6 Ways to Motivate your Employees That Improve Work Productivity
People say that the quality of the company is only as good as the people that are in it. This only means that the kind of people who work for you may either be the result of its rise or downfall. It does make sense, in fact, as the people whom you let in your company has the power to affect it either positively or negatively.
Intuitively, it is for this very reason that companies have a built-in screening process before letting any aspiring employee in to help the business grow. However, even the best of the bests can still be flawed as a person which significantly affect their performance at work. Whether they are overworking themselves or are simply less motivated, these factors can adversely affect their productivity in the workplace.
But, while you cannot do much if the employee is simply having personal issues that relatively affected his level of intensity at work, you can, however, do something about keeping him motivated and therefore maintain a good level of productivity for the sake of the business.
Here are some effective ways you can motivate your employees that ensure productivity:
1.Value hard work
Ever recall getting a commendation for something you did well that you maintain or made better on it as a result? Yeah, that heartwarming feeling that recognizes your doing of something good that you wanted to continue on it because of the pleasure in it.
The same thing works as good in the workplace area. So, when one of your employees are working hard for the company, a bit of gratitude from you as a boss goes a long way in keeping that momentum.
The feeling that an employee is more than just a head from the payroll, but rather a contributive member of the workforce, gives a satisfying feeling which salary alone will not match.
2.Set attainable goals
When the sky is the limit and you can squeeze your employees to make a lot of money for the company, you are straining your most precious resource in a task that will only leave them less productive or worst, exhausted, over time. Instead of treating your employees as slaves, take them as a person like yourself who would like to get things done when possible for them.
Setting very high goals may be ideal in boosting the company’s profitability but if it means constantly keeping your manpower dejected due to missed goals, then you are sucking their morale to become more productive for another day.
3.Praise positive results
One good thing about coming with something good as a result of work is getting the merit for it which you can rightfully brag. When an employee is contributing significantly to the company that he deserved praise, do not hesitate to do so. While you are at it, be specific as well about the achievement of the person.
The gesture that the company is displaying value to the accomplishments of its employees is very effective in boosting the morale in the workplace. It gives a sense that the company is doing good as a result of one man’s work and so does can everybody as well.
4.Keep the positive vibe
The atmosphere of the workplace has a way of indirectly affecting the morale of the people that are in it. When everything is positive, it means that the company is doing well and so does the people in it. To the contrary, a negative environment paves the way to confusion which breeds doubt and other things unpleasant in the area.
Essentially, a company is like a family. When the mood is light and jolly, everybody is happy, too. But, when not, everyone suffers. As the head of the company, basically, the father figure, how you handle your people speaks a lot about the culture that is taking place in the community you established.
So, even when things go wrong from time to time, which may be inevitable, keep the environment as positive as possible by not gravitating on the problem but by focusing on the solution.
5.Remain energized
No person could work on an empty stomach which thus puts emphasis on food for our productivity. If you want the company grinding on its machines or keep its operations flowing, you must keep your workers properly fueled by being fed.
Of course, whether a worker eats his meal or not is already his own problem. But given the dynamics in the workplace, some workers tend to skip on the importance of meal to do their job. Instead of becoming more productive, however, the performance declines due to poor nutrition.
Ever get that tired feeling at some point of not eating which inhibits you to do further work? That means your body is lacking the fuel it needs to keep running.
One effective way of offsetting this problem is to provide the workplace with healthy grub which the employees can munch on at will. While this may imply additions to the company’s bottom line in expenses, the relative increase in the employees’ productivity more than makeup for the costs.
6.Make way for breaks
Sure, many employees are being paid by the hour or by a fixed rate set on specific hours of work per day. However, your employees are not machines that can maintain productivity for hours on end without pause for a break. A 1-hour break for lunch break will not even suffice for the succeeding hours of work.
Working hours after hours, after all, can cause an unpleasant feeling of stress to anybody and its very idea is known to be detrimental to health. It is for this reason that many who go through hours at work, end up sore and physically spent.
By adding a more human element in the workplace, that is, giving way for constant breaks, gives a feeling that the employees are being valued of their wellness and not just being taken for as a tool for the company to make wads of cash with.
If im a boss in one company , and how can i motivate my employee who is not performing well, I will encourage them, not to judge them, instead motivate them that they can do it.If there’s a problem i will listen to them, i know some of the employee they tired . As a boss i will ask them if there’s a problem and then i will motivate them that sometimes our life is so hard, we face obtacles in life. But we need to face it conquer it. But we don’t need to quit it’s okay to rest, but don’t ever quit. Just pray and ask God for help. God is there for us, have faith on God. Our battle is belong to God. I give them a bible verse that everytime they tired or there’s problem. Through this verse it can help them to walk in daily life.
