Develop Your Brand with These Effective Strategies

In a vast sea of brands which are fighting to be on top—or, at least, afloat—many who dared try to join the crowd had sunk in defeat and, many, barely hanging. Being a starting company, after all, has a relatively high risk of not getting the right traction to pursue their business.

If only these startup companies had known the crucial element of branding, perhaps things may have been far less grim.

But branding itself is no simple process. Get it right, however, and your business will be heading at the right direction. Let us take a look at these tried-and-tested strategies that make branding a part of the key to success for any business:

Know Your Competition

It is already a given that many companies are oftentimes a replica of other pre-existing businesses that had found their place in the market. Call it copycatting, but the reality is that not many people are very creative when it comes to business and, oftentimes, those who do, have a dedicated R&D team for it. As such, many businesses competing for the same line of service is all too common and unsurprising.

If your business falls into this same situation, chances are your competitors are not far and between. Rather, they are close and aplenty.

One way of distinguishing your brand apart from the rest and make it stand out is to understand who your competitions are and what they do better than your business. Knowing this, the next logical step is to amp up your playing field to surpass that of your competitors.

Identify the Purpose of Your Business

Earning revenues to make a business grow is a very cliché reason why many companies engage in business the way they do. If this is the sole reason why your business operates, you are not entrenching your brand to a more meaningful cause. For example, wanting to become the household name for a special quality service or even helping the community or the rest of the world make better.

Yes, earning revenues for your company does help you improve your life as its owner and the people you employ for its operations, but there is more to just earning money that makes a business all worth it. Take it as adding more substance to your business than just money-making.

Believe me, when I say this, people who perceived your brand as inherently helpful to society are more than willing to support its growth and, therefore, propagate its goals to many others.

Self-identify your Business

You know what makes a company separate from the others apart from just name? It’s identity.

When you speak of identity in relation to business, you talk about its three crucial elements: mission, vision, and values.

The mission is knowing what your business hopes to accomplish and enacting the necessary steps to get it there. Vision, on the other hand, is framing a picture of how you see your business in future time. Lastly, values concern about embodying the right principles which serve as a pipeline towards a certain direction.

Involve your Manpower

Large companies invest money by delegating the branding of their business to a specific group of people, known as the advertisers or public relations department. But if you are a small company who could use every little help you could get in letting your business’ brand known, your overall employees make for an untapped resource for branding.

But, even the little things that your employees do is a kind of branding by itself which thus puts to another critical element about letting your business known. If your employees are level-headed and demonstrate the characteristics of an upright person, it gives an overall impression that the workplace is good as well. Again, this might also boil down to the company’s imposed values which are reflected in the people under its payroll.

Business Motif

A business image is more than just the characters that appear on its label or the picture of its logo, the real picture of a business is depicted by how its clients perceive it. You know that your business is developing itself to be good when your customers see it in a positive light, whether specific or general.

Question yourself this, “What does my client think of when they see my company’s name or logo?” If the answer to this question is generally pleasant, then you know your business is shaping up well to engage in the trade.

Know Where your Business Stands

There is no law which prohibits entrepreneurs to engage in as many businesses as they want to be given the capitalistic nature of trade, but this much freedom does not guarantee success for all business risk-takers. While a handful of companies—now giant in stature—were able to find success in broad dealings in trade, such growth did not necessarily happen everything during the early years of their engagement in commerce.

If you are a startup, you are better off finding your proper placement in the business first and entrench your brand in it by providing the best quality product or service. It is far better to fail on one thing you know you are very good at instead of failing on multiple ventures which you cannot handle all at once from the start. But, then again, failing should not be the right mindset for it but rather a success.

Formulate its Story

No good company is ever worth mentioning without a story of how it came to be from the start. Just look at the many large conglomerates that are still standing to this day after decades of active dealings with their trade—all of them has a story to tell that inspires many to this day.

For instance, Honda Motor Company, Ltd. was a story of a company which was conceived by a passionate and talented mechanic from a humble family who built his own rendition of a motor. Nowadays, this auto-manufacturing company stands as one of Japan’s most successful brands in the league of Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan, etc.



    Branding is important in every business because it’s one way of promoting your product in then business world.but their are things need to be consider in putting up a brand name that could be easily recognized and has an impact to the consumer.


