The world of business is so vast that it might take one a lifetime to explore all the possibilities it has to offer. In short, the business world is full of twists and turns, making it in a way a riskier endeavor to choose. If you’re one of those brave souls planning to venture into this world, I suggest that you read this article because I will be sharing now simple guides which you may follow in beginning your business.


   1.  Self-reflection

This means that you have to reflect on what you want in life, what you want to be, and what will take you to achieve those goals. At times, business owners would fail to reflect so much so that when it’s too late, they regret all the decisions they make. That’s why in beginning a business, self-reflection is the primary thing that you should take.

2.   Brainstorm about the business idea

It means that you have to analyze the current r existing market. Ask yourself what something new can you offer, how could that something new be useful to your prospective clients, and how could you consistently deliver those outcomes to your clients. This is the time where you have to explore all the limitless possibilities that you might think of.

3.  Research time

Once you’ve listed down your target type of business, do comparative research now between what you are planning to offer and what current competitors are offering. If in the end, you’ve noticed that you exactly have the same thing, then you will have to innovate on how you could go beyond what is existing.

4.  Gather feedback

This may be coming from your family, friends, or immediate environment or community. Through this, you can somehow get the beat of the customers since you can evaluate what they need and what they want to be based on the feedback that you conducted.

5. Go on the documents

Research on what are the necessary business documents that you might need. Have a list of those and begin working on it. Make sure that your business would undergo all the legal processes so that conflicts or problems can be avoided later on.

6. Come up with a business plan

By business plan, it means that you need to come up with a weekly or even monthly target of income and profit. More than that, try to figure out what milestones do you want your business to achieve as you go along in it and try to put concrete actions which you can do to make those happen. More than that, come up with the list of alternative plans if things would not work out the way you envisioned it to be.

7. Look at the financial matters

Figure out how much are you willing to spend as capital, how much will you pay for the operation, how much will you allot for the maintenance, how much will you sell your products and the likes. By having this, you could compute your total investment amount and figure out what will be your target monthly income to get a decent profit.

8.  Develop the product or services

Now that you’re at this stage try to figure out how you could make your products sellable to the customers. What would something new you include in it? What degree of personalization would you out in it for it to be pleasant and appealing to the eyes of the customers? Address these answers, and you’ll be good to go.

9. Create a team

You cannot do it alone most especially if it is a big business. So, the solution to this is to build a team or group of staff who will work for your company. This will make the entire process more comfortable and better. Though of course, it shall increase your operational expenses.

10. Find the place to build your business

Look for a strategic position to develop or establish your business. Make sure that it is reachable as well as visible by the prospective clients. Making sure that your business is located in a strategic location is already a step towards success.

11. Start selling

You can now begin doing your business and selling your products. This may be the most exciting part since you can get to know what will be the response of your customers by selling your actual products.

12. Grow your business

Now that you already established your business. You can now think of possible ways to make it grow or to even expand. In short, you are now planning to make your business move to the next level.

More Stories


  1. One of the things that makes life so fulfilling, is the people we encounter and build relationships with along the way. Any sort of relationship, from a simple chat with our daily mail carrier – to the first meeting of our future spouse, can give us either a moment or a lifetime of happiness. And about By hiring the right person, who respects customers and co-workers alike, you’re cultivating the best customer service experience in the market. Without the right person in your customer service role, you might as well tell potential customers to deal with your competition, because that’s exactly what they’ll do.

  2. One of the things that makes life so fulfilling, is the people we encounter and build relationships with along the way. Any sort of relationship, from a simple chat with our daily mail carrier – to the first meeting of our future spouse, can give us either a moment or a lifetime of happiness. And about By hiring the right people, who respects customers and co-workers alike, you’re cultivating the best customer service experience in the market. Without the right person in your customer service role, you might as well tell potential customers to deal with your competition, because that’s exactly what they’ll do.

  3. Tristan Kent Balayo BSIT 3A2

    the website of PinoyBisniz.Com i have many learning that you know about business because all article that I have read is very useful someday because I want to be a business man someday and I want to become successful business man someday. and if other people want to become a businessman I recommend to read all article on that website to get knowledge that what to do if you begin a business that is very helpful to everyone who want to begin a business and that website very many useful and ideas you get to become a successful business man. And they work and help you on your business to improve and bigger company.

  4. The important of having the right people is your compatible with your feeling you can share you thoughts without doubting of he/she will judge you. Having a right people in your life means having a peaceful mind.

  5. John Collin J Jaen BSIT3-A2

    what a inspiring quiz. I’ve done reading pinoybisniz. Com. This idea give me a lot of knowledge to grow my little business today. Because when i Graduated my studies i want to be a business man someday. When who people, read this pinoybisniz. Com (page) get inspired. A simple people will shine because the knowledge in business. when he get it. learn the value of your loving business to grow and someday you will never regret. Love a business that you want give a energy to persue your goal. Analyse the processes and think t be good to upgrade your business.

