New Trends in Human Resource Management


With change being the only thing constant in this world, many go through the dynamics of change that forces us to adapt. From politics to economics, to anything that delves into human affairs, there is not such a thing as “immutable.”

Unsurprisingly enough, the same is also correct about the goings-on in the human resource management. The years of 2017 and 2018 is perhaps no different as we witness some emerging trends that we did not see possible—or at least, fail to do so—in the previous years.


The baby boomers are declining

For a while, the Baby Boomers—or those born pre-World War 2 era until the 1960’s—had been the dominating leaders of the industry by numbers alone. But this supremacy was put to a reverse coming 2016 when they’re no longer make up the largest population in the workforce. It is not the Gen Xers either, but the Millennials who are taking the position.

Intuitively, there’s a perfect reason for it: many of the Baby Boomers are already reaching retirement age.

The Gen Zers are entering the workforce

With their coming of age, those born from the year 1991 onwards are slowly creeping their way into the workforce. Described as “over-supervised, coached, and constantly rewarded by their parents,” based on the author Bruce Tulgan’s research titled “Great Generational Shift,” these are people who have high expectations from everyone apart from themselves.

The challenge with this generation comes from the discrepant expectations of them by the workplace. The Gen Zers are often seen as competitive who knows how to play their game for a score.

More flexibility in the workplace

Gone are the days when workers had to follow a rigid rule in the work area. With more people putting more value to themselves, working hard—that is, operating more than 6 hours per day—is becoming less frequent.



The booming of the “shared economy.”

Freelancing is not a new trend in the business industry. But with the advent of the computer and the internet, many people in the workforce are being attracted into freelance jobs than traditional work. In fact, in America alone, as much as 55 million Americans are doing this sort of self-employment, according to Freelancing in America.

And, when getting traditional employment is getting harder than ever before, more and more people are considering going freelance for a source of income to sustain a living or build a solid career.

More jobs for select talents

The tight labor market may sound positive for more people—that is, there are many open jobs than there are workers. But that is only so for the select people who had the right set of skills for the available jobs. With more and more companies vying to get the “best talents” in the resource pool, good paying jobs are becoming harder to attain for most people.

Growing issue about raises versus bonuses

Getting an annual as an increment from the base pay has always been a motivating factor for most employees to stick to their company for long. But more companies are now choosing the wiser route by offering performance-based bonuses instead of annual merit raise.


Parental leave

Many working parents realize that, apart from their duties at work, they also must perform at home, too. When an additional member of the family had already been introduced, both the mother and the father are entitled to paid leave.

While there is not a universal rule about the magnitude of the paternity and maternity leave, some companies are choosing to become generous with their employees by offering a 12-week paid leave to both working mom and pop. Others, however, may put more importance towards the mother employee by providing a more generous rate than a father employee.


Issues for compliance

When more workers are demanding a fairer work environment, workplace compliance makes for an inevitable change for the years 2017 and 2018. For instance, in the United States, there is the so-called Fair Labor Standards Act which clarifies on the requirements for overtime, exemption or non-exemption.

Other noteworthy changes conforming to a rule includes an issue about Paid Time Off, Equal Pay, Affordable Care Act, and Immigration.

Headhunting for passive candidates

Today’s headhunters are no longer just sifting through stacks and stacks of resume searching for the ideal candidate on a particular job. They are now also taking the initiative of finding “passive candidates” by tapping on today’s technology such as the use of the social media and the internet.


Remote workers

Having a member of your workforce working remotely from the office is no longer a new thing—at least, not in the United States. Having people on your payroll telecommuting is a perk which appeals to individual workers.

One significant advantage of being a remote worker is that the need to traverse distances to get to the office is nullified—which also means fewer expenses on travel cost—and that working from literally elsewhere with an internet connection is possible.


Blind hiring

Many headhunters employ a set of requirements which gauges whether a person is suitable or not for a particular job. Often, a person is judged based on specific parameters such as age, sex, educational background, etc.

While this had been effective in rooting out the unsuitable from the ideal candidates, this also had one major flaw: it removes out hidden gems in the roster who are not necessarily perfectly-defined by their demographic data.

By cutting away on the parameters, a candidate is judged based solely on sheer abilities and the achievements he may have attained across his career.



Making the hiring process to be as engaging as possible did not become fun until the introduction of the so-called “gamification.” Through this technique, a person is gauged based on critical skill set and cognitive ability while making the process amusing all throughout.


  1. Joji Ivan Juesna

    · Reply
    1. What are other trends in HRM practices that were not included in the write-up?
    Since I’m not really aware of new trends in HRM, I don’t have any additional trends to add in the write-up. However, what I learned from this article is my current employment status is considered as “freelancing”, I’m currently connected to an LGU as project consultant, at the same time project engineer for a construction firm, and having engineering consultancy for private individuals. This type of employment status is made easier because of another trend in HRM, flexibility in work location /time.
    2. What are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the organization.
    What is trending today is the remote workers and flexible work time/location. In the LGU due to the pandemic, skeletal work force is applied, to reduce the number of employees present at a certain office to provide social distancing and not to halt government services and transactions. However in the infrastructure sector, the work progress has been delayed due to the cut back of construction workers allowed on site. The HR solution was to employ multiple skilled worker, instead of just one specific skill example, a skilled Mason who is also a skilled tile setter, or a carpenter who is also a welder.