    Branding is very important in a business wether big or small. For me, I will position my brand using the given strategies by creating or leaving a one of a kind image to the consumer’s mind. By creating a unique image it will give your business a major edge in increasing your possible market.

  3. I will position my brand by knowing my competition and formulating its story but of course i will try to use all the strategies given. All are big help for me to succeed on my business.

  4. Anne Margaret S. Salamat

    Branding is not just about a name, or a logo, but about the story it tells. The early years of a business is when its story is being created, and as the business grows, so is its story. The business that I chose is still in the process of creating its story, and still identifying where it will be best known for. I believe that in the next five to ten years, with the help of the marketing plan I’m about to make, its product will be known as the best in the industry and the story of how it happened will come alongside it.

  5. Juliet C. Padilla

    Given that the business I chose is still at its early days. It’s not that established yet this is from my personal opinion. I think a couple of these strategies will really be useful for my chosen company. Those strategies that will somehow fit for starters/new players in that particular field of business. I said a couple because I’m thinking why limit myself to one strategy when I can mix them up together and cover a much larger ground in terms of marketing my chosen company.

  6. Rhea Mae Ponclara

    Branding is the main factor that will help you succeed on your business. It plays a big role on how you can make your business work. I’ll position my brand by using all the strategies given. Making use of each strategies that was given above.


    Branding is one of the essential strategy in a business. As a marketer it is a challenged for me to really think outside the box and produce more and new ideas when it comes to branding, i have to stand out and be outstanding with my own plans. It will affect the goals of the business and how it would keep going and successful.


  8. Reina Leah E. Retita

    The key to ensure successful product positioning is to present my product in the most honest and impactful way possible.I need to capture customer’s attention and hold it.I need also to consider what they want,not their need.Value proposition,product segmentation and focusing competitive advantages are important as well to discover the valuable aspects of the product.

  9. Regie Pabalinas

    Real Estate in Bacolod is booming and definitely competition is tough. Branding is very important so our clients would be able to identify our company. Choosing our brand is a tough thing to do since we have to be very careful in every details to make sure that our brand carries the very sense of our company. It should show who and what our company is. Our brand would become our flagship, it represent our company to our clients. Having a good brand will secure your position in the market. #etteapMM2018

  10. Roberto T. Sumilang

    One major thing to consider in my chosen business for the marketing plan is to position its self-identity. Aiming the target requires self-positioning so it the strategies are streamlined and appropriated. The product and/or the brand chosen for the marketing plan needs to create that overarching idea of “who we are and what we have to offer”. This serves as a strong foundation so other elements of marketing plan is appropriate to the goals of marketing.


  11. Jennifer A. Pabriaga

    All given strategies are very helpful in promoting and maintaining the company’s brand. It is good to have these tips as a guide in making sure that the brand of my company will stand out. In positioning my brand, I will ensure to build a story based on the purpose of my business and what good people can get out of it, for consumers and also my workers. I will create a great brand that is more focused on the benefits of people and involvement of my employees.


  12. Judan Danico Rosal

    In business, working and earning is not enough. Business needs “BRANDING”. Branding a business makes a business big. When a business is making good profit, branding will bring more customer and more profit.

  13. Joe Marie Peñas

    I will put myself on my customers’ shoes. Since I am planning for a water refilling station business, I will ask myself on what will entice me as a customer. There are already a lot of water refilling stations everywhere and so, if i had to put another one as i plan, it has to be remarkable in all ways. I will make sure that once I get a new customer, they would get an incomparable experience. An experience that will make them invite everyone they know to go to us.

  14. Romel C. Parcon

    Brand Strategies this is how your customer perceive you as a company, products and services. This would be the guide to communicate and enlighten up your customers. For Business to be used, this would be a big help to have effective brand strategies to recognize your brand by having good quality work standard with outputs and inputs, even just a logo of my business. They would recognize as the most capable and most efficient provider for construction services and equip with knowledgeable manpower who are accountable, committed, dependable dedicated people with honesty and integrity in building long term relationship with the clients.