  6. Emel B. Baldeveso

    Emel B. Baldeveso BSIT 3-A2 OCTOBER 22,2021

    One of the most important things in a company is choosing a worker. Because a company is one that can be trusted and dependable, so the selection of a worker is important and for the smooth running of the company.

  7. Ashlley Jaztine Hisu-an, BSIT 3-A2

    You need the right people in their right roles. By putting the right people in a position, they will help to develop your Company because You hired Job Seekers on their special Field. Choose the right person in the right position. In choosing the right person they should possess the roles of their position.


    The importance of having the right people

    There different personalities of people or the types of employees. They are the image of your business.
    Employees can make a break to your business base on how they handle their task or costumers. The process of hiring people is not just like walking in a beaches, park or mall it is not just picking one over the other . You need to make sure that they are expected to your requirements or qualified to your company you need to be sure that they dedicate their time and resources for the position they want to enter . Always remember you need a worker that is good for long term . Being a good leader it is important to hiring the right employees so they can’t give extra stress to you and pressure to your company bad employees can create a huge impact to your business that’s why you need a right people to save yourself in trouble.

  9. Cordero, Johnie Dave #BSIT 3A2

    Starting a business comes from your passion, like want you want to do or what you love. Make your product or business cheaper so that the customer will be satisfied and will buy or come again in your store or company. Make your business or company unique so that you don’t have any competitors around you like if they selling clothes , toys or etc, you can have a business that are repairing items or even you upgrade or evolve the item so that it will be unique. The best to spot to put your business is in big city so that many people can see or you can add advertisement like giving fliers or even in builboard if you have a nice early success. Collect feedback on the customers even if its bad or good so that you can reistablished or fix your business. Hire an employee that is suitable for the job. Plan ahead and maintain your profit year by year

  10. Zaver B. Divinagracia BSIT3A-2

    It is imporntant having right people to your business, having honest people and trusted people can help your company to reach the goal. And can be model to every employees to become your business succesful.


    Starting up a business is not easy. You need to ready on whatever circumstances that you will face in starting up a business.
    One important thing also in starting up a new business is the importance of having the right people to hire.
    When you hire the right people in your business, they are responsible and willing to work with you in order for you business to succeed.
    In starting a new business, you need to have other people to help you, because you cannot do it alone. That is why, it is important for you to hire the right people in order for you to function well the business and there are people whom can you trust in growing your business.

  12. Manuel Fungo 3A2

    Having the right people you would surround yourself be in business or personal life is a matter of high importance. The right people will help you get to your goal at faster pace and will help alleviate problems that will arise. They will work efficiently on any given tasks specially if it’s in their area of expertise and will improve at a faster pace than those who are not qualified for the position. Manuel Fungo 3A2

  13. ANSWER: It is important to have a right people in your business because the will help you to grow your business, when you hire a people in your company/business make sure that the people you hired have a good manners and sociable to his/her co-workers, and also have an excellence and skills in order to perform a job well.

  14. kevin augustine peligrino

    CONDUCT AUDIT- It is a task every year practices to insure the employee process correctly according to the standard procedure of manuals example documents ,or ,cash control this is a basic requirements company it is effective as i can see ….
    INVENTORY OF PRODUCT VS PRODUCT COST PAPER COST IN FAST FOOD CHAIN – it is a well to monitor the stocks product vs punching of counter vs wastage you monitor the proper wastage and punching if not the sales are affected .

    CONDUCT FOOD SAFETY AND – it is a basic way to perform it is recommended to all company it is a house role task by hand washing , proper grooming it is comply the sanitation ..

  15. vincent A tranquilo

    Time Management. To manage the dates of employee and to control the operation monthly.

    Meeting Schedule. To have a relation update compress, adjustment, suggestions.

    House Rules. To have an orientation t all employees to know the process & regulation.

  16. Ma. Vilma Saldoa

    Be a positive:
    -it is very useless to start a business with a negative attitude. Costumers and employees could sense it. It could affect your business elevation .That’s why having a positive mind is very important thing.
    Advertise your start up business using social media:
    -it is very important to advertise a business to the costumers, specially 80% of population are using social media.
    be a leader not a boss
    -seeing you working harder makes your employers more productive and efficient.

    • Kelly L. Lavergas BSIT 3A-2

      The importance of choosing the right person to start or start a new business so that here you will know how much you trust someone in your business. Then there are many reasons that are involved such as Money, the project and others. In choosing the right person in your Business it must have the knowledge of building the Business. Here you can find Lawyers, Accountants, Business Organizers and more. When starting a Business you should be prayerful for it before and after your business.

  17. Alaine M. Voon

    Putting a business is always a risk, it is not a 100% guarrantee that it will be successfull. It might or it might not. But there are guides that mighthelp in launching and running a business successfully such as identifying business structure. It can.be sole proprietorship or partnership. Thru this you will be able to identify how you will pay your taxes. Also, acquiring business permits and licenses to legalize the business. Lastly, choosing a name for your business. It is important to pick a name that is catchy and will leave an impact to the people as it will serve as your business trademark. #etteapMM2018


    LOVE YOUR OWN. Be the biggest fan of your product. If you don’t believe or love what you are selling, how would you be able to endorse it to your customers? Promoting and advertising your product thru social media is one of many effective ways to attract more customers.