If am a boss in company I will give them the freedom to feel free to talk to me their situations or problem so that I can help of what it is. Because when they are not performing well their jobs it can cause also to our company. And being a boss I will encourage them to do their work exactly and no pressure.
If I were a boss in one company, I will chosse a motivation to keep the employees perform their task with a positive vibe. Because keeping a positive vibe increases the morale of an employee and also helps to achieve the goals of the company. Giving a compliment at an employee’s work will brighten his/her day. Even at a smallest thing, I will give them gratitude of their hard work and that will be a good practice in a daily life inside the workplace and will help boost their morale.
Motivate an employee’s is important to a business or in a company. Being a boss in a company is not easy it so hard for me because you need to focus on your employees and you need to motivate them and appreciate what they are doing. As a boss you need to be a good role model for your employees so that they do not lose the appetite to work. Then you need some communication to them so that you can show them that you support them in what they do.
If I were a boss, I would do a lot of things to motivate an employee who is underperforming. So the first thing I should do is to act as a respectful boss because it will have an impact on my relationship with my employees. The second thing I will do is request that the employee come to my office for the important matter. Henceforth, I will ask him or her the necessary questions and explain how I will assist him or her with his or her problem. I’ll also tell him in a nice way that I am giving him or her words of wisdom as a piece of advice. However, if something is required, such as finding emergency funds, I will respond to that type of problem. After that, I will assist him or her in regaining her or his performance by providing pearls of advice to boost his or her energy so that he or she can become an efficient employee. If he or she has made any progress, small or large, I will commend him or her and might very well grant him or her incentives or even promotion so that he will do better in the future.
John Peter B. Solleza BSIT 3- C2
I think I’m gonna tell them, Don’t be pressure just take their time in their jobs. I’m gonna set a special day every month or every week for a lunch or maybe dinner. I will recognized the achievement they done in our company. I will approach them if they have a problem, I will tell my employees we are here us a family, We are working here is a team, the problem of one person the problem off all. Just keep helping each other. Do some games so your employee’s don’t get bored.
As the boss, I’ll look into why the employee isn’t performing well. I’ll also allow him to talk and listen patiently while he explains his side. We can work together on anything that can be changed about the employee’s performance. If the employee genuinely does not care as a general state of being and there is nothing I can do to change that, it’s best to move on and find a replacement because attitude and motivation are contagious, and a negative force like that is not a good thing in a work environment where it can spread or offset other employees’ performance and motivation towards their responsibilities.
If I was a boss and one of my employees are having low performance in their work I must first find out on what is causing him to do so by observing him while doing his work. After that i might as well call him for a talk and tell him on what I saw during his work and his actions are affecting the other employees and the company. And after that I will tell him that as a boss I am willing to help him to get back on his feet. And then ask him if there are any ideas that he can provide so that he will regain and improve performance back and I as a boss I am willing to approve their ideas. After that if my employee is now performing well I might reward him for his changes.
If I were a boss I will motivate my employee by talking to him if he has a problem. Let him rest for a while so that he can think. Then compliment the things he do whether its big or small things. I will give time to bond with my staff so that I may understand their experiences and hardships in life. I will be a optimistic and hope for my employees whatever hardships they experienced. As a leader you should also care about their future, if he cannot surpass this, he will not succeed. The employee will feel valued and worthy when he knows you care about him and his fellow employees. A good encouragement tool is to give more opportunities to him. Lastly be a mentor to your employee, a good mentor is a good leader.
Having a employee that does not perform as what you expect is a hassle, they can delay, interupt or even stop the flow of work to be done. As the boss, I will replace him with another personel for now because we still need to comply to the duties of the company, I will put the employee who is not performing well to that job into another job where he can do well enough. I will ask what’s the problem , does the work overwhelm him? Is it stress that holds his performance or do personal problems hold him down. Your employee may just need someone to talk to, a advice will be enough sometimes. If he doesn’t talk or tell the problem then you should let him know that he is worth it, that you have lots of reason why you accept him to your company. Praise your employee , be optimistic, cheerful and sometimes that person may just need a friend. I will do some self reflection too, I may be the cause. A boss should lead with his very best.