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the
    (A). Diversity in management – Study showed that there has been an increase in productivity and
    innovation when the concept of a mixed workforce was introduced. Cross-generational mentoring,
    Gender Diversity, Cultural Differences, Social range, Race, Ethnicity are some of the new changes in the
    modern organization. These changes could present both challenges and opportunities in the organization,
    but when it is effectively managed, this could bring creativity, competitive advantage and profitability in the
    (B). Allowing Early Retirement – As soon as they have reached the peak of their career, many employees
    in western countries choose to end their employment to pursue another profession. Voluntary Early
    Retirement is an opportunity to both employee and employer. Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) policy in some
    company helps in keeping their budget stable and gives opportunity to the worker a personal growth.
    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today
    relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are
    addressing these especially in your own organizations.
    Employees are often working remotely due to lockdowns and quarantines, therefore, creating a
    positive workplace amidst the pandemic is important inside the organization. HR managers are now
    creating strategies that could connect each employee to other colleagues to reduce distress through
    online platforms.
    The management are also adapting in normalizing self goal work routine, They reduced
    supervision and give free flow working set up that focuses on worker’s task’s output rather than giving a
    tight deadline. It is also helpful to set targets for each member with individual commitment and team effort.
    Currently as an online freelancer, in my organization, my team leaders would focus more on my
    output rather than asking for the hourly breakdown of the the tasked I finished. This gives me more
    freedom in multitasking. The management also give me provisions especially in times when there’s power
    outage and internet issues.

  3. Trends play a vital role in terms of growth and development to humans, whether in a simple way of living in a society or in a competitive world of business and industry where stagnation and redundancy are not welcomed. For the companies where manpower is the heart of their businesses, Human Resource Management takes charge to ensure the smooth flow of the business both internally and externally.
    In order for me to answer question number one which is about the other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up, I browsed some of the websites that might help me. Topics are almost synonymous which led me to come up with good answers. Upon thinking and realizing, these what came across my mind: (1.) hiring and recruiting made fast and easy using advanced technology; ((2.) promoting diversity and inclusion among employees; and (3.) paying attention to upskilling and reskilling for a better and competitive workforce.
    Since the article was written before the pandemic, I think the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the organization are the work from home which allows them to perform their tasks just like in the office. Another is the training of the workforce virtually which was able to monitor their progress using different mediums and provides them the certificates as proof of the said training. In addition, there is an online submission and reporting in order for them to save time and money which is a big step into a paperless office environment. Lastly, is the skeletal workforce among employees which helps them to maximize their resources without compromising their responsibilities and capabilities which is full staffing is not necessary.
    Human Resource needs to adapt to the changes brought by the pandemic to meet the demands of its environment and to support its employees. Therefore, a better internet connection for its subordinates is the main factor to be considered and prioritized.

  4. Jermond O. Juesna

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?
    One Human Resource Management Practice that was not included in the article as I have browsed the internet is the utilization of modern technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). This technology is now used to maximize HR capabilities, some companies utilize chat bots to facilitate hiring interviews as well as, machine learning tools that provide HR what qualities to look for in applicants that will be significant in the future of their company.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.

    Since the start of the pandemic, many companies were unable to cope up with its effect on their work force, especially the utilization of workers are limited. Companies end up transforming their working set-up in a remote system in which the workers, if possible, will do their work at home and data collection are done via the web. This gave much breathing room for the companies that were able to do this as their operation is not that hampered by the restrictions brought by the pandemic. But for the laborers that needed to work on the site or in the plant, this was a complicated scenario. Workers are forced to have a shorter work week to limit their movement and lessen the chances of transmitting the virus. Having this kind of work set-up is not very sustainable for the workers, hopefully the pandemic would end sooner so that workers would not suffer anymore of their current working circumstances.


    1. What are the other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not
    included in the write-up?
    *Salary Adjustments
    Employees are now working from home, electricity and internet connection
    expenses should be considered as basis for salary adjustments. Reconsider the vertical and horizontal
    alignment of each employee.
    *On-line Assessment of every employee’s in terms of performance, this will encourage
    them to work more efficiently or their best. Of course, incentive will follow.
    *Provisions for technical trainings this will lighten the work of employees for they got
    the knowledge of what to be done. Resources both human-nonhuman will be
    processed accordingly.
    *Application of high level human analytics pre-judgment should not be considered
    during this pandemic. Take time to know your employees. Reach out to them. Listen
    to their suggestions and recommendations.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organization.

    In our school HR is a group primary composed of Principal, Academic Chair, Consultant and BOT members.

    Receiving applicants for a particular teaching position
    Before the pandemic applicants are required to hand-in their application in
    person. On the spot they will be tasked to have classroom demonstration with tenured
    teachers as their students. After this they will be evaluated. Now, application and
    teaching demonstration are done on-line as scheduled.

    Enrolment of Students
    Traditionally all transactions are physically done. Since last year the said activity
    can be done electronically on-line, even payments. Enrolment procedures are sent to
    previous students as well as to the incoming one. For those who got the difficulty,
    assistance are also provided.

  6. Mary Rose S. Tubid

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?

