4 Of The Coolest Things We’ll Do In Virtual Reality

4 Of The Coolest Things We'll Do In Virtual Reality

4 Of The Coolest Things We’ll Do In Virtual Reality

Virtual reality can be a tricky technology to follow, because it’s spread over so many devices, industries, and concepts. Granted, most of the attention goes right to gaming, and it’s fair to look to this area for changes that will impact the technology’s overall evolution. But if you’re really interested in how you might one day be using VR (and possibly quite soon), it helps to expand your horizons. These are just four of the coolest ways in which people will likely be using VR sooner rather than later.

1. Arcade Gaming

There is more and more news coming out about public arcade venues seeking to help virtual reality break into the mainstream. The idea is simple: headsets are expensive, and the most convincing VR experiences require space for movement, and sometimes additional equipment. Public arcades solve these problems by providing high-end equipment and open space specifically designed for gaming. It may well be that periodically paying for some time in a VR arcade is ultimately more appealing to consumers than buying expensive home headsets. Thus, it seems fairly likely that in the near future we’ll actually go back to gaming arcades as we did in the ‘80s and ‘90s, just to experience the best in VR.

2. Sports Viewing (& Betting)

Spectatorship and betting on sports actually comprise major industries that are already more dynamic than many assume. The days of watching sports on cable and calling in to a sportsbook are on the way out. Nowadays people get a lot of their sports through online streaming, and betting platforms adopt the most up-to-date software and features to provide smooth, interactive environments. It’s likely that sports fans in the near future will be able to enjoy all of this together through VR. Combining streaming with interactive digital features, we’ll be able to view contests from all angles and possibly place bets or view statistical information in digital formats before our eyes, in real time.

3. Exercise

Just as VR arcades are providing public spaces for people to enjoy VR games, gyms may do the same. There are already several exciting examples of large pieces of equipment designed for full-body VR activity. For instance, you might climb into an apparatus face-down and suspended above the ground and then manipulate that apparatus to simulate flying in a VR program. On the surface it looks like it’s just for fun, but some of these experiences will stretch and work a full range of muscles such that they function as effective workouts. Don’t be surprised if the near future of exercise has a lot of overlap with VR developments.

4. Location Scouting

This can (and will) actually mean a lot of different things. Most notably, VR will allow us to travel around the world seeing new places and in some cases interacting with famous landmarks and similar attractions. Discovery and Google have already teamed up on an exciting program that will facilitate these activities. However, the broader concept of scouting out locations in VR can also be put to use in other ways. We’ll have the chance to tour houses through VR real estate apps, students will be able to virtually visit prospective colleges, etc. This could actually become one of the bigger uses for VR in the near future.


  1. This is really great! I have never tried this before, but it looks like something I would enjoy learning more about! Thanks!

  2. Erfem Donasco

    The use of VIrtual Reality in institutions to interact with their clients in new and interesting ways will help them to stand out among their competitors. Teaching your customers about the products you offer in more noteworthy detail while you engage them with Virtual Reality is surely an edge.

  3. Mark Gadayan

    A one of a kind invention. People were very lucky of such invention because there are many things that we can probably do thru virtual reality.
    People do not anymore need to build, build and build structures. Instead, an open field may already do. Added by this Virtual Reality, wow! It is already business.
    Someday how i wish when i already put up my restaurant business, i can also use this virtual reality. I can already imagine how wonderful it is that while you eat, you have a lot of location to choose. You can choose to eat in a beach, near a waterfall, or anyplace you like. Sounds funny but it will surely click, i believe so.

  4. lanie mae de los reyes

    Indeed technology surprised us again with its new different inventions that can change the way we do things as we usually do it like the Virtual Reality which for me is very interesting because you can experience things and places as if you are in the real place and time. Virtual Reality can be a big help to every businesses because it can make marketing very convenient not only for the business owner but also for the customers. Like in tourism, travelers can experience the place they want to visit without visiting it yet which can actually make them more excited to visit the said place or tourist spot and this can be a best basis in doing itineraries. Through VR also prospect investors can have a chance to tour to the said house or property that they are interested to buy or the broker is offering to them, it can be of big help in real estate business. This is another technological advancement that businesses can use to attract more customers and investors.

  5. Marianne Trexie T. Bathan

    It’s business made easy with virtual reality. Introducing a tourist destination through VR is way better than reading articles about the place. People will be able to see what they’re about to get and they will virtually experience it. In a real estate transaction, VR can be used to offer great deals without going to the actual site. Through this new technology, any business can save so much time and effort because it’ll be more convenient and efficient for both parties, the customer and the business. If you’re into these businesses , you may consider acquiring VRs as investments. Virtual reality will eliminate some costs that may be incurred to introduce a product, destination or something that you want to market. If there’s benefit over costs, so try this new technology.