    KNOW YOUR SUPPLIER. Or if you are the supplier, know what or how will your client sell what you supply. You should always know where your products came from and how good these products are. If you supply anyone something, you should at least know what do they make out of it and what the end result is.

    LEARN FROM THE VETERANS. Knowledge is always a very good help. Keep learning, and what better way to learn about a certain business field than to ask those who have been successful in the industry.


  19. Ariel Treyes

    -Time Management
    It is very important that we give enough time to our business. We need to have more time to do the research, planning and analyzing all the possibilities and requirement of a business.

    -Know the needs
    If we are aware of what the market needs, we get to come up with so much idea that can help us make our business grow, at the same time, providing the needs of the market. Its like a “win-win” situation since both parties benefit from each other.

    -Be positive always
    Positivity attracts good vibes. We should not dwell on negative things for they are not helping at all when it comes to a business. Being positive is contagious, and can affect everything and everyone around you like a domino effect, which is, of course a good thing for a business.


  20. Maycel Bacus

    1.) Positive attitude. One of the most important things that will help us in passing all the challenges and difficulties. In business we canno’t deny the fact that there will be a lot of risks and hurdles that we are going to go through and being positive is the only thing that can save us.

    2.)Know when you need help. We cannot develop a business in just a matter of seconds. Thus, it involves a lot of time and hard work.However,in the process we will be needing the help of some experts. Be sure to find an expert that will provide you the best advice in times of need.

    3.) A great idea. We cannot develop a business without a great idea.This is the only thing on which the development of our business will depend. As we are in the evolving market we really have to be more creative and more unique in making ideas for our business to stand out and to compete with other businesses.

  21. Amelita V. Paurillo

    1. Location
    This is one of the best guide in starting to put up a business. For me, being a business aspirant, I consider good location to put up my own business. Setting an example, should I put up my lumber yard on a top of a mountain high where nobody’s there?
    2. Flow of Traffic
    Flow of traffic here means the number of customers in this area. If nobody or less people passing by in this area then who will be my customers?
    3. Accessibility
    If I put up my own business, I would make sure that it is accessible for my customers, because I know how difficult making business transaction wherein I need to transfer from one place to another to get my business transaction done.

  22. April Rose Tan

    Below are the three other guidelines that I think are essential to starting a business.

    – The key to keeping your employees motivated in doing their best is making them feel valued. Nothing good comes out of treating employees as mere people who work for you. Instead, make them feel that they are part of a team that works together for the benefit of not just the company but everyone who is a part of it.

    – Consistency not only applies to the quality of your products but to the quality of your service as well. Never underestimate the impact that a single negative review makes especially to a business who is still trying to make a name for itself. Ensure that you maintain a good standing on your products and services both if you want your business to prosper.

    – Deciding to put up a business is already a risk in itself. However, this doesn’t mean that you can go ahead and make rash, half-baked decisions. Instead, do your homework. Research and devise carefully laid out business plans and be brave enough to put these plans into action.


  23. Reina Leah E. Retita

    -Advertising your business in news paper,magazines,radio,television,directories & online will give awareness to the customers.Spread the words of your product and promotions as it will increase sales.

    *Quality Control
    -Maintaining the standards of the product to give best services to the customers.

    *Make It Official
    -Register your business with the government. Comply to all required documents to get a business permit.


  24. Jennifer A. Pabriaga

    Explore – most business are not just focusing on a specific product or market. You can always expand your business on a new perspective by considering another venture, additional product or a new market.
    Empower – use your business to empower small busineses. Its always good to build each other up! Share best practices and learn from others experiences.
    Express – be innovative, use your imagination to show your clients your business’ culture of excitement. Be creative and do not hesitate to do more and create a new and exciting product to amaze your market.

  25. Rhea Mae Ponclara

    Taking Risk- Putting up a business is not just a source of income it is like an adventure as well that you need to take a risk and try everything that is new to make your business grow. Every decision making is a risk and you need to think not just your company but everything that is under it.

    Know Your Competitors- Knowing your competitors in the business is one of the guides that can help your business successful. Never start a battle if you don’t know who you might compete with in terms of having a successful business. Know there strength and weaknesses.

    Be a Promoter of your Product- Never sell a product that you don’t believe that it is worth for selling. Don’t just say positive things about it but also try your product and promote it as you are putting yourself on your customer’s shoe.

  26. Juliet C. Padilla

    1. Adoptive to Changes
    As we all know the only constant in this world is change so always be in a lookout on what is/are latest trends that can bring growth to the current business. Always open your doors for possibilities and potential profitable goods or services you can offer. Google will not be who they are now if they just stick with making smart search engines. If the budget permits and if the risk is worth the prize, always leave an avenue for expansion and growth.