    The attention to mental health and widespread utilization of artificial intelligence is the HRM trend not included in the write-up.
    The article discussed the HR trends before the global pandemic, and some issues altered the reality as change is always happening. According to Totah, mental health is also given attention due to the laborers redefined experiences from their work. The adaptation of the sudden change from their environment affects millions of workers as well as their management. They tend to feel stress and depression symptoms as they react to this uncontrollable crisis. Therefore, the organizations in U.S. and U.K think of different ways to aid the mental wellness of their employees. It will help them grow, react effectively, and work efficiently with this pandemic.
    The other trend discussed by Totah is the widespread utilization of artificial intelligence or computer intelligence. This setting happened when computer systems can do tasks performed by human intelligence.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.

    Aside from suffering financially, the mental wellness of the employees from different organizations is also affected by the pandemic. Some of them experienced skeletal work schedules resulting in an adjustment of budget allocation for their daily needs. The worst is the loss of their jobs which added to the burden and affects the whole family. Depression symptoms also occur due to their worries for their health and risky environment. All of these happenings and the pressure in the sudden change of work procedures due to pandemics made them feel stress and affects their mental health. Additionally, the expenses for buying face masks, face shields, and sanitizers worsen the financial wellness of each individual.
    Good thing the Human Resource Management is always ready for the changes in administering employees’ benefits. The HRM supplies the PPE needed to protect us from the spreading pandemic. Moreover, they ensure to provide us a safe working place and reserve a vehicle when riding back home. They listen to the voice of the employees and made improvements for everyone. The supports they gave to us lessen our burden financially and mentally.
    Indeed, Human Resource Management does not only recruit and terminate employees. They have a greater responsibility to ensure the growth of the company. Just like the saying from Venkat Kumaresan, “they are not human resources, they are resourceful humans,” which means that HRM act not only for the company but for their peoples’ well-being as well.

  7. Edmar M. Genovia

    Technology as a tool to recruit suitable employees. Nowadays, as the pandemic is still on the rise in our society, Some employers need to overcome their biggest fear when it comes to their recruiting function, and that is to change their recruiting strategies. They need to revise their talent acquisition strategies, resources, and technology. Many of these changes have raised the standards for the recruitment process and also with the candidate experience. Some employers, business owners, and HR say there’s no turning back and expect these changes to roaming around long after the threat of pandemic diminishes.
    Using technology in the hiring process is one of the best ideas to speed things up, allowing companies to find a suitable employees. Many different technology tools can be used to make the hiring process more effective. Common technology software/applications in marketing a new job include social media networking, online classified ads, and mobile apps. These tools broaden the company’s audience, allowing employers to reach more qualified applicants from all over. This type of technology streamlines the hiring process, making the hiring process more efficient and effective. This can result in filling the intended position more quickly, saving the company time and money.

  8. Romeo Laud, Jr.

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?

    • Here are other trends in HRM practices that were not included in the write-up:
    1. The Trend of Work From Home (WFH)
    2. Train the Workforce with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
    3. Reinventing the employee experience
    4. Effortless shared services
    5. Cultivate Critical Thinking, Soft Skills, Digital Skills

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.

    • One of the trends happening today relative to managing the HR in the organization is “Virtual Work”, a new way to work. A shift a way from the traditional work model toward one that’s most flexible and worker-centric, underscored by the increasing acceptance of working form home and the boom of the gig economy. The pandemic has disrupted organizations and caused HR Managers to think differently about their role as they adjust to social distancing practices and a new work environment that they may never have imagined. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, organization have switched to these trend “Virtual Work”, as face-to-face collaboration is replaced with email and videoconferencing wherein HR Manager have to do difficult work under difficult circumstances. HR Managers addressed these by trying to keep their employees productive, motivated, engaged and connected, all factors that are moving targets in the new normal.

    Another trend is “Workforce Diversity”. It is critically linked to the organization’s strategic direction. HR must be aware of the age differences that exists in today’s workforce and must train people of different groups to effectively manage, deal with each other and to respect the diversity of views of each HRM offerings.

    The world of work is rapidly changing. As a part of organization, Human Resource must be prepared to deal with effects of changing world of work.

  9. Ramie June P. Arnado

    The article on “New Trends in Human Resources Management” presents the dynamic changes in HRM and the generation gaps in employment and leaders for business entities and other organizations. It sheds light on the aspects of benefits and compensation (e.g., growing issues about raises versus bonuses, parental leave), recruitment and selection (e.g., more jobs for talent, headhunting for passive candidates, blind hiring, gamification), and timekeeping and payroll management (e.g., remote workers, more flexibility in the workplace).

    With this, employee or labor relations, employee training and development, performance evaluation, and the integration of technology-based programs and systems (e.g., HRIS) were not included in the write-up.

    At the onset of a pandemic, some of the trends in Human Resources Management are the work-from-home schemes/arrangements (applicable for employees with health conditions and comorbidities), implementation of the skeletal workforce based on the status of COVID-19 cases and quarantine protocols, monitoring of health and safety of the employees, the conduct of virtual training, massive retrenchment, using of online platforms for recruitment and selection, swab test result as the main requirement for pre-employment. The majority of their HR functions were done virtually and/or using a system.

  10. Joel Nedamo

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?