    In business field there is no doubt that there are some competition.We should monitor competition and control into it.Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business either large or small.It’s important to have a brand that will leave a big impact on people.A brand that they will remember.A brand that can offer them comfort and good value for their money.Branding strategies is important for me because,it helps me promote and make my business to be known. And also help me grow and gain profit.For me branding is the heart of the business.


  16. Ralph Daniel Portodo

    Branding itself will make your business known to others. It is the core and will lead your company into success. With great people and good customer service helps increase you business reputation as well. ETEEAP 2018 – SECTION C

  17. Jan Kevin Ordoñez

    A strong brand communication strategy is a long term investment. There are a variety of digital communication channels to choose from and selecting the right ones is as important as the content you share. The “attract, engage and convert” funnel won’t work if you’ll be trying to talk to your potential customers using the wrong platforms and wrong content. Customers are very demanding, price deals incentives and sales advertising are no longer effective. Not only do they turn out to be unprofitable, but these tactics do not deliver the value the authentic and customer-focused brands can deliver. Obviously, customers do not want to hear about things that are irrelevant to them. Digital noise made them very sensitive and self aware to the point.

  18. Nestlea Perez

    If I’m gonna position my brand using the given strategies,
    -I will make sure that my brand will stand out from other competitors.
    -My Brand will have it’s purpose.
    -Best customer service.
    -Share the humble beginnings of the business

  19. Dysan M. Rodriguez

    BUSINESS MOTIF-Business design is very important in branding your businesses
    it’s like a food that your eyes eats first. Cost of product or services is not only the
    factor in building a business one another factor is how it look to your client or let it say their first
    impression of your place specially when it comes to your name and logo of your businesses
    that can catch their attention in a split of seconds.
    #eteeapMM2018-Section C


    In positioning my brand of product, I need to specifically define first the identity of my brand as distinguished from other brands of similar nature in the market. I would love to consider my customers conscious mind when they hear about it. I would like to develop a brand that is worth the price and that the customer is satisfied for what they buy. Ensuring that my product has the quality and the best of the best. I will let them see and experience how my product is well developed. I can have also allow this to promote online in order to reach far customers. Let them feel free to contact me when they wanted to ask questions regarding of the product.


    In positioning my brand of product, I need to specifically define first the identity of my brand as distinguished from other brands of similar nature in the market. I would love to consider my customers conscious mind when they hear about it. I would like to develop a brand that is worth the price and that the customer is satisfied for what they buy. Ensuring that my product has the quality and best of the best. I will let them see how my product is well developed. I can have also allow this to promote online in order to reach far customers. Let them feel free to contact me when they wanted to ask questions regarding of the product.

  22. Jann Christine Tupas

    With my existing business, I really want to highlight the importance of giving good customer service experience. The manpower-customer relationship represents how our business values our customers. Customer service experience is also one way for people to know and appreciate your brand.

  23. Maria Carmila Sanchez

    Reading this through, it gave me more deeper understanding that putting up a business is not just about revenue. Our business must be something that will be relevant to the end user/consumer. With our “Organic Mushroom” business, we must maintain producing fresh and safe products for the consumers. With this startegies, it made me realize that it is not just about the product that we are producing. It is also about the planning on how you will work in keeping the business standing. And the people who will be our market.

  24. Almark A. Yonting

    Branding is one of the essential strategy in a business. As a marketer it is a challenged for me to really think outside the box and produce more and new ideas when it comes to branding, i have to stand out and be outstanding with my own plans. It will affect the goals of the business and how it would keep going and successful.

  25. Brand positioning has always had a big role in terms of business. There would be some steps required on how to obtain the said brand positioning. On the other hand, it helps your business to stay on track. Brand positioning also focuses on the impressions of consumers that your brand or product has the ability that suits their needs.
    Competitors might have similar brand positioning as yours, but if you focuses on the progress of your business and always on the right way. Your business will still continue to grow.

  26. Johnnalei A. Veñegas

    I would think of my brand name first, a brand name that has something to do with my product. A catchy brand name with only 3 syllables so it can be easily remembered. I am thinking to start an online business like a dollar store or peso store, but since you can no longer buy something good with a one peso bill. I was inspired to have an online store of items worth 100 pesos and below, so everything is below 100 pesos. Items are anything and everything under the sun, as long as it is below 100php.


