but would not participate on any activity.

  23. Yvette D. Ybanez

    Most people will join certain team or prefer to be in a team especially if each member shared mutual understanding with each other.

  24. "The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." -Babe Ruth

  25. No man is an island. To have good results and better work performance, an institution should have a strong team which consists of employees who enjoys their work while performing very well. In that line, members should learn and manage how to cope, adjust and adopt to the ever changing work scenario, work force, and intensity and demands of the job. It is a matter of choice, on how to take a chance and have the will power to be an outstanding and effective team player.

  26. Indeed,teamwork plays vital role in achieving desired goal and it reveals the secret of the success of once company.

  27. Considering that each person is unique, it is amazing to note that people in a team can really work together towards achieving a common goal. With the above qualities,as long as one can identify himself with the vision and the mission of the team he is in, one can really commit as a good team member.

  28. Ilyn Rose V. Calantas

    Team building makes every individual in a team to become an effective team player. They are being united for a common goal. 🙂

  29. Organization's success depends on the ability of every member to become a team player. Individually we have different attitudes & culture, but its our passion for success will drive each team player to become successful.

  30. Reggie L. Agabon

    Qualities of being effective leader sometimes it changes, may be for now these has been the qualities that people like to their leaders, but in the future might also changed because people also change and everything is still changing especially the advent of the technology is very fast nowadays and that technology has the capacity to change people’s character/behavior, thus, the likelihood is that “The Qualities of an Effective Leader” may vary.

  31. You can always contribute to the success of the team once you've got most of the qualities mentioned above. More importantly, though not all individuals might have all of these but the willingness and the passion for change, for growth and for achievement are keys to make a good team member.

  32. For a team to succeed, each members should work hard in unity. Nice post, I missed attending team building.

  33. Very informative post. I hope i could possess all these qualities. team building on my mind 🙂

  34. Team buildings is a good way to know who can step up in a group. Effective team members are those flexible to the situation and are always aware of the goals.

  35. Okay, I think I am a team player… the only problem now is I don’t have a team to work with hehe. Nice article and great website 🙂

  36. I love teambuilding activities because you get to see who has the capacity to be the leader, as well as who works well with who. Having professionals like Intraspec facilitate these activities would be better since you know more about the activities fit for different people.

  37. I've been into team buildings but for college and it was only organized by other higher year (students) so it was only fun during the activities but after we get back from this, it's like we easily forgot everything. Team building really needs professionals to help organize and execute the activities to be more effective.

  38. Believe it or not, I haven’t attended any team building events or activities. It looks like so much fun and at the same time, it teaches you the value of teamwork and becoming an effective team member.

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