Globe Telecom is expecting a remarkable growth of home broadband adoption, as well as the steadily expanding average fixed broadband speed in the country. This is in response to the latest Akamai State of the Internet Connectivity report.

According to Martha Sazon, Senior VP of Globe at Home, the report validates Globe’s effort to continue enhancing the condition of the internet in the Philippines.She said, “Our initiatives are finally getting results and we foresee a more enhanced general internet experience moving forward as we continue with the active installation of leading edge network technology, as we move towards serving two million internet users in the year 2020 with high-speed internet”.

Globe internet at home users increased to 1.2 million in the first quarter of 2017, representing an 8.8% growth YoY. This is a consequence of its continuous push for budget friendly home broadband plans, with the bulk of users subscribing to a Globe At Home Plan 1299 at 10 Mbps. This is all part of the company’s aggressive move of creating an internet superhighway by setting up fiber optic cables in 20,000 barangays in the Philippines to bring speedy and more reliable internet access in about 2 million homes around the country.

Sazon stresses that while the internet at home adoption has been continuously improving, speeds over fixed-line remain a challenge, which leads Globe to increase network coverage and improve capacities for fixed-line and enhance overall state of internet in the Philippines. Our affordable home broadband plans will increase general broadband adoption.

Sazon also said that due to a history of lack of investment in the area of fixed broadband, little or no support from the government and permitting issues, the country remained dormant in terms of global average in terms of fixed broadband adoption and speed. “This leads the telco industry to catch up by addressing the big infrastructure gaps as compared with its Asian neighbors,” Martha said.

“Ever since Globe divert its focus to home broadband in 2016, the Philippines has seen great improvement in internet speed and adoption in comparison to the previous years” Sazon revealed. “Globe is now taking the lead in enhancing the internet at home in the country, as we did in mobile” Martha said.

Akamai Technologies reports for the first quarter of 2017 that the country exhibits significant progress in broadband speed and adoption.

In the report, the country’s average fixed broadband speed is up 20% QoQ and 57% YoY at 5.5 Mbps. The Philippines also leads the strongest growth in Asia Pacific region in terms of “above 4 Mbps connectivity adoption” at 39% adoption rate, increasing 26% QoQ and a robust 111% YoY.

Higher bandwidth adoption rates more than 300% from 2016. For above 10 Mbps connectivity adoption, the Philippines registered an 11% adoption, increased significantly by 55% QoQ and a remarkable 330% YoY. For 15 Mbps connectivity adoption rate, the Philippines registered a steady improvement at 3.6 % adoption, up 52% QoQ and 373% YoY.

Akamai emphasized that even though the country is one of the lowest rankings in the Asia-Pacific for the above metrics, the government’s announcement of the national broadband network in the first quarter suggests growth to the Philippines’s infrastructure in the coming years.

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