    A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. But in marketing brand is more important because it is how people see you. Branding is like building relationship to your customers to gain their loyalty and to enhance the image of the company because we all know that a great brand leads to better customer loyalty.


  28. Beth Honey Sabanal

    Know your target customer. Identify your customer and know what they want to buy .A business needs a reason for their customers to buy from them and not their competitors.

    Promote your business. Establish your brand credibility until you prove that your brand is reliable and trustworthy. The best way to launch credibility is by presenting evidence.

    Identify your Competitors. Knowing the details of your competitors is one of the key to diverse your product positioning.


  29. Romilyn Vallecer

    Most of the people look for the brand of a product. When you are in business you have to identify if your brand to use is identity in the market because branding will promote your own product.

  30. Aljon Talacay

    With all the brands existing in the market, the challenge is always on how you can make a difference or at least be comparable to others. I will make sure that my brand is not just about creating the outside picture of the business but also the great experiences of my customers. I want to build the trust which later can be the asset of letting the people know why they should choose me among others. On top of it is to maintain the quality of the products/services being provided as it would also add an impression to the customers. I know it’s a long way to go but ensuring that I have enough understanding of my competitors, clear identification of my goals and instilling confidence to my customers I am positive that I can stand in the competition. #eteeapMM2018

  31. Fritz G. Rendon

    Brand/Product strategy is a long process to achieve a specific goal.Identify the target customers and enhance good communication with them.Determine what do I need to do to reach that position on my product.I need to create something different even my product has something in common with my competitors.Develop a unique taste to be more competitive.


    Owning a brand name is not just easy it also creates business image. You must know how to handle and know how your competitor run their own business. More important in a business is how people recognized your brand name in which includes the service and the good quality of products offer. You recognized not only on the attractiveness of your business logo installed and market in social media but they recognized your business firm because they really appreciate how you value your customers, treat them well and make their every moment special. Through this customer creates a referral where in your good service be known in your community and some other places. They might also think and convinced other to try how unique and unpaired from others and how you treat your customers in a best way that sure create a good impact. By that , you have no worries about your competitors .

  33. Aileen Kris Villar

    In the business world, there should be effective strategies in order to maintain your brand. Any kind of strategies is a long-term goal and must be planned properly. In order to position the brand, you must think of an effective way for you to stand out. A business must have its own story and uniqueness. Think of a business that you love, include the location, your target market, involving the people who works for you and a lot more.

  34. That was a helpful article, thank you.

  35. Its only over the past few years that I learned how important branding is. It’s constantly something I’m thinking about.

  36. Denise Tabaculde

    Branding strategy is a long-term goal, which needs to be planned thoroughly in order for a business to have a sustainable growth. Setting a brand name for a business is setting your identity to the market which means your business is identifiable as you and not nor like as your competitors. It is standing out from the crowd and letting the people know who and what does the business do without telling them.
    Branding strategy is important in creating a marketing plan, the reason is to help in identifying the brand positioning of the business to other competitors, clarifying the goals of the business, and also in developing the target market of the business.

  37. Mauro Tyron U. Ubamos

    Behind every successful Brand is person with a creative mind, always optimistic,risk taker, and quitting is not an option.
    Creating your own Brand is not easy, there are so many different Brands same products/services, wanting your Brand to stand out, you have to make more efforts like good services and good quality of products, compiting with others in business is natural you just have to find ways to make yours different to others and always think for new ideas it really helps alot.

  38. Nicka R. Gaudia

    Branding stands as an identity and image of the business hence, it is the first thing that a potential client acknowledges. It captivates the client’s attention even before he/she experiences your product or service. It also tells about the authenticity and uniqueness of the business. Because of its authenticity and uniqueness, branding also sets as an edge to your competitors because it edifies what you can offer to your clients and differs it from that of the competitors’. Furthermore, popularity of the brand depends on the creativity of the business owner in formulating the brand name. It must be catchy, easy to remember, and correlates to the product and or service offered.
    In connection with our marketing plan, branding is also one of the factors to be measured in order to know the effectivity of your strategies. A good brand name sets a good recall to the clients.