If there is an employee that not doing their job well, I will motivate them and I will remind them that before I take them and become part of my company they strive to get the position they are applying for. I would praise their good deeds more than the mistakes they made in their work. I will also give them a time to break to think clearly to ease their feelings and grievances at work. If we have employees who make mistakes, we should not immediately fire them from their position, they just need motivation and a reminder that they can undo and fix the mistakes they have made. As the boss of the company we also need to be considerate of the personal problems of our employees because if it is just work and we become selfish and if we fire all the employees who make mistakes without giving them second chance to prove that they can do better in work again the company we run will not prosper.
– Joe-ann Grace B. Hilare BSIT 3-2
If I were the boss in one company, I would motivate the employee who is not performing well in a way that I can catch her attention. First I will let her know that the performance matters a lot. I will make the workplace as productive and friendly as possible so that the employee will be satisfied and work harder than what she was doing before. I will also make the atmosphere more comfortable to all the employees and exert such effort that can help them to be motivated everyday. Also I will make sure to let my employees feel the excitement for every new day when they are at my company. Provide a realistic goal that can build their effort and be eager to discover new ideas that might be helpful to their performance. It can enhance their skills. They can be idealistic and think as fast as possible to reach the goal before the time or in time. Most importantly, give a token and acknowledgement to make them feel that they are valued.
If I am the boss I will motivate my employee through appreciating their works. Giving respect and also be a good boss them. The employee represents the company. I will guide them in everything until it will be easy for them. I will always remind them the vision and mission of the company. Always give a feedback to their work. It can make them motivated. I will celebrate their small improvements and success. Treat them with food sometimes to make them feel good. Give their right benefits and salary as an employee. Know their rights as a part of the company. And remind them that the success of the company is also their success. Do something to make them excited to go to work everyday. Lastly, respect, love and value your employees. Your company will not be productive and successful without your employees. Treat them not just an employee but treat them as a family. Because good management by an owner prolongs an employee and motivates them to do the job well.
Pamela A. Lucha BSIT 3-C1
If I am a Boss and my employees are not performing very well, I will motivate them using thier selves. Motivation can starts in our own selves specially when we feel that what we our doing si right, the first step that I will going to do is to recognize their projects/works because 1 out of 10 employees feel rejected to the group because of the dissapointments from their selves, the main reason for that issue is lacking of recognization, sometimes we need to reconize the performace of our employee even if its small or big achievements because it can affect the mentality of a person to get motivated for what he/she’s doing but more important thing is to use this technique for good, and not in a bad way.
Axel Mer N. Dolero BSIT 3 C2
If I am the Boss in one company, I can apply many ways to motivate my employee who is not performing well. First thing to do is to know why is he/she not performing well. After knowing it, I can start by recognizing his/her work. This can help my employee to feel motivated and happy because his/her work has been acknowledged. Thus giving him/her more motivation to do better next time. Prasing my employees work will also help him/her to feel more motivated and perform well. Another thing is to give him/her a break. Employees are not machines, they also need to rest for a while. It will help them recover from stress and pressure. Breaks also helps them to refresh their minds and prepare themselves to another tasks. As their Boss, it is my job to make them feel comfortable and happy in their work. I will give my best to help them in some things that they can’t. And lastly I will hear his/her opinions for what is the problem in their tasks so that we can solve and help him/her.
First I will confront each one of them to my office and ask their reasons why they’re not performing well to identify the reasons behind each them so that we can figure it out of what behavior’s they are. I know that everyone of us needs a person or a friend that keeps believing in us to reach out goul in life and I will us that an example. Being a boss of the company I will keep positive vibes on my office that everyone can feel it so that while they are working they’re felt energized to do their works and really focus to the gouls that provides direction to the company. Important is I will praise positive results of their work so that they will improve their self-esteem that the needs of growth are really exist in my company and expectancy is there to my employees that the good performance, hard work and high accomplishments to execute.
Motivation plays a very important keyrole in each employee in an organization. So if will be the boss and one employee is not performing well, i will motivate that employee by setting a meeting to discuss to them the true goal of our company and i will ask that employee if there’s any problem concerning its lack of performance then I will help that employee with all I can help.
As a boss in a company and in order to motivate my employee that are not performing well, I will talk to them privately and ask them what wrong or is there any problem that is going on about his life. I will be attentive to their physical and mental health so that they can perform well in my company and also I will appreciate what they have done so far for my company. Motivation is important to every person and knowing their weaknesses can be an advantage to successfully motivate them.
