Jojo vito designs gallery


I never dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur. But exactly like the line in a song of the same title, I should say: “Angels brought me here.”

My desire was to become a professional speaker and a consultant; to work in the corporate world. And I guess this has happened in my past jobs. My consultancy career was performing, fine and I was really happy being a Human Resource Manager in one utility company in Bacolod City. Everything went fine, until the time which we never thought of came. The company I worked with was acquired by a huge corporation resulting us to lose our jobs.


Public speaking has always been my passion…

I was never prepared to be jobless. Worst, our separation pay was handed in three post-dated checks. During those times I had two college students in school; I was also   in the process of completing my MBA; my father was a stroke patient while my mother has diabetes with some complications. Maintaining two patients were never a joke. It  drained all my savings.

Teaching part-time in college while doing some training on the side were the fastest remedy. Still, with my fixed expenditures I could barely endure.  With the last  yard  in my savings, I proceeded to venture with two other friends to put up a printing business. But then again, the business didn’t turn out to be as expected. We cannot compete with the big ones, especially in price wars, while dozens of  backyard printers  were giving us fierce competition. After 2 years of operating the printing press, my business partners decided to give up. The conclusion to continue or to pack up were left in me.


Luminary by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

I almost give up. But the moment I looked at my people, a little spark of hope fueled my already tired spirit. I asked myself if I stopped, where will these people go? All of my staff were not even High School graduate. One of them cannot even get an NBI clearance because of his past records. If I will stop, they will surely go hungry. I felt so obligated to press on.

Devastated, I plead with my God. Then, a promised from the bible came to me. John 10:10  “The thief comes only to steal, slaughter and destroy. I’ve come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” I had got on to this promise and together with my younger brother, we had concluded  to continue.

Appearing at the scratch and misprints we have gathered from our printing business, we  decided to come up  with a new product – the paper mache. Since, Bacolod is the home of the world’s famous Masskara Festival, we commenced making paper mache masks. These masks were sold initially in the Negros Showroom. Immediately after it was introduced in the market, our masks were sold like hotcakes. So I said, “this is it!”


Deco Mirrors by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

I was the first artist of my business, from painting to accessorizing the mask, I made sure to be part of the working hands. I  recalled in those times where I need to report to my class  with some hint of paints on my fingers. I became famous in school with my line explaining the stain: “Class, these are the hands that work.”

Subsequently, we evolved using  a better material like fiberglass because we began to get  orders from OFWs abroad.  We were forced to hire more workers and sub-contractors in order for us to meet the market demands. We also began to extend our product line into fashion accessories, small furniture and furnishings  which we also export to the US and some Asian countries resulting in the creation of more jobs.


Custom-made trophies  by Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Today, we already  have several outlets in the city and other dealers in  few other provinces. Our showroom, the Jojo Vito Designs Gallery showcasing a variety of Bacolod Masks  is now fast becoming as a part of tour circuit in Bacolod City.  In our showroom, we received buyers and tour groups from all over the country. Apart from our products, our people, showcasing their  skills doing the crafts became part of the highlights when visiting our gallery.

As part of our advocacy, we also cater to various invitations to talk about business and entrepreneurship. We believe that by sharing our personal experiences  we will be able to inspire people to go into the business which will provide more jobs.

At the University of St. La Salle’s Entrepreneurship Summit dubbed as “Breaking Barriers: When Making Money is a Reality:

We know that we still have more to improve  and there is still more room for growth in our business. But the continued unfolding of  blessings, to me is just a confirmation that we are on the right track. I believe that for as long as we do it right and mindful of the welfare of  our people blessings will just follow. Just like the promise of the Lord to Abraham in  Genesis 12:2b “I will bless you and make your name famous, and you will be a blessing to many others.”

Contact Information:

Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

#119 Kapitana Dicang St.-Alunan Avenue, Bacolod City





Giving a talk to more than 500 participants of the 1st Entrepreneurship Summit of Talisay City, Negros Occidental.

the morning show

At ABS CBN Bacolod: The Morning Show on “Business and Entrepreneurship”


A talk on Strategies and Product Innovation at La Consolacion College-Bacolod


Students from Centro Escolar University doing “Mask Painting” at Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Celebrities visited our gallery

 Masskara Queen Beauty Pageant with Jojo Vito Mask

Kaya Mo Bang!, one of the Several TV shows which featured Jojo Vito Designs Gallery

Masskara Festival New York Edition, Bacolod contenders won for three feat including the best in Mask and Costume. Costumes and Masks designed and executed by Jojo Vito Designs  Gallery



  1. Belinda Siason-Villa

    Good decision sir. We are privilege to have you as our professor in entrep, not only expert in theory but at the same time a good entrepreneur. LCCBentrep