    I think this article was written 3 years ago base on the date of the comments. I was thinking that it is written just last year or early this year since it discusses remote workers, gamifications and others. I realized that these things are not really new to our situation today.
    In my opinion, here are some trends in Human Resource Management that are not being discussed in the article based on the readings that I made on line:
    • Home as a new office
    • Reinventing the employee experience
    • Human Resource Technology
    • Training of the workforce
    • Recruit Smarter
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Open and Welcoming HR personnel
    • Focus on wellbeing

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.

    Oh! Sorry Doc, I did not read this question until I finished with the first question, hehehehe. That is why some of my answers on the first question are based on what is happening today. But anyway, I will discuss these few trends.
    • Home as a new office
    Because of the pandemic, most of the companies today allows their workers to work at home. Some companies ask their employees to report in a scheduled manner to avoid more workers in their offices in order to observed the social distancing, gathering together by group and some other reasons to stop the spread of the COVID 19.

    • Training of the workforce
    Most of the schools now are conducting their in-school training on line via ZOOM, Google meet and other on line platform to avoid the spread of the virus.

    • Reinventing the employee experience
    The life of the employee today is different from what was the normal before the pandemic. Their work experience was shifted from office and physical presence of their workmate to work table at home and virtual presence of their co-worker or with their students in the case of the teachers.

  11. Niño Ramon Christopher Cordova

    1. Some of the trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the article are;

    a. Training and career development. Plays an important role for an employee to stay in an organization. If an employee are able to attend training courses and gain more skills while they are working, they will feel satisfied in their role and less chance to look for another employer. One of the reason why an employee leave his organization is due to lack of development in his career.

    b. Contingent workforce. Are in demand due to the payment on a work basis and typically hired for shorter periods of time or on demand basis. It is a cost savings in an administrative cost of an organization associated with hiring and maintaining full time workers. However, there are also disadvantages associated in hiring a contingent workers. There is no certainty in the employer/ employee relationship as they are lack of commitment to the organization and they have a higher turnover rate and may pose a possible threat or security risk in an organization.

    2. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of life worldwide. and a great loss in the economy. This is the current trends that are happening today that HR in the organization must manage.

    a. Labor Force downsizing
    Permanent reduction of oganization’s labor force due to the pandemic, by cutting jobs is the fastest way to cut costs. HR Managers must handle this trend and ensure to properly communicate to all employees the reasons behind this action or this will create negative effects of rumors. HR Managers must ensure that individuals are kept informed with the current status of the organization in terms of economical stability.

    b. Workplace COVID-19 Prevention and Controls
    Employers shall ensure strict compliance with the protocols established by the authorities to protect the welfare of the workforce. HR should consider developing COVID-19 response plans and programs to address protecting workers inside the workplace by following issued guidelines from government authorities.

    c. Flexible Working Adjustments
    To retain the number of employees in the organization, employers provided them with an adjusted flexible working environment which is highly essential during this time of pandemic. Almost all employees want a flexible working hours to have more time with their family. Something that provides them mental peace and being more productive when they come back to work.

  12. Francis Ian Pandanduyan

    5 trends that were not included in the write-up
    1. Mental health of employees is a “must” priority
    2. Cost-cutting by adapting technology base paper works.
    3. Employees undergo Reskilling for extra credentials.
    4. HR personnel invites other company to conduct orientations.
    5. Gender diversity for all employees.

    To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, companies have switched to a remote work model at a rate and scale they’ve never experienced. As face-to-face collaboration is replaced with e-mail and videoconferencing, HR managers have to do difficult work under difficult circumstances.

    ~ By Nicole Lewis

    The Following trends in HR management that are currently utilized during this pandemic are:

    A. Conducting virtual meetings or Webinar to keep up with the job.
    – HR managers take steps to keep up and figure out how to keep the job going without the need of face to face interaction. Fortunately, the rapid change in technology has helped to create a platform using the internet and it has become the instrument to continue the job.

    B. Skeletal work schedule for employees to contain the virus.
    – Industrial and manufacturing companies as we know needs physical labor to yield byproduct, but because of the pandemic HR managers need to find an alternative to be able to work and produce even if the work force needs to be limited.
    C. Flexible work structure
    – HR people need to train their employees to be flexible at work whether at home or in the office, this way we can contain the number of employees and prevent contamination within the workplace.

    Prepared By: Francis Ian G. Pandanduyan MTM

  13. Cyrus Y. Bigcas

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?
    In my opinion, the other trends that are not included in the write-up are below:

    A. Alternative Human capital
    Most effective tactic done by HR specialists is by moving workers to available job opportunities across the company as long the selected person must possess the particular skills relevant to accomplish the job responsibilities.
    B. Technology as Recruitment Tool
    Modern company/organizations are now using modern tools powered by artificial intelligence to optimize the application processes which allows HR specialists to screen and select the potential candidates who best match any position roles and responsibilities. By these tools it provides a huge benefits to modern business by automated hiring process that reduces screening time of applicants and level up the time for high value activities.
    C. New Approaches to Talent Acquisition
    Companies require to look for new approaches to their potential employees may look like, where they might find them and how to best use the latest trend of technologies that the present time may offer of their full control.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.
    Below are the trends how the HR Managers addressing the present situation right now.