First i will talk to him as a boss i will ask my employee what is the reason why he is underperforming on the job and i will judge if the reason is acceptable or not but i will be also an open minded boss i will listen to the reason and help him i will make him feel that if he is underperforming i will motivate him that he can do a better job and i will make him feel that he is an asset on the company. I will not directly scold my employee because you should also understand the emotions that the employee and strugle in their lives. And i will understand that every employee can improve their jobs and can also do mistakes in their jobs
Stop being bossy, do not pressure your employees to do their jobs and finish their task. Their are already in pressure everyday on their job. As a boss, I will encourage my employee who did not work well on his or her job to work as enthusiastic. For example, because of mobile games he/she did not work well or focus on his/her job. I will ride on their trip or vices, I will announce a tournament for that games, but the requirements is you must acheive what I am required for you related to our job. You must finish your task for the requirements, their must be no absent for the whole month inorder for you to be accept and complied our requirements. But that’s not all end here, you and your team will receive a reward for the tournaments that you have joined. That is how I convinced my employee to work well, ride on their trip. Avoid against them, this could lead you to very long argumentations.
If I were a Boss in a company, I would be a honest, respectful and supportive boss. I will treat them like my brothers and sisters, I will give them some food when they are working to make them energize in their work. I will valued their hard work by giving them some reward when they doing a great things in work, because they deserve it. And as a Boss I will influence them that at work you don’t have to be perfect at all, all you have to do is to give your best, don’t think negatively and respect your co-workers as well as your boss.
If i were a boss in one company, the first that i want to do in my employee to motivate him to perform well in the workplace is that teaching him a self discipline and just trust in him self to achieve his goals. And make him understand that every failure is a challenges to passed in his work and in life. And focus in his goals just keep moving on and be positive in any task and work to do just believe in his self that he/she can do it.
Help your employees when they have professional difficulties. It is normal that they encounter obstacles, especially if you give them complex jobs. If one of them is having difficulty, work with him to smooth out the difficulty and move on. Your employees need to learn well and know if you accept their work. Express constructive criticism, but in private. Do not make comments or reprimand your employees in front of others. If you have something to say to an employee, keep it private.
As a leader of a company im going to offer employee rewards because
People will stay with your business if they have a reason to. So if you want to keep your good people and keep them motivated it’s worth starting an incentive program. If people know they’ll be rewarded for a job well done, they’ll be Motivated.
If I’m the boss of a company then there’s an employee who doesn’t perform well. I want to talk to him what’s his/her problem then I want to tell my story/struggles that I incounter before to gave a motivation to my employee.
Irone Calpis BSIT 3-C1
If l were the boss of a company,I would give my employee a reason why they keep working, why they should work, and what the inspiration is to keep them working All we need is some inspiration in life. To keep us motivated during downtime that whatever you think you are a failurein life because why do we keep telling ourselves we are a failure when in fact failure is a verb not a noun
If I’m the boss of the company I will motivate my employee who is not performing well, to give them courage to be a productive employee, I will motivate them also and observe them to know the problem in their work. And then I will talk to them regarding with the problem and if their was any conflict with their work or with their co-workers I will coordinate with them or give a meeting to settle down the issue so that we can solve the problem and give them solution in order avoid misunderstanding I will always talk to them positively and praise the positive result to their work and give them prize or promotion to motivate them to become more productive. And show to them that the company could help them to achieve their desire goals to their work.
Andrada Mel V. BSIT 3C-1
First, I will confront and talk to my employee why he/she did not do may given task well. I will take him/her in the place that no one can hear us. After we talk I will encourage my employee to do his/her task in a nice way because it is part of the boss to take care and responsibility.
I’ll talk to him/her privately and ask “What is your inspiration in life?” INSPIRATION is one of the reasons why we still keep on fighting,it’s either she/he works for his family so that she/he has a reason to perform his/her job very well. Because if he/she lost his/her work what will happen to their family ,what food they would eat everyday. Everyone has a inspiration we just need is to remind why they need this job. Of course if we have an INSPIRATION we will be MOTIVATED to perform our work very well and we won’t lost it.
Pura,Riza Mae S. BSIT 3-C1
As a boss i will motivate my employees by acknowledging them in their improvements and appreciate them always.And then i will reward them and tell them on the positive feedbacks that they do.And I always start a good conversation to them so that they were not bored.And lastly i will pay them well so that each one of them has a reason to work hard.
If I’am the boss and if I have an employee who’s not performing well. I will motivate him/her by giving a rewards to claim. But before he/she received the reward he/she perform the duties and responsibilities in the organization.