  2. Editho S. Mapa

    A great person like you Sir Jojo Vito is a very inspiring story for us. congratulation Sir

  3. Bethel Joy Virata

    You really deserve what you have achieved today sir. You worked hard for your name which is now your most precious asset. I am proud that I am one of your students. 🙂 #LCCBentrepreneurship

  4. Leah Francisco

    You are such a blessing to all of us Sir Jojo, not only for inspiring us about your success life story but most of all for giving us your extra time to teach @ LCC-B especially Graduate School for sharing your talent, skills, abilities and intelligence to us your students. We know that you are a very busy person but still you able to manage your time. That is a very impressive and admirable character. We are very lucky to have you as our Entrep. professor. With appreciation and gratitude, Thank you so much Sir Jojo, may God continued to shower more blessings. #LCCEntrep.

  5. Jasmine Grace Dominguez

    You are indeed a BLESSING sir. Thank you for the knowledge and idea you have shared in the class. You ROCK the whole classroom whenever you started lecturing. Hoping that you can speak to one of the seminar in our school, because I know for sure that the people their will get a lot of things from your experiences and expertise. Shine bright like a diamond sir. Continue to be a blessing to others 🙂


  6. Editho S. Mapa

    Inspiring and very encouraging your story Sir Jojo Vito and I Salute you.

  7. Mary grace fermo

    You may consider yourself one of the very few who are truly blessed,you are able to live your dream as well as embracing a vocation that benefits the families of the lives you touch and more. Congratulations,inspite of your hectic schedule give time to yourself,value health because so many depends on you.May you continue to be a blessing to others.LCCBentrepreneurship


    You’re such a BLESSING to others! Your hardwork and a big heart to those people who are in need touched me most. You’re great man Sir Vito!

  9. Leah M. Francisco

    Applaudable a very inspiring story, resilient and brave man, my salute to you Sir Jojo.
    Lesson learned; When the road get tough, the tough keeps going “just don’t give up”.
    Pursue your dreams, do your best and God will do the rest. #LCCBenterp

  10. John Edward Q. Yong

    Sir, it is also a blessing that you teach at LCC. =) Your story is inspiring and what you say is always interesting. I will always be looking forward to hear more from you. Continue to be God’s gift to others and may He bless you always!

  11. Aileen Casandra

    KUDOS Sir Jo! Continue to be a blessing and an inspiration to all the people around you! Truly, there’s no easy way towards success! It takes courage, determination and perseverance to attain your goals in life! Another INSPIRING and SUCCESS story! #LCCBentrepreneurship

  12. Very inspiring story. There is really no substitute for hard work. Congratulations on your well deserved success Sir Jojo Vito. #LCCBEntrepreneurship

  13. Glaiza Mae P. Acuna

    An answered prayer. I believe that if we really trust in the Lord, we can really have a positive result. You are truly blessed Sir Jo. Keep it up! You really inspire us more! #LCCBentrep

  14. As an entrepreneur, i can relate and feel the passion that radiates within “MR. SUCCESSFUL” Jojo Vito.
    …and as an MBA entrep student , i admire “MR. HAPPY” Jojo Vito.
    ●very contagious ●well versed ●no dull moments
    ◎enjoyin my grad school!!
    What matters most in life is that we are HAPPY sharing and helping others in anyway we can♡ #LCCBentrep

  15. Ever since your works are my favorite, my korean friends love your products… And it’s good to hear your story sir, very inspiring.. #MBALCCBEntrep

  16. Nicar Corral Nogra

    Passion and hardworking are the key to success. Keep it up!


  17. Carina Makiling

    Everything happens for a reason, keep moving forward and things will eventually fall into place. Very inspiring, Sir! #LCCBentrepreneurship

  18. ayay! hahahaha..tagabacolod ako pero hindi ako naaggawi jan..san you visit the ruins..or yung Capitol Lagoon..much better..pero okay na rin yan kasi naenjoy nyo..Thanks for joining ..hope to see you next round..

  19. Anne Reyes

    Wow, a very inspiring story…this is one reason why entrepreneurship must me supported by the government and even by the locales themselves. By supporting local entrepreneurs and their products , we are indeed helping our economy. I will you all the best and may you will be richly blessed!!!

  20. Very inspiring sir and more blessing and project to come..

  21. I commend you for paying it forward. God bless you for your generosity.

  22. You have a great career path Sir Jojo. It flames my dreams. People like you should become many in our country.

  23. You look mighty fine on the stage Brother. You dress sharp too. Great job I am so proud of you. I wish you all the success in life.