  39. Raylene Tenerife

    Branding plays a vital role in one’s business .A reflection of company’s status depend on how the Entrepreneurs put up their brand with passion and efficiency. By then, customers build trust to company when they know that the brand provides a credibility and honesty to them.Branding provides a better future in ones company wherein its emphasizes through Logo and Advertising, through this, customer creates a referral wherein the Brand of the company will be known to someone that will surely create a buzz and good impact. A strong Branding will help against future competitors who will put a similar business assures.


    The motivation behind doing a Branding in business is to be determine and recall easily in market by identifying its best and expertise in specific industry coupled with a genuine History (consumer’s basis) so that employees, investors , customers and consumers will persuade to patronize and promote the product/service thru word of mouth by trusting the management that they really got a best rock in town. To name a few of this locally were MARGIE’S Hopia, SANDOK’S KBL, BONGBONG’S PIAYA and a lot more, and by doing specialize product/service it made the business known and prominent. However, the negative effect of this is the weight that they have to keep up and maintain including the quality and all the promises they guarantee to dodge all false expectations, therefore thorough research is expected to create and enhance the product/service in responding to a stiff competition. In line with a marketing plan it will most likely add significance to the lives of all stakeholders. Bottom-line, A great brand always not speak for its product/service alone but for the difference it conveys to the workers, environment and its stakeholders as well.

  41. Czarina Theresa D. Majumot

    Branding is a way customer distinguish a product. Branding can recognize through company’s reputation, advertisement, and logo. It is also ways to recognize the product of the consumers. Combining branding to our marketing plan helps us connect to our potential customers and to build awareness to engage customers to do business with us.

  42. Reymie M. Grijaldo

    Branding is absolutely needed in any business establishment. The relevance of it is of course it may help customers identify and recognize your product to any other competitors that offers the same as what you offer. Branding is not only about its name, trademark or logo but it is also about offering products with high quality standard that may have a great effect to the business’ reputation. Well, a product can be duplicated freely by your competitors but a brand cannot be duplicated nor deceived or cheated. If branding strategy is effecient and effective it may easily remember by your target market. If I’m going to use branding strategy to my marketing plan, I will make sure that I’m going to design an effective image for my product to induce more customers.

  43. Leah Rose Gacuma

    Competition is elsewhere especially in the business world in order to keep the business stand out from the rest, savvy branding is necessary. It keeps the product, service, or an organization distinct among its competitor. It is the totality that describes the image of a business. It embodies the strengths, values, and characteristics; And how it wanted to be perceived by the market. After reading the article, I have learned that applying efficient branding strategies in a business especially for neophyte entrepreneurs and small business owners is essential, and must be thoroughly formulated and implemented because successful product identification will lead you to strong business reputation and this is how the market will build their trust on the product.

  44. BRANDING IS NECESSARY FOR ANY BUSINESS FOR SUCH A REASON THAT it promotes to your own product as well as recognition for stands out in your marketing plan. Another thing also it sets your business to be apart on the competition because it set to be your original standard or no replication to your business it also values a strong reputation to your business and gives a development also to your marketing plan.


    Creating a BRAND also means creating an image for your business. It is a strategy of how we want the customers to have that positive perception. Branding is a long term marketing promotion if done right. As an example, Starbucks remained to be at the top of the coffee business for over 47 years and has established an image of quality coffee and excellent service standards. Because of this success in branding, there are many loyal and die-hard fans of the coffee chain even if the news of the “Rat inside coffee” incident uproared in 2016.

    Branding can either destroy or build a business, that is how critical and important it is.

  46. Mel Rose S. Sumugat

    Branding is more important than an attractive or memorable logo. Branding is everything. It gives customers an idea of what the business is about, what are the products that they’re selling, and even how is it different from any other businesses. Branding together with an attractive logo helps increase the business’ reputation. It can also attract new customers. Once the brand of a business is already strong and consistent, the customers will become loyal to it and word of mouth will help the business in terms of advertising. Lastly, branding improves confidence and pride of the employees. Employees need some motivation to work hard. If they are aware that the business’ brand is well-respected, they will give their best everyday to help the company achieve its goal and they will be satisfied and happy with their job.