    A. The Emergence of the At Home Workforce
    Mostly companies and employees are facing a difficult time to adapt to the realities of zoom meetings and others, intruding home life and lagging technical resources but yet they still managed to meet goals and maintain productivity.
    B. Focus on Individual Well-Being
    Managers are focused on improving customer experience and satisfaction, individual are more interested in improving the workers well being. This includes designing work for well being, unleashing worker potential, building super teams, setting new directions & architecting the idea of work.
    C. Increased used of Analytics
    Measures data for decision making, these data matters most in terms of development and performance management.
    D. Limits of Employee Monitoring
    Considering the most of the company’s workforce are at home set up, managers are facing difficulty supervising its employees. This led to an increase in the use of monitoring techniques during the pandemic time that cause the employees under scrutiny of their respective role and responsibilities.
    E. Expanded Job Skill Sets
    Now a days the business world are rapidly changing, so it is imperative to know that employees have the ability to adjust and adapt to new job demands. The Company can take benefit of the next skills and retain a valued employee in a new role capacity.

  14. Gerard Nick A. Tribaco

    As I’ve been browsing for other trends in google, there are a lot of articles and write ups uploaded on the web but most of them have trends in common and only differs on how it was written or described. But a lot of trends now has evolved adapting to the latest technologies spearheading innovations. Here are other trends I’ve seen on the web;
    • HR innovation
    • Surge of people analytics
    • Changes in talent sourcing
    • Popularity of wellness apps
    • Rise of intelligent self-serving tools
    • New breed of corporate learning tools
    • Smarter recruitment
    • Block chain
    • Intelligent apps and analytics

    Today, we are now facing the new normal and HR needs to address the needs of their employees. Here are some trends that HR needs to address in order for their employees to be able to be at their best performance.

    1. Make employee well-being a top business mandate
    It is really a top priority to secure employees well-being. The thought of being burned out, stressed scared of their job security and scared of contracting the virus. These factors needs to be addressed properly in order for them to be at their best.

    2. Invest in their mental health as a must-have rather than a nice-to-have benefit
    Employee’s mental health is very vital in an employee’s performance, they act according to how their mind responds. When an employee’s mental is in a bad shape during these trying times, it is really difficult for them to perform when your mind is clouded with worries about everything that’s going on. HR must be able to secure the needs of their employees, both physical and mental health.

    3. Provide internal talent mobility to attract, engage and retain employees
    This kind of technology allows the use of AI not only for hiring purposes. It also supplies the demands of talent internally by matching their roles and assignments based on what their job is seeking for their new hires.

    4. Prepare for the hybrid office of the future
    Because of the risk that this virus brings to the employees, it also threatens the operation of the whole company. Thus allowing HR to promote both corporate and home offices. Employees can decide where to work depending on the activity that their work requires them to do. Allows employees to be more focused because they are allowed to work at the comfort of their own home. Virtual meetings, brainstorming and briefing are now used in this kind of trend for a much safer company meeting

    5. Expand employee experience and wellbeing resources to the entire family unit
    Since it is the new normal and the employee is working for the comfort of their families. Companies must also expand the security and wellness not only to their employees but also to their families as well. If the employee sees that the company is doing their part and taking good care of their families as well, this gives them the extra boost to perform their best and excel in the field in which they are part of. This trend also attracts new hires to the company, a plus point for them.

    These are only a few trends during the new normal. Innovation of trends plays a vital role to retain and attract more employees in an organization, allowing an organization to perform at the top of their best.

  15. Gerard Nick A. Tribaco

    As I’ve been browsing for other trends in google, there are a lot of articles and write ups uploaded on the web but most of them have trends in common and only differs on how it was written or described. But a lot of trends now has evolved adapting to the latest technologies spearheading innovations. Here are other trends I’ve seen on the web;
    • HR innovation
    • Surge of people analytics
    • Changes in talent sourcing
    • Popularity of wellness apps
    • Rise of intelligent self-serving tools
    • New breed of corporate learning tools
    • Smarter recruitment
    • Block chain
    • Intelligent apps and analytics

    Today, we are now facing the new normal and HR needs to address the needs of their employees. Here are some trends that HR needs to address in order for their employees to be able to be at their best performance.

    1. Make employee well-being a top business mandate
    It is really a top priority to secure employees well-being. The thought of being burned out, stressed scared of their job security and scared of contracting the virus. These factors needs to be addressed properly in order for them to be at their best.

    2. Invest in their mental health as a must-have rather than a nice-to-have benefit
    Employee’s mental health is very vital in an employee’s performance, they act according to how their mind responds. When an employee’s mental is in a bad shape during these trying times, it is really difficult for them to perform when your mind is clouded with worries about everything that’s going on. HR must be able to secure the needs of their employees, both physical and mental health.

    3. Provide internal talent mobility to attract, engage and retain employees
    This kind of technology allows the use of AI not only for hiring purposes. It also supplies the demands of talent internally by matching their roles and assignments based on what their job is seeking for their new hires.

    4. Prepare for the hybrid office of the future
    Because of the risk that this virus brings to the employees, it also threatens the operation of the whole company. Thus allowing HR to promote both corporate and home offices. Employees can decide where to work depending on the activity that their work requires them to do. Allows employees to be more focused because they are allowed to work at the comfort of their own home. Virtual meetings, brainstorming and briefing are now used in this kind of trend for a much safer company meeting

    5. Expand employee experience and wellbeing resources to the entire family unit
    Since it is the new normal and the employee is working for the comfort of their families. Companies must also expand the security and wellness not only to their employees but also to their families as well. If the employee sees that the company is doing their part and taking good care of their families as well, this gives them the extra boost to perform their best and excel in the field in which they are part of. This trend also attracts new hires to the company, a plus point for them.