  24. Genio Dominic Alojado

    Giving back is always a rewarding move. as to what Mother Teresa said “Give ’til it hurts”. It never is fulfilling to give unless it is a part of your or your time, talent and treasure. Your love for the arts and ingenuity and the innate passion to share and affect others made you what you are today, a growing institution of local arts and craft, and with it goes employment and learning. the rewards will just come like a continuous harvest where you enjoy it to the fullest

    • Thank you for the affirmation.I guess that’s really the purpose for all the talents God gave us –to be shared and to be used to help others.I find more meaning on these…:)

  25. congratulations on your business and advocacy. I truly agree, beyond making money we need to be mindful of people around us. Creating jobs for others, taking care of them…this is what success is all about. I hope that other entrepreneurs also has their own corporate social responsibility , whatever the size of their company.

  26. Dante G. Arriola

    WoW! I am so glad to know that there are still people with concern to their fellowmen. Continue to pursue your dreams. God bless and always be a blessing to other.

    • Thank you Dante Arriola. Yes, everywhere there are always people willing to share.That’s why I also encourage everyone, even students, out-of-school youth…they can participate in the advocacy by simply promoting the cause; posting it in their FB so that more people can be reached.

  27. Hi Jojo,

    Your undeniable will to help oour fellows were the source of your strenght and the source of your success. It’s amazing to know that you started from scratch and went up because of your incomparable faith to be successful. I truly agree that a dirty hand is a hardworkers hand.

    Congratulations once more and Kudos for making sure that we bring the best out of Bacolod, not only in the whole Philippines but also to the whole world.

    • Fritz,thank you so much, that’s heartwarming. I think that our humble beginning propels me to be more sensitive to other’s needs.This becomes my personal mission 🙂

  28. Congratulations on your advocacy in providing jobs to others.. :))

  29. congratulations po! I was mother listening to your talk on the.entrep.summit.last.December in Talisay inspire talaga patuloy sa.pag.nenegosyo.
    Ok lang ba na mag tungkol sa.pricing? Salamat

    • Of course John 🙂 my door is always open to people who would want to go into business. Tama ka, marami talaga ang nangangilangan ng kunting tulong sa Pricing. Pricing is an important factor in the success of a product. Feel free to visit Jojo Vito Designs Gallery for a free coaching session 🙂

  30. It’s graduation time once again, more graduates and more people will be needing for jobs. If people with diploma will have difficulty so much so with people who doesn’t even completed elementary nor high school. Government should support small businesses so that they can provide more jobs to help more Filipinos. Kudos to all entrepreneurs.

    • I agree with you.Job generation is really one of my personal advcacy. In fairness, we are also getting some support from the Government like DTI, DOST and even the DOT.

  31. My success in business was accidental, too, after almost 10 years of working in the Government. Let me share my ideas about starting a small business at Most of the articles here were written by me, based on my experiences as an entrepreneur who started with a capital of P500.00, and turned into a million Peso business in less than two years. Before this, I was a government employee for almost 10 years. Believe it or not, my earnings as entrepreneur in two years was ten-fold of all my earnings in the government service.

  32. Congratulations! You’re on the right track as you’ve said it is because of everyone has cooperated. More power to your continued growth of your business.

    • Thank you, Sir Gil Camporazo. Yes, I cannot do it alone. That’s why I am always grateful for all the support I get from various groups like the Government Organizations, private individuals and of course my people who has been with me through thick and thin.

  33. Congratulations! I believe that circumstances will push you to where you really should be.. in this case being an entrepreneur.

  34. I always wish to be an entrepreneur.Anyway congratulations for this.

  35. I was there when you gave a talk on entrepreneurship for the people of Talisay last December. That was very inspiring and a lot were moved to continue with what they had started. I for one started to follow and buy now local products so that I can also participate in a cause of providing jobs.

    • Thank you very much Ma’am Leyte. That was very challenging because of the large number of crowd. But I was very happy that Mayor Saratan was very supportive of growing small businesses in his city. I already told them that I can make myself available each time they need my expertise.

  36. More power Sir Jojo! God bless you always!

  37. Your gallery is perfect for the guests and visitors that come to Bacolod. They would always like something that is alive and interactive. I would also understand if you say that it is a work in progress. Don't stop!
    More power to you and the people behind you!

    • Thank you Maricar. You are one great help to me with your Tour Guiding Business. With the tourists you bring to the Gallery you are helping my people assured of a steady income. Thank you for always collaborating with us. More power to you too!

  38. I think that entrepreneurs can really help the country and also can boost your personal income especially if you know how to spot opportunities.

  39. malou legaspi

    Congratulations and more power! May you continue to keep the flame burning with your passion. May every home, office, establishments will have your wonderful creations. Above all may you continue to receive more blessings for your personal growth and for your business. And may you continue to be blessed and be a blessing to others. This is another glory for “hard work really pays off”. God bless you Sir! More more productive years ahead!

    • Thank you very much Malou. I also wish the same to you , now that you are into business. We are on the same boat of providing jobs to others by being an entrepreneur.

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