    2. Employee Appreciation
    “Feed the mouths that feeds you” a figurative speech to give more than what you people are giving you. I still believe that loyalty cannot be bought. I’m speaking based on experience. Inspired and motivated employees/team/individuals will always delivery, sometimes, even more than what is required and all its takes is a simple “tap on back” from someone they look up to. These are your front-liners that gets the job done and serves as fuel to keep the business running. A simple appreciation of a team/individual effort would mean that they are recognize as valuable assets to the business not just “paid individuals”.

    3. Know the Competition
    Everything is fair in love and war. The world of business is no difference. Before you lay out your plans and marketing strategies out there, know what/who you’re up against. You may have the best idea for the product and how to market them however your competitor may already have own 90% of the entire market shares with a much better strategy. It’s knowing your enemy before or even during the battle so you may win the war. This way you can come up with emergency plan if you can go head-to-head with their offering to the public or what can you afford to compromise on your end to secure better sales quota.


    1. Project an appropriate image-at some point in business the only thing that count is what people see and think. One way to build your image is to do good things to the people you count as your customer or influencers. Avoid doing bad things. Sometimes things may not seem like bad to you but that might to your customers. It’s not the reality of your actions, but it’s the perception of the audience that is the reality.

    2. Be good at employee relation-you are not doing your business alone. There are people who are helping you to make your business a functional and sucessful one. Here are some things you should do; First, you should treat your employees like adult. This means that you should involve your people and make sure that they are on your side. Second, provide encouragement for your people to show their initiatives and let them use their brain power. Third/ lastly, celebrate and reward excellence. This is one way of motivating your people to do or work better as employees for them to have the celebrations of incentives or rewards.

    3.Have a tight and concise rule-in business there is always a rule to be followed. It can be a part of motivation and development in a business. Thus, in making rules, it should be spelled out clearly and it should be showed by courses of action. Also enable your employees to understand and accept the rules.# ETEEAPMM2018

  28. Ralph Daniel Portodo

    Pick your Business name – Creating a good name plays a big role for your business. Try to create a simple but name to be recognized and will remain to the customers mind. Also make sure to check if it’s trademarked or in use by others to avoid complications.

    Create your Accounting System – In a small business, it is important if we have an accounting system. It is imperative to have one for us to manage your budget, file your taxes and setting rates/prices.

    Promote your Business – There are so many ways to promote a small business. As a newbie, first thing you can think of is using the multimedia. It is very simple and free, you just need to be creative in making this marketing plan.


    Do research and gain knowledge to make your business more interesting and make you business trend to the market. To become your business venture succed.
    Your manpowers is one of your capital in your business take time to outline all the position you need and the responsibilities that are part of the business:
    CREATE a brand name that people easily to define.Offer a new and exiciting promo to the market make your promotion to drive a foot traffic and sales to your business.

  30. May Lucille Perez

    Passion, you cannot invest on something you dont love. You cannot take a risk on something that you think thats not worth it. You need to be passionate on your business to know what are the dos and donts.
    Survey. You need to know what are the current trends in the industry for you to apply on your business.
    Influential. If you established a good name to people, it would be easier for you to commercialize and promote your business.


  31. *Asking help from above
    Entrusting everything to God is a humbling act. We need to ask guidance from Him what we really desires and praying to give us strength and good heart to run the business especially meeting the needs of the consumers and dealing our staff fairly.
    *Know yourself better
    If you dont know yourself, how you are able to come up with a type of business you are going to manage? It will start what’s your passion and what you really desire to run a business. Know yourself, stay focus and do it happily.
    Advertising our business is a big help today especially we are living in a world of technology. Using social medias, newspapers, radio and tv networks are the main source to advertise our products. It will help reaching the people in all places in rural and urban areas.

  32. May Lucille Perez

    Challenges in every business are constant. We cannot prevent it, but we need to have action plans to cure it. Competencies, for me this is the biggest challenge any business could have. Knowledge, knowledge how to be creative and unique; Connections and popularity. It is more easier to commercialize if you’re starting up a business.; lastly Place. Good ambiance for you may not be good for someone. Comfortable for you may not be comfortable to others. Be witty and unique when designing a place. Research, survey and travel in different places to experience yourself the bestest place any business could have.

    To be more knowledgeable in communication strategies and how to develop effective marketing.


  33. Jan Kevin Ordoñez

    CHOOSE THE BEST PLACE FOR YOUR CUSTOMER – the place must be accessible, easy to locate that will bring them comfort and good vibes.

    APPLY FOR PERMITS AND LICENSES – to identify our legal entity and to operate our business.

    BIR PAYMENT FORM ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE 0605 – to be display at your business establishments for BIR tax mapping purposes. #eteeapMM2018

  34. *Target Market
    Know what do you want sell that are in line with your passion. Do you want to sell items for boys only, for girls only, for children, for couple, for family, for employees or for students? Try to think of these because it is where you foresee yourself and your target market meet on the selling period.
    Market your product online and create your own website. Be creative and add attractive colors for viewers and readers. Put exciting offers and sales and let them find you instead.
    *Be Updated
    Be updated on the Market trend make sure your product does not wipe out. Be Innovative in creating new ideas without losing its original characteristics. Go along with festivities and events within your target market.