  6. Lemon Grace Ratone

    In the advent of numerous technological advancement, it is important to stay up to date and be innovative to grab hold in this fast paced-industry. One of these advancements is the Virtual Reality which offers a lot of benefits to business. As to Tourism, VR could be an effective way of marketing the services and amenities offered by allowing the client to virtually tour and experience it. This technology intensifies the excitement of the traveler to experience it because of the emotions and connection triggered by VR. As to production, VR increases the potential efficiency and safety. This allows the identification of congestion, maximize efficiency and reduce waste before actual work begins and provides safety and quality production through identification of potentially hazardous maneuvers. Which can be great cost saving method. As to Real Estate, VR is the perfect medium for marketing. It provides convenience and faster transaction to both the agent and the client. It will be easier for the client to scout and look for the perfect location that suits him without spending so much time and effort. Thus, Virtual Reality is a great edge in the business for marketing and efficiency.

  7. Jholina B. Indac

    Virtual reality an amazing invention in different field like business , medical and many more. A technology that you can feel exciting and feeling that you are in real situation that really attract customers visual. On another hand virtual reality can help tourism industry through they can see the real beauty of one place, let them be excite to experience the chosen destination and can attract more customers.
    Virtual reality is very useful in real estate industry because it’s easy to improve their business the growth of sales qouta, delivering good customer satisfaction by demonstrating to the client without traveling to the site area. VR can tour you anytime without living a home.An advantage also to the clients they don’t have to travel anymore by choosing a unit just one click away in the internet, less expenses and less effort.

  8. Geiczar Ross D. Real

    In the context of globalization, technology is the primary indicator of success and failure. With its fast changing nature, the concept of virtual reality is introduced. Virtual reality is a concept of technology that is completely saturating the user from the real world and allowing user to be in a synthetic environment.
    The drawback on this kind of technology is its application on the real world and the cost of equipment. Accuracy should be the primary priority in order to make minimal difference in the virtual environment and in the real world.

    1. Industries like tourism and real estate can be the most beneficial since landscape architectures and infrastructure design can be made on a virtual environment. These will provide convenience to the architects’ and engineers’ planning and implementation processes.
    2. In terms of production, virtual reality can make manufacturing plants and factories designed for a specific line of products and might able to test such products and reducing the risk of making actual products and developing it. Also, virtual reality can design a product and make it function.
    3. The use of the virtual reality in the field of medicine is having a medical application such as surgery operation, transplants and other medical activities.
    4. A businesses’ human resources can utilize the virtual reality as a part of their training course to lessen direct and indirect labours and costs in the long-run.
    5. In the area of logistics, this can simplify and can address problems and bottlenecks in the delivery and simplification of the logistic systems of the business whether it may be on terrestrial, fluvial, maritime and aerial domains.

    Using virtual reality entails a cost-efficient and cost effective means of developing current and existing products and/or creating a new line of service and/or product. This concept of technology reduces the risk of having a tech-run or reducing the cost of making an actual product or service. It is really with great joy that these kinds of discoveries were designed to make people’s life easy and more convenient.

  9. Gene Claude Mapa

    The creation of virtual reality has been one of the main reasons why a business enterprise experience success. It is one of the significant tools which can be used by businesses to attract customers. Virtual reality can be used in the field of research, medical studies, entertainment and etc. Through virtual reality, educating a person will be easy and comfortable. Let‘s take for example on the case of a driving school in which they can use virtual reality by driving in virtual roads. Medical students can easily study and understand the human anatomy. In tourism, we can travel in some of the realistic world. Intervention of human resources is also vital in implementing virtual reality in business. Exploring the trend of this technology is an advantage on the part of the company; they can use this in giving a trademark to the company. Virtual reality will be a helpful for employees in being engaged to the virtual world which they can be expert to a particular field. The use of virtual reality brings convenience to everyone. Always use this for the advantage of everybody which can help the stakeholders achieve their goals.

  10. Gekka Kaye Eusebio

    Virtual reality in Today’s generation is so popular and for the business to invest on it is an advantage. Having only a virtual space, you’ll be able to attract clients all over the world. Also, with the use of VR, you can have no cost of presenting your ideas and thus it will help the business operations and generate income. It will also save you from having lots of equipment in the workplace for having only the necessary equipment to VR. In the field OF tourism, you can tour the clients around the world in your office. Thus offering the Client a one OF a kind Service. In all aspects, you can have virtual meetings to the Client from other places without leaving the office and can save your resources. By VR, you can present architectural portfolio or your real estate outlook to the clients with your own design and presenting it easily without actually in the site. By having VR equipment, you can be cost-effective, improving customer experience and offer a convenient alternatives to clients in all aspects. By the advance Technology and evolution of VR, this could be the next thing to the Business industry and I look forward to this.