    These are only a few trends during the new normal. Innovation of trends plays a vital role to retain and attract more employees in an organization, allowing an organization to perform at the top of their best.

    RONIE Toniacao LINAS,3:02 PM
    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?

    The trend of losing a job due to the pandemic was not included in the write-up.
    In the advent of covid 19 virus many employees especially in the private sector, small company, and small businesses lost their job. Redundancy is popular with companies who want to eliminate the number of employees. This is a huge challenge to HRM since they are the ones who initiate the redundancy of employees. Some end-up in a legal argument where they need to appear before the court.
    How the millennial and baby boomers adjust to the online work arange were not also discussed, and how the government addresses this problem since pandemic is more than a year affecting our labor sector.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.

    The trend in on-line work arrangements is trending today due to the pandemic. Classes were shifted to online platforms and online classrooms instead of traditional face to face classroom lectures. Teachers need to go with the trend to get along with the students. blended learning of mixed online and limited face to face, module learning has been introduced and used.
    The HRM needs to adjust with the change of working environment, work from home, online training and seminar, online recognition, request and more were shifted online, thus the need for internet connection is a must for employees to go with the trend.

  16. Jomar Funoan

    Below is an article I wrote on the new trends of Human Resource Management.
    Please read the article online and make your answer based on the following premise and questions:

    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?

    As I read the article titled The New trends of Human Resource Management is about the comparison of baby boomers or those born in the 1960s and the Gen Zers those born in the year 1991. The advantage of the Gen Zers they are more competitive in terms of using technology and other gadgets. Unlike the baby boomers, that is born pre-World War 2 they are an influencing leader in the industry. But there are some late bloomers in terms of using technology that they can keep up with trends.
    This article, mentions also flexibility in the workplace more people putting a value on themselves. The booming of the sharing economy refers to the freelancer. Many people in the workplace are attracted to freelance jobs than traditional work or 9-5. Also mention more jobs for select talents. To select people who had the right set of talent and skills that align for the jobs.
    The other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up are cloud-based HR Tech, Artificial intelligence algorithms- transforming a range of HR practices from recruitment to engagement to people management, and focus on HR tech that creates a more continuous process of employee evaluation and performance.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.

    The trends happening today to managing the HR in the organization are more on virtual engagement, virtual team building activities, the digital collaboration platform, and virtual employee experience. In virtual team building activities, most of the employees adapt the WFH trend during the time of the pandemic. Video conferencing helps employees to feel part of the team rather than to work alone. The digital collaboration platform is the starting point in the WFH trend. Most organizations used different platforms for video conferencing software. Like MS Office, Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, and Google Workspace. Virtual employee experience is different from traditional. the working trend has a domino effect in HR activities like hiring or firing employees. HR is faced with the challenges of doing these virtually. Some organizations have virtual meetings where employees shared their creative ideas.

  17. Mark Winston Gabutero

    Rise of AI Technology
    The advent of technology allowed humans to work faster and more efficient in any given industry. Therefore, it will be inevitable for human resource to incorporate this technology in their department making hiring process faster, as an AI can swiftly search information about the applicant, making payroll process automated, assessing the performance of an employee with greater accuracy, and etc.

    Team Play vs. Individual Achievement
    Team effort is now more recognized in comparison to individual achievement. The word “super-team” is becoming prevalent in this modern day. Meaning, the performance of the employees are measured as a group.

    Covid-19 hit the world hard. It has disrupted every single individual globally. It also created a great change in human resources trend as it now depends heavily on digital technology to compensate for the deficit in the department. Fortunately, technology today was able to compensate for this inadequacy, e.g. video call interview rather than face-to-face interview in looking for the right candidate for the job. Imagine going through this pandemic during the 90’s? The rise of technology allows HR managers to continue their work in the comfort of their homes. Now, the hiring process can be done remotely and virtually. Virtual work is here to stay, even after this pandemic, as people now realized that this can make their work time more flexible and maybe, more efficient.

  18. John Mitra

    I think a trend that was not mentioned above or in the article would be ” The available benefits that an employee will be able to receive once they are a part of the companies workforce/organization. Another trend that wasn’t mentioned in the article would be the requirement(s) of the work whether the new employee(s) will be able to access his/her work at anytime for added productivity in his/her occupation.

    A trend that would be happening during these times of pandemic would be
    how will the company be able to assure the safety and health of the employee(s) when they are working in their organizations vicinity if they are safe from the virus or is the company able to maintain strict health protocols and if ever an outbreak occurs will they be able to respond to and contain it in a secure and organized manner.


    1. What are other trends in Human Resource Management Practices that were not included in the write-up?
    I included PROFESIONAL VS. DEGREE HOLDERS as one of the trend in Human Resource Management, because based on my experience when I am working in a construction firm in Cebu, our HR and managers is always hiring employees with higher educational background especially with license vs. worker with a degree but no licence. Our project in Cebu is Dito telecommunity tower, and I was assigned to be a site supervisor together with my co-worker who is fresh graduate with licence in Civil Engineering, first our HR and managers doubted my ability to manage or supervise the site, but eventually I finish four towers under my supervision without any major problems until they realized that it is not about the degree or the license but the capability of a person to work and manage his or her responsibilities, and finally they ask me to help my co-supervisor to finish the site given to them.