  35. MARKET THE PRODUCT – This is one of the most effective ways in letting your customer know your product. There are several ways that you can use to promote your product and services. The following are : Advertising, Sampling, Word of mouth (Customer feedback/reviews), Discounts and Freebies. These can help to increase sales and produce revenue for the business.

    QUALITY CONTROL – It is essential to each business that we make sure that the products and services that we provide to our customers has its quality standards. This will also help the business in making sure that service is delivered on time with suitable cost.

    ATTEND BUSINESS CONVENTION AND SUMMIT -As a beginner in business it is best if we will seek assistance from the experts. Joining convention and summit would help us boost our knowledge and skills. This will guide us in making smart and strategic decision to help our business grow.



    MAKE IT ACCESSIBLE – Put your business in a in a location where can be access easily by means of
    KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT – One of the important things you should consider in starting a business
    you exactly know what are you doing or must have a background
    about it.
    PREPARE FOR THE WORST – Always prepare for the outcome either positive or negatives happen just
    look for ward and make a solution about it.

  37. Maria Carmila Sanchez

    Vision – It is important to communicate what the business is hoping to achieve. Like any other organization, it is important to let the members of the organization and stakeholders where the company is heading and what growth awaits them. It cannot operate without a clear goal and direction.
    Inspire – One of the business successes involve inspiring people; that what they do is bigger than themselves regardless of the scope of responsibility. Making them realize that their talent is an essential asset to both the organization and providing unparalleled services to customer is of great value which allows them to go beyond what is expected.
    Lead – Leading people isn’t the same as managing. Leading involves trust while managing involves control. Managing isn’t necessarily bad because it is necessary to keep the business thriving but if this is coupled with the ability of a leader to motivate people, it is reciprocated with boundarylessness in work ethic and expectations.

  38. Maverick Villalon

    The health of a business is not always on how much you have plan out and envisioned it to be. There is a huge chunk of these things that play a huge role in your research and identifying stage. If I am to add to this roster, here goes:

    1. Cadence- Everything should follow its own rhythm and the flow of your business should always be focused on your day-to-day activities. One of the most effective things to accomplish is a calendar of all the things that you will accomplish as well your effective timeline with the corresponding earnings that comes along with it. It is very important that we know how to identify the things that should be executed in a timely and smooth manner. More and more businesses are getting out of hand because of their lack of knowing their own process flow and even their process documentation. There should be SOPs set and guidelines for everyone to be aware of every move and every methods and procedure that needs to be in place should the need arise.
    2. Customer Behavior- Identifying your customer behavior is one separate factor that you should dive yourself into if you want to be a young entrepreneur. You want to make sure that you very well know the kind of area that you want to penetrate and the behavior of your clientele. It is important that at the onset of your planning, you know your population, your reach, so you can be ready with almost any possible changes that your company may need to execute because of the behavior of your market. When your customer’s behavior change, be sure that you are ride the tide and become shapeshifters of these very horrendous yet challenging market.
    3. Projection- More than your marketing plan, it is important that your projections have separate findings and possible result. After research, it is important that your projections are right and are all backed up with surveys and data that can ensure you know the ever changing environment of your clients. This is more like you making sure you have everything covered that your traction will never be coerced by last minute changes that can be a band aid solution but will never be a long term to the problem.

    I see all of these as a specific approach on how you can deal with your with clients including checks and balances.

  39. Johnnalei A. Veñegas

    FIND YOUR PASSION: It is important to consider the things you are passionate about in starting a business. If you are doing something you love, you will really pursue and take care of it, and you’ll find ways to nurture it. Choose a business what your heart really wants, and enjoy doing it for the rest of your life.

    SET SOME GOALS: It would be great to know exactly what you want to achieve in your business. It’s good to have a written goals and timeline on when you want to accomplish it. Therefore, you have something to look forward to,and something to work hard for.

    MARKETING STRATEGY: In order for you to achieve your business goals, you must think ways of how to market your product or services to your customers. Advertising is one way of marketing your business, and the most convenient way to do that is through social media. By creating a facebook page, instagram page, twitter account and more you can already reach to thousands of possible customer who would like to try your product/services.


  40. Roberto T. Sumilang

    Additional Guides to Starting a Business

    Be Ready to Invest in your People – for start up business, your people is your biggest capital. Therefore, it is a must that you should prepare for the development of your team. According to the current employee management studies, people become more motivated when they feel that their employees are keeping them engaged and are investing on their development. This promotes efficiency and effectiveness of your business operation. Remember, your employees are the front-liners and ambassadors of the business you want to grow.

    Launching the Business with style – In business, first impressions really lasts. You need to strike that relevance at a good note and build the market share as early as you launch your business. Create some affordable ways to make your business noticeable especially when you are entering a highly-competitive market. Social Media will help you promote your business once you have built that relevance and a good news story.