    I can integrate it in our marketing plan by:

    Having a clear mission and vision since we will be the one to make it because the restaurant that we chose has no mission and vision.
    Come up with an improved logo and tag line.
    Know and evaluate the SWOT of the restaurant in order for us to come up with a solutions or ideas on how to make it competitive and stand out among competitors.
    Determine and understand ideal buyers or target market in order for us to to propose and improve menus to meet their preferences.

  47. Mary Grace G. Maleriado

    Branding is very necessary in every business especially with the stiff competition in the industry,that your product even though how unique it is, it can be easily replicated in a short period of time. Through branding you set your business at par from the rest. Branding sets a distinct image about your company to be the customers”top of mind” when it comes to your line of product or services.
    Thus, this is one of the major consideration in having or in doing marketing strategies. Hence, this should be integrated in marketing plan.
    Branding must be a major consideration in creating marketing strategies because it should match with the image that company would like to portrait and convey to its market from getting the brand ambassador to the form and flatforms of your advertisements. It must jive and in accordance with branding you wish to be the top of mind of your markets..

  48. Elizabeth O

    I think you gave some really great advice here that will help a lot of people out. Branding is really important as it shows people/customers exactly who you are so it is important to get it right.

  49. I am lucky to have figured out my BRAND a long time ago and have lived up to this brand since I figured it out. I love my brand, it’s 10000% my identity!

  50. Van Allain Cordero

    I never thought branding can be this complicated. Just imagine the things to consider before giving a name/brand to a company but once brand was properly introduced and placed it can never be forgotten with the proper service and products. This arricle let me think twice about Branding, never realized that this could also one of the factors to be successful in business.

  51. Jeri Mae Pabiona

    I love that this article enumerates how to keep your business alive. How your business would impact to people in a positive way; how to compete with competitors with humility; how it would uphold its purpose of serving; and how mission, vision and core values should be practiced. Branding your business would not only give impact to your customers, but also, it would give a sense of fulfillment behind your success in the future.

  52. Joenelyn Esquia

    “Branding” plays another dominant role in a business. It definitely increases the value of the business. It somehow not just easy as we thought. It should have also an intelligent market planning to be consider in developing our business brand. We need to take note that the name or design that will come up from our ideas will identifies and differentiates our product from the others. It will gives us a major edge in increasing competitive markets in this generation.

  53. Ma. Jasmin Bandria

    Upon reading this article, I think branding would be a challenge to every entrepreneur because you will not just put a name in a business but rather give an identity to it with the mission, vision and values of the business. I thought branding is just a simple part of planning a business. But this makes me realize that there are some things to consider in doing it, like identifying the purpose of your business, knowing your competitors and even the business motif.

  54. Having had put up your business does not end there. You have to create your own brand to make your business grow and be known to market. Having your brand is just like creating your own identity and not just simply copying or duplicating others. Just think outside of the box because ideas are floating everywhere, you only need to figure out what was it that has not yet formulated.

  55. Belee Sevilla

    Upon reading these ideas and techniques in so called “branding” in a world of business your mission, vision and values is very important so that your business will stand out and heading you to success.

    • Ronnel S. Abelanio

      Branding is a strategy to make the business known in the market for me it also called”Self Identity”for the competitors..

  56. Jonathan Deligente

    In a business world , branding is such an important medium that needs to be focused on. Given that each competitors have their own style of branding , one must standout above the others for the purpose of getting the attention of the customers. Developing a brand is fun but tough at the same time . Creativity, Imagination and lots of ideas are coming through your mind which I think is very challenging. We should always remember the purpose why we put a business ( not only by earning revenues) and how it will affect our future endeavours.

  57. Marie Joe Cocoy

    Developing the business strategies is one of the effective ways for the product to be known and exposed. All businesses need exposure and strong fundamental, but even more than that, these strategies are very important to acquire loyal customers and have a name in the business industry. It’s not difficult to follow but it does take communication to build business reputaton.


    Branding strategy is a one of the important element in planning a business. What will be your company “known of” or “famous of” We need to establish a unique brand in order to be remembered by clients or customers. A brand that will make your company or business famous of its product and workers. It will represent the entire company or a business. For me having an effective branding strategy can help a company or business grow and gain more profit. It can be a way to boost your company on top of other competitors/business. A way of introducing your company or business to the customers.