  11. Ma. Celina Venus-Mijares

    Virtual reality the vivid perspective of how things appear as they are. It would surely be helpful in some industries like real estate, tourism and production. Using production as example it happens when there is product to produce and be sold to the market. ” How is it done?” ” What are the raw materials used?” ” How careful is the process so we can make sure that product is durable?” Be mindful of these questions when clients pave your way. Through virtual reality we can be able to show through a simplified virtual representation of each step a product has undergone before it fully reach its final state. Some clients may dont exactly know what they want and need, showing macro and micro details of the product would definitely help them choose. This could also serve your market positioning that makes you different from any other competitors


    With the fast changing new breeds of technology that are coming today, virtual reality or augmented reality is probably the most effective business tool any business owner can utilize. Virtual reality maybe expensive nowadays but business owners can probably lose some to gain more ESPECIALLY when it comes to marketing their products and services. Virtual reality can be applied to any of your needs, like letting your customers have an interactive experience of the products that your company sells. When you are also into production, virtual reality can also be used in prototyping the product you are formulating and then get information on what to do and not to do’s at the beginning of the process. which If you are into real estate, you can allow your potential buyers to have a tour of the houses/villages through a virtual environment and let them have the feel of the surroundings. This will increase the curiosity of the people and potential buyers will more likely increase due to this high end technology that your business has. Virtual reality or augmented reality can also be an advantage if you’re into tourism or if you own a beach resort or any tourist attraction for that matter because through this technology, you can have 3D maps of what a particular place looks like, add bits of trivia and history of the place and eventually attract tourists to come and experience the attraction in person.
    Today’s virtual reality can be associated with VR goggles but with continuous research and technological advancements, we can expect that these gadgets will be more convenient and more useful for all.

  13. Ronald Ross L. Lubiano

    The word “Virtual Reality” itself is self explanatory. Anything can be made or replicated in the virtual world. It wont be long until companies will start to create a virtual office for its employees. Work from home, no travel time, less personnel, these are just a few of the benefits of the virtual world. “Virtual Office” the new image of “work from home”.

  14. Jasmin G. Gura

    Virtual reality = “Magic”. The tremendous development of technology is truly remarkable. Integrating virtual reality on the business or any endeavor is very helpful. On tourism, using virtual reality is very heplful in allowing potential clients to catch a glimpse of their projected destination. By the virtual reality, this could help in attracting people to go and visit places all over the world.This also would help in enhancing travel experience.
    On real estate, virtual reality can help potential investors to view properties even on a far away area. By using the virtual reality, this could allow potential investors to have a wide scope of being familiar of its projected property to invest by changing the time and the weather of the day. Also, this is helpful in better construction management of the property. With all of these, virtual reality helps real estate to entice and attract potential customers leading to a greater profit.

  15. Regine Ann F. Estimada

    The birth of virtual reality brought upon new and exciting experience for those who tried it. With the use of a headset, you will get to experience a different world which they referred to us a stimulated environment created by the inventor. With this advance technology it will make the experience more fun; virtual reality can be used for tourism by inputting the particular place that you want to market and give the near reality experience to the public, to give them a glimpse and entice them to visit the place for a better and realistic experience.
    It can be used as a tool for trainings; by inputting the process flow of the company and let its worker or even new investors to experience the whole process for better understanding and knowledge of the company’s production.
    For real estate it is a creative way to entice customers to purchase a house because they have a better visual of the property that you are selling.
    And with this kind of marketing it would be difficult for competitors to copy your ideas because the stimulated environment is limited only to the people who have seen it and its more of private way of marketing your products.

  16. Glyziel Z. lambating

    It’s really amazing how our technologies are improving. Kudos to those who invented this, by putting their imagination into reality. The first time i heard about virtual reality was during the launching of media-tech business of a local celebrity and it really got my attention how this VR works. It completely blocked you from your actual surroundings and immerse you entirely into a different reality.
    Due to new trends in technology and fast changing market, virtual reality can be very useful to tourism industry. They can easily market their place because tourist can have an idea of what they can actually experience in a specific place. It could probably increase the willingness of a tourist to visit the place since they can have a 360 degree experience of the place.
    In the field of production, VR can be very helpful in creating a better product that meets the needs of every consumers. Production team can use VR to check errors and other issues in their products. Production employees can also be trained using VR.
    As to real estate, you can present the property you are selling without an actual visit of the site. You can save time and it can give an excitement to your potential buyer since he/she can see what the place you are selling really look like. They can roam around the property without spending so much time and effort. It would be easier for the realtor to sell a property since using VR, possible buyer can design the place or can think of possible designs. Realtors can also present different properties without actually bringing the buyers to the site. Virtual reality experience are more interesting for buyers than looking at a magazine or pictures. They can already see the exterior and interior designs of houses/condominiums that are not yet built to have a clear look of what is being offered to them.