    Create a Proper Management of Cash flow – It is good that you have the appropriate funds to start the business but always make sure to be on top of the cash flow. You need to build that excellent relationship with your suppliers by making sure that they are fully aware of your account requirements and pay them on time. Create that check and balance system to ensure you have the appropriate cash reserves. Cash flow is inevitably very important for the health of business.



    >Know your competitors
    In starting a business it is important that you know your competitors in the industry. This will be a great impact to a business minded person because knowing your direct and indirect competitors will broaden your knowledge about the business and the target market. Also this will help you to improve your business and to communicate easily to your target market or customers.

    >Market Penetration
    Market penetration means that you should lower down your price to increase demand in the market. As a starting business you need to penetrate in the market by lowering the prices of the product to attract customers and to have a name in the market. It is a strategy used in a business that is new in the industry in order to gain the capital back while earning profit.

    >Know your target market
    A starting business must know its target market in order to know what product to sell. A target market is identified when they have the buying power and the desire to buy a certain product. It is important to know the target market for they will be the one to buy the product and you should know their preferences to give them the satisfaction they want from your product.


    >Know your competitors
    In starting a business it is important that you know your competitors in the industry. This will be a great impact to a business minded person because knowing your direct and indirect competitors will broaden your knowledge about the business and the target market. Also this will help you to improve your business and to communicate easily to your target market or customers.

    >Market Penetration
    Market penetration means that you should lower down your price to increase demand in the market. As a starting business you need to penetrate in the market by lowering the prices of the product to attract customers and to have a name in the market. It is a strategy used in a business that is new in the industry in order to gain the capital back while earning profit.

    >Know your target market
    A starting business must know its target market in order to know what product to sell. A target market is identified when they have the buying power and the desire to buy a certain product. It is important to know the target market for they will be the one to buy the product and you should know their preferences to give them the satisfaction they want from your product.

  43. *Know what you need to start
    When you start business you have to think about the people,resouces and capital you need,and have both an ideal and minimum range.

    *Make it unique brand
    Find out what makes your business unique,and develop a brand around it.
    This exercise will help indentify the key aspects of your brand personaliy that will appeal to readers as they get to know it.

    * Analyse the risk
    As a business person you should have to determine how much you stand to lose if your company goes under.


  44. *Know what you need to start
    When you start business you have to think about the people,resouces and capital you need,and have both an ideal and minimum range.

    *Make it unique brand
    Find out what makes your business unique,and develop a brand around it.
    This exercise will help indentify the key aspects of your brand personaliy that will appeal to readers as they get to know it.

    * Analyse the risk
    As a business person you should have to determine how much you stand to lose if your company goes under.


  45. Joe Marie M. Peñas

    1. Know WHY?
    Building and maintaining a business is not just as simple as eating that when you dislike the taste, you can just spit it out. It takes money, effort and time to get it running. So, before you get yourself into the business world, you need to know why you are doing it in the first place.

    2. Know your motivations
    The road to success in the business world isn’t as smooth as the piled books you see in a library. It also consists of rough moments. It can be more of down times rather than good ones. But if you set yourself with the right motivation and not set it aside. Down times will be taken as challenges.

    3. Know your limitations
    You have to also set limits while running a business. This limit also applies to when will you say STOP when running a business. Because even if you have all the money in the world, retaining the business requires earning from it too.

  46. Joe Marie M. Peñas

    1. Know the reason WHY?
    Building and maintaining a business is not just as simple as eating that when you dislike the taste, you can just spit it out. It takes money, effort and time to get it running. So, before you get yourself into the business world, you need to know why you are doing it in the first place.

    2. Know your motivations
    The road to success in the business world isn’t as smooth as the piled books you see in a library. It also consists of rough moments. It can be more of down times rather than good ones. But if you set yourself with the right motivation and not set it aside. Down times will be taken as challenges.

    3. Know your limitations
    You have to also set limits while running a business. This limit also applies to when will you say STOP when running a business. Because even if you have all the money in the world, retaining the business requires earning from it too.

  47. Joe Marie M. Peñas

    I am suggesting the 3 things below to be possibly added on the list:
    1. Know the reason WHY?
    Building and maintaining a business is not just as siple as eating that when you dislike the taste, you can just spit it out. It takes money, effort and time to get it running. So, before you get yourself into the business world, you need to know why you are doing it in the first place.

    2. Know your motivations
    The road to success in the business world isn’t as smooth as the piled books you see in a library. It also consists of rough moments. It can be more of down times rather than good ones. But if you set yourself with the right motivation and not set it aside. Down times will be taken as challenges.

    3. Know your limitations
    You have to also set limits while running a business. This limit also applies to when will you say STOP when running a business. Because even if you have all the money in the world, retaining the business requires earning from it too.

  48. Almark A. Yonting

    *Setting a Goal*
    Having a business should always have a goal of what to achieve because if have a business and you don’t have a goal it’s like that there is no point. You don’t know how to start , what is the procedure and what is main reason why you want this kind of business. Setting a goal to your business can really help to us specially to those who is planning to have a business.
    *Be open minded*
    In every businessman that have their own business it is important that we are open-minded. We must open for any ideas that we can gather to someone or in every people that may share their idea. But make to think about it first to do it because some of the idea can also destroy the business.
    *Work it Hard *
    Starting a business is not easy it take time. It like that you’re giving your all you have and work it hard. Because success in the business cannot get in just one click. All of the big time business man they start in a small but with their hard work. They end at the Big things and they becomes successful businessman.


