DIGITS Trading Corporation Success Story| Optimizing Business with Digital Solutions

DIGITS Trading Corporation Success Story| Optimizing Business with Digital Solutions

Glenn Ong, DIGITS Vice President for Customer Experience and Information Systems Management

DIGITS Trading Corporation Success Story| Optimizing Business with Digital Solutions

Do you know that one of the most successful tech giants in the Philippines today begins as a humble computer shop?

This is the story of DIGITS Trading Corporation which started as a small computer shop doing on the side as gadget assembling hub. Owned and managed by Charles Paw who started the business back in 2002. Armed with his passion and perseverance, he envisioned to become the top gadgetry hub in the country.

As he progress, DIGITS Trading Corporation diversifies into retailing by launching Beyond the Box. Beyond the Box is a Reseller of Apple Premium as well Authorized Service Provider, and Digital Walker, which is the premier hub of gadgets and accessories in the Philippines.

Furthermore, DIGITS supplies to various dealers and large organizations like Globe, Lazada, and Astrovision.

Glenn Richmond Ong, DIGITS’ Vice President for Customer Experience and Information Systems Management said, “Reaching this level of success was quite challenging. We encountered several difficulties, the most challenging and so far the most ironic was the backlog in our technology.” He added, “ our cashiers were still using manual receipt and our IT Teams were receiving a lot of tickets a month regarding unstable internet connection.”

Realizing that internet connectivity was the most crucial of all the issues, they realized that it is a must for the company to invest in a stable and strong internet connection.

After a thorough study of the services offered by four vendors selling network connectivity, they finally decide to go for the solution offered Globe Telecom.

The Globe’s Managed Wi-Fi and wired connection were installed in their head office. Globe Telecom then took care of the process of network rehabilitation of the entire building.

After the installation, DIGIT’s also subscribed to many other digital solutions offered by Globe Telecom which include the following: service units relying on Globe postpaid, the use of G Suite (which Google hosts in partnership with Globe), and managed CCTV in their warehouses.

The effectiveness of these solutions was dramatically felt in the entire operation of the company. Glenn Richmond Ong stresses the “convenience” which the solutions brought to the operation of the company. He added, “I only had to speak to one company, and they were able to provide a lot of different solutions that really helped us. It is very evident that our employees are very happy now.I guess it’s our way of changing the culture. For how do you live out a digital lifestyle, when you as a digital company – within your company you are not digital yet?”

Indeed, more than anything, it is actually having a good and reliable connection of internet which works dramatically for the employees and owners of DIGITS’.

This development at DIGITS’ created a sense of assurance for the company that each time they work on something, the effort and time they invested will not go to waste. Glenn added that the solutions provided by Globe have indeed increased their productivity. DIGITS’ is also thinking of optimizing through digitization their other business operations.

“It all starts with having internally happy employees, ” Glenn says, stressing that everyone around them deserves to be catered to -not only the final customers but also the employees, whom he considers internal customers. “That’s why I’m concentrating on providing a solution to the head office’s pain points. I believe that If our employees are happy, they will also give out better outputs. Finally, this will positively customers who are visiting our stores with the good service they receive from us.”

More than just technology, we need to address and cater to our human capital that makes digitization effective. Glenn recalls how some DIGITS’ employees weren’t tech-savvy before utilizing these solutions and how he trained these employees to use solutions like G Suite and a Managed Wi-Fi system.

“At DIGITS’ technology just helps efficiency, it’s the people that is more important for us,” he says. “ Any company will only blaze a trail if they have the right people, combining it with the right process and coupling it with good and appropriate technology.”

Glenn’s advice to other businesses looking into digital solutions, he is encouraging them to think out of the box and be open to new things. Some people can become resistant and narrow-minded once they are asked to invest in something, so he encourages them to take a look and find out how even expensive products can help their businesses.

“If we try to be open about what’s new and always on the lookout for tools that can help us be more efficient, we’ll have a culture where people are always hungry for innovation,” he says.
Taking a page from DIGITS founder Charles Paw’s book, he also states that business owners shouldn’t be afraid of failure, as mistakes are something anyone can learn from and improve on.

“Finally, its is imperative to concentrate on your employees, the people whom you work with. Know their needs, understand the things that will inspire them and always seek for feedback. These things, he says, were the key to DIGITS’ success.


  1. so bakit mabagal pa rin ang globe?

  2. The key to his success is his love for his employees. I love this success story and he nail it. Employee are important and when you work for someone who cares, you do you job the best.

  3. Awesome and well written post. I’m not too business savvy but I do work in Human Resources and know how important it is to keep up with technology and the constant growth it has. Thank you for sharing!

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