  17. Krizah Ann T. Ramos

    I had never known such things and innovation of technology exist. It is good to know that as time goes by people are also improving not just the way they live their life but as well how to make things work.
    In the area of tourism, through the use of VR the scope on how you market a certain place or locale would be made more possible and accessible in such a way that you could market it by not only showing it to people on pictures of booklets or magazines, but it gives you the feels being immersed in it.
    As to production VR will give a perspective as to how the product would look like in a real life scenario. It give the people the chance and capacity to explore what just visible to the naked eye, but could experience it.
    As to real estate, People will have an opportunity to specifically see and locate the facade may it be a house, a building or the estate itself in a way that is somewhat closer to what is real and visible. Sometimes its good not just to see things,but its also good to feel it and that you are really there and you would know the feeling, how it would look like , and what could you adjust and foresee. And this are just the few things VR technology could help with ease and with regards to the choices and experience they would make.

  18. Joshua Japitana

    As what Albert Einstein said, your imagination will take you everywhere. With virtual reality, what seems impossible can be made possible. What we think is unreachable can be made reachable. And what we once perceived as unattainable can be made attainable.

    Virtual Reality has a lot of possitive outcomes and can be both advantagous in the field of tourism and real estate. VR offers you an experience almost similar to an actual environment. It will give you a close to reality or the same feeling of being in a certain place or environment without actually being there. Promoting tourisim and real estate this way can hype the excitement of possible tourists in visiting the actual place. Because of VR, possible tourists will be more thrilled to experience the feeling of sand on their toes while they chase the big waves, or to be able to smell the beautiful flowers they just once saw in Virtual.

    In the field of real estate, imagine being able to present the property to the client without an actual site visit. We should remember that time is money and every second counts. Clients are usually busy and do not have time to go to long distance places to visit the site just to actually check it. With VR, we can cut the distance, cross boundaries and save our clients precious time and effort. All we have to do is let him use a VR device and voala!, he can now see the property without actually being there. He can even try to change the paint color of the property according to his taste and specifications.

    VR gives our clients a preview of what they can possibly experience in the most prestige and eminence way possible.

    Gone are the days of limits and boundaries for we are now entering a new era of advancements. We are now living in a world where we turn each opportunities to endless possibilities. So let us all take advantage of these technological discoveries so we can overcome bounderies and make ourselves limitless both in personal and professional aspects of ourlives.

  19. Donn Thaddaeus D. Coronado

    Virtual Reality (VR) offer a tangible experience to a customer to avoid unmistakable expectation to a particular place, they can see where they will go and see what’s occurring in that area particularly for the individuals who spend a sum for a visual visit. This item (VR) enables us to involve and view the said place (Hotels, Restaurants, Resort, Property and Attractions) from lobby, dinning and to bedroom, in this way the potential traveler may watch and figure out how the VR video helps them decide in purchasing the tours arranged by an entity (Travel and Tours, Office or Local Travel Center) rather than offering travel leaflet, magazines and pamphlets. The advantage of this is for us to convey a place that is untouchable however enabling them to appreciate and see it. Notwithstanding, on the business side all VR ought to be refreshed and updated to keep away from false notion and deluding the individual out of their desires and expectations.

  20. Jonathan Reeve B. Miranda

    Virtual reality is a trend nowadays. It excites me to think that even if something is far away from you or you want to do will be available to see right away in the way of using Virtual Reality.
    In the field of tourism, people will always have the urge or interests in seeing what the place or the environment looks like. With the help of virtual reality, it will be easy for resort owners or other businesses to market their place because people can have a glimpse of how it feels to be in a place they have never been before and the experience that they expect to happen when the time comes to be in the exact place.
    Virtual Reality is very useful for real estate because it would be easy to market the product or houses that the real estate agents sells to their clients. Clients will have the opportunity to easily see or roam around the house that they want to buy through the use of virtual reality and not spending much time to travel just to see the house.
    For me Virtual Reality will be some of the necessary tool in the future in the field of business because it would help the business to make the marketing job easy and attractive to customers.

  21. I have already seen and used VR with some of my real estate clients. It is really incredible to be able to virtually walk through a home and see key points.

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