    Things posible to complete Guidelines Starting Business.
    1. Product Exposure
    Advertising and Social media exposure. Create a Website , that were u can put all the information regarding on what business you have. Make a logo that can help people identify your brand. You can also make some strategies by posting in social media that might be used to spread out the good information about your business. For Marketing development you can also make some Promotional treats , Discounts transactions, Bulk orders, Free delivery, and other marketing strategies, like giving Leaflets,
    and Loyalty Discounts. Make sure all the contents information of your Business is relevant and interesting that customers benefit and fully satisfied in all services offer.

    2. Customer Fucos and Relationship
    Customer is not not a daiturvance ,they have purpose on it. Treat them special in showing your concern and appreciation. Know them well , their different lifestyle, history, social life. Each customers have different diffinition in behavioral treats. They maybe living in different way on life but all they need is to serve them and treat them important. Provide Great taste and Superior Value of Products. Fucos on your customer likes, dislike, and wants based on their Culture and Beliefs. Giving them the best and exceptional experience. Make their day every moment special. Sick and welcome value feedback.

    3. Product Quality and Standards
    Running a business must need to consider the safety and security of thier daily operation. They need to follow and implement this rules and regulations to maintain and promote standard quality product and services.
    Fucos on accuracy quality and standards of a products. Following of some safety and security management system is very useful for your company or business protection.

  50. Dysan M. Rodriguez

    MAKE A TWIST – We all know business is full of competition. Make your product different
    from the others that can catch the attention of a consumers.
    PROMOTE TRAINING-Train employee’s on proper handling and procedures about your business.
    IDENTIFY THE MARKET TRENDS-Knowing what is the latest trends can help your business grow fast
    because of the demand.

  51. Judan Danico Rosal

    – Do what you love – when starting your own business, make sure you love what your doing. You will spend a lot of time and energy in starting a business to make it successful.

    – Get professional help – business can fail or succeed, identifying where to get help about the business is a must. Where to get help? People who are entrepreneurs, attorneys, accountants and etc. to assist you about your business.

    – Keep a source of cash – profits will not start coming in right away. having a job while starting your own business, helps you in getting through the start up process with cash/money.


  52. Aileen Kris Villar

    1. Advertising The Business – Let technology do it’s job. Right after doing all the research for your business, don’t forget to promote it. Social media is dominating the world. Make sure to find someone that will help you advertise your business regarding designs, websites etc. Post it on different social media platforms what kind of business you have.

    2. Brand Name – Choosing your business name is essential. Think of a unique name depending on what kind of business you operate. It could be cool or artsy. Look for some options or brainstorming the brand name will do.

    3. Accounting System – What’s the purpose of running a business if you don’t have an accounting system. If you want to make sure that your budget, sales, taxes etc,. are well taking care of, hire an accountant or if you’re an accountant yourself, much better. Choose an accounting software for you to record everything that’s in your business. #eteeapMM2018

    • Why it is important to choose right person in company . It is important because if you have a right and knowledgeable person to your company it is easy to achieve the company goals. Choose the right person that have specialty ability . Assign to task that they know to do. Right person is need to the company activity in everyday. If you choose the wrong person to company it is waste of time , money and also effortless if they didn’t know how to do inside the company. Always hire the right and worth it person if you want to achieve the company goals.

  53. Promote your business : the influence of social media promotions is in its all time high. With the easy access of people through their handheld devices will greatly lighten the burden of promoting on your part. Go on every social media platform and promote your business or product. This will cost you little to no expense at all for a wide reach of exposure.

    Hire partners : one way to broaden your reach is by getting people to do it for you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you will directly hire and pay for their services with cash but you can offer to give them merchandises for a certain quota or referral.

    Create events : depending on your product and business, you may try to create events so that consumers may try your product or that you may draw a crowd in your establishment. Know whats cool and whats “fool” in the current trend.

  54. Beth Honey Sabanal

    Be Creative. Think something out of a shell. You have a lot of competitors. Create something that will become your niche.

    Make it Simple. Make sure your business inclusive, affordable and attuned to people’s needs.

    Make it Remarkable. Develop products and services that will keep interest of your customers. Figure out a way to gain a fresh perspective on your business. Then do it. Surely! Your customer will comeback without hesitation.



    Analyze the challenges- there will be rivals or competitors but it depends on the area where it is located.It should be accessible for the tenant.
    Market the rental properties- use the social media to advertise the house rental property.
    The right price for the rental- price will be fair for the tenant, give them the perfect price.

  56. Regie Pabalinas

    Many will try to venture in the world of business but only a few will succeed. Only the people who possess the right attitude and characteristic will thrive. Here are three more guides to help you in starting up your own business.
    1. Identify your target market.
    It is essential that you know your target market that way you can tailor your product/service into their needs/wants. You do not want to offer a Louis Vitton bag if your target market is earning an average of 30,000.00 per month, now who is going to buy your product?.