  59. Having had put up your business does not end there. You have to create your own brand to make your business grow and be known to market . Having your brand is just like creating your own identity and not just simply copying or duplicating others. Creativeness and artistry are great factors to make your business stand out amongst others. Just think outside of the box because ideas are floating everywhere, you only need to figure out what was it that has not yet formulated.

  60. Jose El Cid T. Espayos

    Reading this article really made me think whats in the Brand itself. Well many things must be considered first, specially this one. Focusing in one thing may lead to a stagnant or motionless business because business itself must be develop, improve, enhance, widen and etc. That’s the reason why various of strategies were implemented depending on the nature of your business. Of course branding your business is not just about your product, as per say, it will define your business as a whole. Other businessmen will tend to do the trial and error which is the most common strategy, some will use the power of money to stabilize their business and some will expand branches to widen their scope. As mentioned depending in the nature of your business, as long you carry it out with possible outcome for sure, you are taking the right path. Do a research, eliminate all the things that needs to be eliminated and think of something new that will give you a upper hand against your competitors.

  61. Teddy Narciso Catubay

    Effective,Effecient,Innovative and Concrete Strategies make an a business prosper. I totally agree with this article since it speaks about the essence of successful entreprenuers and this has been tried ,tested and proven. I have learned so much from this article and makes me ready and prepare for my prospect business to be put up in a near future.

  62. Frich Adricula

    I can say that creativity alone is not enough in setting up your brand. You will have to see what others see or determine what sparks their interests. You will have to set up a brand that could be embedded to the people’s minds. I have learned that business is not just making money. It is also a way of connecting and establishing relationships that upholds values like, respect, professionalism, commitment, integrity and innovation, which in a lot of ways, can be the basis of your brand.

  63. Genesis Erl Genovia

    Successful business needs better understanding and considering the needs of the consumer, however that just not end their, we need to have a better idea of how to invite people to try the product or have the idea to put color in once concept such us the name of the business where anyone can remember easily of what your product is all about and having the story behind the sucess. Having this article can help boost the mind of how to conceptualize things in the future.

  64. Jefrey Pondales

    In this present generation we all know that competition to business is getting tougher and tighter. It is a must to come-up with a great branding strategy in-order to engage our business into the heart and mind of the customers.
    After reading this article, I learned that revenue is not the main source to have a successful business but there are lots of factors that need to be considered such as brainstorming,analyzing and gathering data to build a strong foundation and to stand out among the rest. On the other hand,some people that are engaged in business tend to forget the key. To have impact in this field, keeping touch and giving value to the internal and external customers matters a lot.

  65. Maria Jessa Christy Uy

    In a consumer’s perspective, it is really comforting to read an article that puts in to words what good branding is like.
    Being aware of the multitudes of products/goods,l and services, being offered, I can’t help but get confused at times. Because one product does differ from the other.
    But how does a person choose a product and stick to it?
    I have learned that there are brands that I am not comfortable with. For example in skin care products, it is important that you do a research first so you can prevent yourself from wasting your money.
    I have also learned that I have been choosing the same brand of shoes and clothes for as long as i can remember because they have consistety offered me comfort and a good sense of value for money.
    So branding really boils down to
    Knowing your customers needs
    Giving the best service you can offer
    Quality Products
    Product or Service is positive and not Offensive
    A Brand that has a heart
    And many more factors that can help you achieve that life long success in your business.
    Branding gives life to you business.

  66. Christian Catoto

    “Branding makes you live for a thousand years, or more.”

    Global life expectancy in 2015 was 71.4 years ( WHO, Global Health Observatory (GHO) data ) and is expected to increase as technology progresses. But branding, if done right, makes a person remembered for centuries or even a millennium. Who wouldn’t know Einstein with his e=mc2 or the Wright brothers who invented the first flying airplane or even Karl Benz who made the first car. These people and many more died hundreds of years ago yet their names are never forgotten. That’s how important proper branding is in business. It is something that makes your venture immortal and remembered. And in order to be successful in making a brand is to inspire people. Make people believe what you believe. Make a brand by inspiring people what you are passionate about. People don’t buy what you do but why you do it. (Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last) Want to be immortal? Inspire people. Leave a mark.

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