    2. The article was written before the pandemic, what do you think are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the Organization? Please discuss these trends and how HR Managers are addressing these especially in your own organizations.
    For me work from home is the most practiced in all organization in the world today, our organization in LGU is practicing the work from home and I consider this a challenging task of the LGU in managing their workers, Because in my observation in our workplace a lot of my co-worker consider work from home as their day off, they spent their work from home days for vacation, gathering etc., instead of working home-based to maintain the limited number of personnel in the office. For me this is a challenge for human recourse because they cannot widely control the organization especially their personnel is working home-based without supervision.

  20. Maritess Valderrama

    After reading this article it made me realize that change is taking place in all aspects even in Human Resource Management. It was proven that Human Rrsource Management could be inovatively initiated for the development of an organization. Admittedly, Im not a milleneal but it would never be an excuse to adapt this new trends in human resource management for the benefit of the company. I’ve learned a lot in this article.

  21. Mark Jansen E. Espinosa

    As this article stated, Change is the only thing that is constant which will leave us with no choice but to adapt with this. A change for innovation is most likely applied with human resource management as the new trends occured. Technology, social media and the gig economy are among the forces that have impacted the practice of human resource management. The world of work has changed dramatically in the past decade, shaped by the factors that include a brutal recession, technological advances and a new generation of workers with very different ideas of what employment should look like.
    The new trends in human resource management will help us identify the process of hiring amd mobilizing all the things that we have to sustain and achieve stability of what really an organization or company expected to be. Thanks for this article!

  22. Mark Joseph N. Traje

    Equipping us with the New Trends about how Human Resource Management works, is one of the objective of this article. This enlighten us that we must understand the present need of an organization. This also help me realized that these new trends will help an organization to be more competitive, productive and will definitely increased its standard. This is a fact that each organization should accept and must practice.

  23. Rosmond Pasar

    If change is immutable, then the only to stay at your prime is to adapt to these changes. This is where human resource plays an important role throigh training and development. Being flexible is one unique characteristic of humand over machines. This is also why computer and technology cannot always replace humans in the corporate world.

  24. April Rose Colango

    Human Resource is the most important amongst all the resources that a company may have. This article is very enlightening and instructive for us as ETEEAP students since we were able to know what is actually happening in our society with regards to HR matters. This helps us to know the difference from what we have known as the conventional to what the progressive HR for the young professionals now. The innovation of the trends in HR which also include the rising of technology which accompany with the improvements that the HR people are developing for the future of the company that they are working with. This will help us also to cope up with arising issues that we may encounter to avoid culture shock and to be aligned also to the strategy that every company develops for the success of the company with the help of both the employer and employees.

  25. Goldie Ann Luna

    Reading the article gives me the vision of how the Human Resource adopts naturally with the generation nowadays and in the future. The article makes me also recognize how the demographic and the environment of the manpower affects or interrelated to the development of the human resource. As a student in HR, with the valuable ideas and understanding that this article provides regarding the recruitment trends, managing the workforce, and labor codes, the articles definitely now widens my way of thinking action plans that will benefit the company I will be working within the future from staffing employees according to their own strengths with enough compensation and by making sure that the human resource management is always copping on trend.

  26. Mitchell Escabillas

    With the globalization and changes in technology, it gives challenges to human resource management and new perspective on how to handle employess and how the hiring process will be. As industries and technology evolve, new generation of workforce entering and globalization creates competition,it will be the human resource management issue that will make or break the company

  27. Minette Ira L. Quiocson

    Reading this article is definitely helpful. As an HR student, knowing the possible backgrounds and generations of possible applicants plays a big role. With the constant changes in the employment industry it’s hard to make a suitable plan to encourage people to get a job without being traumatized with their experience. Especially with the new professionals. I want to thank the author ’cause he was able to point the differences that we need to keep in mind.

    • Joji Ivan Juesna

      1. What are other trends in HRM practices that were not included in the write-up?
      Since I’m not really aware of new trends in HRM, I don’t have any additional trends to add in the write-up. However, what I learned from this article is my current employment status is considered as “freelancing”, I’m currently connected to an LGU as project consultant, at the same time project engineer for a construction firm, and having engineering consultancy for private individuals. This type of employment status is made easier because of another trend in HRM, flexibility in work location /time.
      2. What are the trends that are happening today relative to managing the HR in the organization.
      What is trending today is the remote workers and flexible work time/location. In the LGU due to the pandemic, skeletal work force is applied, to reduce the number of employees present at a certain office to provide social distancing and not to halt government services and transactions. However in the infrastructure sector, the work progress has been delayed due to the cut back of construction workers allowed on site. The HR solution was to employ multiple skilled worker, instead of just one specific skill example, a skilled Mason who is also a skilled tile setter, or a carpenter who is also a welder.