    2. Check your competition.
    If you are new to the business, you have to make sure that you check your competition that way you can compete and secure a chunk of the market. Know their prices, the quality of their products, the perks that the customers are getting, their marketing strategy, etc. Know their weakness and make it your strength.

    3. Attend Trainings and Seminars.
    “There is nothing permanent in this world but change”, that is indeed true. In this time that the turn around of the innovation of technology is very fast, as a businessman you need to cope. Being versatile and flexible is important to make sure that your business won’t be left behind. Innovation is the key to maintain your share of the market and for the business to thrive. Attend Trainings and Seminars so you will be updated with what is happening in the business world and new innovations that’s in line with your business.

  57. Jann Christine Tupas

    1. Know Who/What your Target Market is
    – When choosing the location for your business, you need to first do a research on who or what your target market is; students, callcenter pips etc. – to better improve the products you can possibly offer.

    2. Product Costings
    – Costing of products we offer are also in need of a little research. We can’t just put prices here and there without analyzing if it’s suitable to the budget of your customers and to your business expense as well. Once we know who and what our target market is it would be easier for us to weigh in the range of prices that we can put on our products also we need to make sure that we include our monthly business expenses to avoid business failures.

    3. Transparency
    When running your own business, may you have someone you trust so much looking after it or even though you are very hands on and you are the one managing it yourself, you still need transparency with regards to the ins and outs of cash and products. We need to make sure that we keep track of it on a daily basis in that way there is assurance that at the end of the day, you as the owner is knowledgeable on the status of your business.


  58. Jann Christine Tupas

    1. Know Who/What your Target Market is
    – When choosing the location for your business, you need to first do a research on who or what your target market is; students, callcenter pips etc. – to better improve the products you can possibly offer.

    2. Product Costings
    – Costing of products we offer are also in need of a little research. We can’t just put prices here and there without analyzing if it’s suitable to the budget of your customers and to your business expense as well. Once we know who and what our target market is it would be easier for us to weigh in the range of prices that we can put on our products also we need to make sure that we include our monthly business expenses to avoid business failures.

    3. Transparency
    When running your own business, may you have someone you trust so much looking after it or even though you are very hands on and you are the one managing it yourself, you still need transparency with regards to the ins and outs of cash and products. We need to make sure that we keep track of it on a daily basis in that way there is assurance that at the end of the day, you as the owner is knowledgeable on the status of your business.

  59. Ma. Catherine Hazel L. Zulueta

    BUSINESS STRUCTURE- This is where your business can be either a sole proprietorship or a partnership. You have to think of whether you may need a partner in creating a business or you can manage your own business.

    GET OR CHOOSE A NAME FOR YOUR BUSINESS – You could not just start a business without a name of it. It is very important to choose a name for your business so that people or customers will know how to call your business or it’s the name could be easily stored in the mind of the customers.

    HAVE A SEMINAR/WORKSHOP – Before starting a business, you must have your team a seminar/workshop but that’s not just the team you have to include yourself as the owner also. This is to let them know what business or the company they will be involving to. To let them know how the business operations will run.


    1. Advertise on Social Networking Site- on advertising a product the your business are expected to increase the sales
    2. Competence- your are able to compete to others business
    3. Managing a Business- starting a business you should know and how to manage


  61. Romel C. Parcon

    KNOW YOUR TARGET MARKET – We all know that starting a business is a risk taking activity for a business minded people. The first step to launch your business planning is a have a clear a target consumers or audience in your concept, identifying your target consumer is a big factor that help a lot especially if you are planning to a start a business. Marketing campaigns are going to cost much such as promotions, sponsorship and advertising.

    LEARN THEIR BUYING BEHAVIOR – Learning the behavior of target consumer will help you ultimately if you are planning to start a business. Not all consumer have the same buying behavior. The purpose is to figure out its mental, psychological and behavioral shopping approaches to consumer within your target market. This concept would help you a lot in your business and also with your target market. Good relationship with the consumer, clients and also your supplier is a big boost for your business.

    CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – This is were your product and service satisfaction over all experience either its good or bad experience. Business who prioritize consumer satisfactory grow and increase their revenue and brand awareness through word of mouth and satisfactory experience you meet.

  62. Aljon Talacay

    Additional guides:
    *Promote your business
    Let the peole know your business. You can choose to advertise your products through social media, flyers, posters , radio ads, etc. Make sure to share your location, product and services offered, operating hours and other promotions offered. This would capture interests of the people who will become your future customers.

    *Deliver the best customer service
    Learn on how to deliver the best customer experience in town. This would help you create more loyal customers in the future. They will also advertise your place through testimonies and word of mouth that can attract more leads. Good place and delicious food would not be enough if you don’t offer an excellent customer experience.

    *Solicit feedback from your customers
    It is important to hear what your custoners are saying. This would help you determine what is working versus to what needs to be improved to make the business better.

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