
Model Name: P7505: Full HD (1920 x 1080); 10,000:116:9 (Native), 4:3 (Compatible); 1.5 ~ 2.28:1; 1500 Hour (Normal Mode); 3500 Hour (Economy Mode); 5000 lm




I had been a professional trainer for 20 years now. My management consultancy firm, the INTRASPEC MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY  has just observed its 20th year anniversary, and truly I cannot count anymore all the lectures and presentations I  gave. As a management consultant/trainer, I had the privilege to speak to various gatherings like huge National Conferences, classroom seminars and even outdoor training programs. All these require a reliable training aid just like a projector.

Training aids like projectors,   can make or break any presentation that I made. Unlike in the past training participants for today, apart from the substance of the presentations, would look forward to an amazing visual presentation.

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The author addressing a crowd of 600 at SMX Bacolod

As technology advanced, client’s demands also rises – putting pressure to every speaker. Recently, I was introduced to the DLP Projectors which brings more promise to my future presentations.

DLP Projector

DLP (Digital Light Processing) is a proprietary technology developed by Texas Instruments. Acer projectors have several unique benefits that derive from DLP technology. The DLP system wins its 1) Contrast Advantage; 2) Color Integrity; 3) Less Screen Door Effect; 4) Fast Switching Speed and 5) Filter-free Design.

The Difference Between DLP and LCD Projectors



I was amazed to know that  DLP projectors produce incredibly high native contrast ratios which is arguably the most important projector quality. Whether you’re presenting the latest financial report at the office, or ensuring that students see every detail in your lesson, DLP projectors will ensure your presentations are clear from anywhere in the room.

With DLP technology’s reflective architecture and DarkChip breakthrough technologies, the black on the screen is extremely black and the white is bright, brilliant white. DLP projectors feature high native contrast for all color modes without the need of a dynamic iris (a device built into some projectors that sits between the lamp and lens to improve contrast).

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DLP projectors have an extremely high pixel fill factor. This virtually eliminates pixelization and produces “depth” in video images. This allows graphs and text to be seen clearly without adding thick dark bezels around the pixel. With DLP projectors, the fill factor for a low resolution SVGA display is as high as a 1080p resolution display.


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DLP projector long lasting precise color advantage.BrilliantColor offers up to 6-color processing to boost secondary colors and deliver reliable and precise color for extended hours.1

Showing Brillian Colors in Your Next Presentation  with  DLP Projectors

BrilliantColor technology provides DLP projectors with a wide color gamut, making it possible to produce over one billion colors. DLP technology not only supports the continuous processing of RGB (red, green, blue) colors, but also supports the continuous processing of yellow, cyan, and magenta. This color processing provides for the realistic reproduction of skin tones as well as millions of colors difficult to match precisely.



Since most DLP projectors are filter free, you do not have the hassle of cleaning, maintaining and replacing filters. DLP lamp free projectors virtually eliminate the cost of lamps while still providing high brightness using solid-state LED or laser illuminations. Combined, these two features create a substantial lifetime cost savings.


Enjoy clear high speed action at the Masskara Festival with DLP projectors




DLP  chip has an unparalleled 16 microsecond response time, giving users precise, razor-sharp images. Imagine millions of tiny mirrors switching on and off more times than the speed of light. With such a high switching speed, the DLP chip is able to deliver a precise, razor-sharp picture with no lag time between



Check DLP projector now at any Acers Authorized dealers near you.


  1. This is a good information, I’ve been wanting to purchase this kind of projector for summer occasion here, where we can have our own drive-in theater outside the house.

  2. Big screen projector used not only in the event presentation or office . I have seen few of this at church here as well. Conveniently posting the bible verses during preaching, Even churches in States are high tech nowadays.

  3. Elizabeth O.

    It’s good to know that Acer is expanding their range of products. This looks awesome, or rather, it projects beautifully. Hehe.

  4. Projectors reminds me of my former job in school when I was still there in PInas.

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