  28. Mitchell Escabillas

    With the globalization and changes in technology, it gives challenges to human resource management and new perspective on how to handle employess and how the hiring process will be. As industries and technology evolve, new generation of workforce entering and globalization creates competition,it will the human resource management issue that will make or break the company

  29. Arissa Ina Claur

    Indeed change is constant and inevitable. The role of the human resources has been evolving for some time and this article has covered pretty much what those shifts and changes are on the current time. As a Human Resource Management student, it is important to figure out as early as now the changing trends on the industry to better strategize and come up with the best plan to maximize my role to help deliver organizational excellence to the company I’ll be working with. I believe we, the HR, should be a catalyst of continuous transformation- creating processes and a culture that can help develop a company’s capacity for change.

    I’ve noticed a huge shift on the freelancing/ remote hiring/ globalization and I believe that this is the future of the workforce. It has its pros and cons but as a freelancer myself, I’m leaning towards the more positive side as being able to set my own hours really help me become more productive.

  30. Kent Juneil Padrinas

    Reading the article as a freelancer gave me a better understanding on the new trends in the workplace, I am able to relate on multiple points of the article mainly from 3 5 and 10. I am a freelancer that works from home and we were selected based on the skill sets that we possessed.

    I used to work in an office based environment and shifting to a remote home based job, I can definitely see the shift in the trends and with how fast technology is advancing we can definitely learn allot from the article if we apply this in our recruitment process in our local companies. Working for offshore clients shows how much these trends applied and put to good use from leading countries and our country can definitely learn from these trends and apply them locally.

  31. Rudyla Fabelena

    Good article! Thanks to the author. This will really help me as an HR student, I’ve chosen this career and will be dealing with all kinds of employees in the future. I realized that HR Management is a continuous studies and fashion, we should not be stuck with just one old strategy but continue to go with the trend to be successful. The fundamentals of what works and what does not will still remain the same but continuing to predict new trends will transform the workplace.

  32. Joerina Guotana

    This article is so timely especially that today companies feel the need to establish themselves as brands which are high in demand to work for and social media is one the best option. The two way communication that social media facilitates makes it possible for a company to forsee the results of their branding activities in a much better way. I agree that structure perks and bonuses impacts employee’s lives. This made employees more motivated as they’re looking forward into something everytime they’ll have their salary and this indeed is a wiser route chosen by companies now a days. Millennials are really taking over because they are not after balance but more after flexibility and ability to design and decide the balance for themselves.

  33. Victor Y. Lee, JR.

    As an HR student, this article simply helped me understand the difference of the requirements and expectations between the baby-boomers and the Gen Zers. Which clearly mentioned the most effective requirements that are applicable in today’s world, the “computer/digital” generation. Yes, more often than not the ideal candidates abilities and skills can’t be fully determined by their demographic data alone but by their skills and how can they be an asset in a specified workplace. This article really helpful because I have the knowledge of which candidates ill b going to choose. Candidates who best suit the position that my future company needs.

  34. Jay Rivera

    The realm of human resource has changed dramatically in the past decade, shaped by factors that include technological advances and a new generation of man power with very different perspective of what employment should look like.

    This article made me realize that the HR management should always be open to changes and creatively design an HR program from recruitment to employment process with the benefit of social media and other online platforms that will aide applicants and employers when it comes to cost and hiring the right people for the job.

    I can relate this to the company I’m currently associated. Our HR Administrator publishes online advertisement whenever they’re hiring for a certain post. They also do initial screening thru phone or online via Skype, which I believe very beneficial to applicants.

    As an aspirant Human Resource Manager this article also provided me insight and knowledge on how to become effective and efficient in this field someday.


    This article shows how and why work forces will continue to comprise the deffering attributes as well the advantage and disadvantage of human resource management. Company needs to deal with ageing workforce, they must attract, integrate and maintain on how employee adopt to the challeges and changes of the new technology. Being HR student this article is beneficial for the succession leadership planning is a great oppurtunity to bring in a leader multi-cultural employment pools as a rule of human resource has to venture new trends in order to remain relevant to the trend of the new generation.

  36. This article is really stating the fact now a days about the situation in the real world of getting/hiring a new employee and the process of it, and the actual situation inside the work place the comparison between young age and those who are in the middle and old age already when in comes on how they deal the work and how they do it.Sometimes the young one’s really knows how to play their cards. For those already in their old age it is very helpful that we high – tech technology right now to make it easy for them and to make the work faster. Reading with the parental leave this very important to the employees that has family already like if they have special occasion and emergency. and of course the number one motivation of all employees is the good salary.

  37. Manilyn T. Tero

    Reading the article has helped me realized some important matters to consider with regards to managing manpower. From the selection process, to hiring, up to maintaining productivity of a person in the organization. We do not concentrate to a single issue when managing our people. Like selection of the applicant, proper assignment in the organization to managed and utilized properly. We also need to consider and make sure that they get the benefits they deserve. Social Media as one of the tools to consider in the hiring process. Truly, adapting to THESE NEW TRENDS will help a lot for us new generation of HUMAN RESOURCE administrators

  38. Mariel M. Comawas

    As a student in HR this article is beneficial to me since It gives me insight if what Human Resource is all about.This article tells us that technology and demographic developments are some common trends.It also tells us that general trends are also with recruitment, performance management, and talent management.It also tells on how to properly recognized performers and how to compensate or compliment them.
    I can apply this on my workplace by being familiar on how and what HR deals with newer generation employees.

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