Laurice Abellar BSIT3-C1
First, I will call my employee’s attention and make a serious conversation, if they have a problem. Second, I will guide them and impart my knowledge to the things that they didn’t know and appreciate their efforts , for them to be more productive and efficient. Next, I will teach them on how to value and give love to their work , in such a way that they have to be compassionate and idealistic on their profession. Lastly, As a leader it is my responsibility to create a good and friendly atmosphere for my employees for them to feel much comfortable , to build a harmonious relationship and unity .
I will motivate my employee by asking him/her first what’s the problem or what’s going on? Why his/her not performing well, so that i would know how to address my concerns regarding on his performance, because sometimes our employees also having a hard time emotionally because of some reason maybe personal reasons that affects his /her performance at work. I would talk to him/her that the company needs him/her, and encourage him to set aside all possible reasons why she/he not performing well. I would recognise and praise his/her work so that he/she may feel motivated and also if she/he needs a break i will consider to give him/her but she /he make a agreement that after that he /she will be back with so much motivation and energy to commit his/her job in my company.
As boss or leader of a company, it’s my resposibility to make everyone productive and motivated. If there’s a employee who is not motivated in my team. I will not ommit him or her on my team instead, I will give him responsibilties and give him or her a chance to participate and show his or her capabilities. Appreciate what he or she do because maybe he or she is just having low self-esteem. I will not be bias to those who participate well instead I will fucos to those who person having unmotivated participation on the team to make my team productive as a whole and I will give rewards to those who deserve and perfomed well to encourage everyone to do their best.
One of the most important factor that contribute to employee motivation is how often their work is recognize . Compliment and inspired them, don’t pressure your employees give them freedom to their work and give them a bonuses so that your employees will motivate to do her/his work . As a manager I will help my employee as long as I can. Understand every situation because employees motivation is the key to an organization’s success.
Monera N Dondoy BSIT3-C1
As a manager of company i will treat my employee fairly or equally with respect because that thing help them to focus navigate the challenging in front of them, as manager also i will not punish my employee if he did not doing her job properly.I will consult and helped them if any have problem like family,financially or mental problem that cause obstacle to do well on her job for me the best solution is talk your employee and then understand there problem think and give a better solution or advice,and sometime as manager you may give some rewards to your employee to develop or motivate them to do her job well and lastly listen to your employee to avoid misunderstanding or problem in the the company.
If I were the boss of a company, I would give my employee a reason why they keep working, why they should work, and what the inspiration is to keep them working. All we need is some inspiration in life. To keep us motivated during downtime
that whatever you think you are a failure in life because why do we keep telling ourselves we are a failure when in fact failure is a verb not a noun.
I strongly agree with this article. It is really true that the quality of the company is only as good as the people that are in it. We have to value our employees, make them feel that they are not only working for the money buy they are working to achieve the goals of their company. No matter how hard the work is. If the employer knows to value or hardships, its will help motivate each employee to do their best. Be good to your employees and the success of your company is already in your hand.
Motivation is a big factor for me as a worker while studying. Unfortunately, motivation doesn’t came from our boss instead it from my colleagues and family. But i just really love my job and i always enjoy the new challenges which i think was enough to be motivated.
Motivation is really a big factor for me as a worker and a student. Unfortunately, those motivation doesn’t came from my boss but from my colleagues and family. But I just really love my job and i always enjoy it which is enough for me to be motivated.
Nowadays we often heard employees that they are unhappy with their respective jobs and it makes them demotivated and it will result to an endless complains to their company and sometimes leads to their resignation. This article helps me to find definite ways to motivate them, inspire them and keep them on their job and it will leads to a productive result.
Being employed for 3 years in a BPO COMPANY (TSR) is not a joke. Every graveyard shift is very stressful and as we speak we are all “Dead Tired” after 8 hours of fixing technical problems over the phone. I must say that this ways of motivation should be present at all times to eliminate the “toxic of work”. It will empower employees to be productive and more effective in doing their job. So what we need sometimes is to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, realize that life of being at work is good and simply acknowledge their work no matter how easy or difficult it is. Employees that are motivated will have loyalty to the company.
More often than not, a number of companies and employers opt to decide to fire or dismiss unproductive employees to protect their business profits. If I were a boss of a company, I wouldn’t like to make this scenario happen… hence, it’s my job to make uplifting motivations. First thing I’m going to do is to find out the cause or root of his/her unproductive performance true evaluation and address the issue outrightly. Of course in addressing the issue, I will make sure that I am objective in my approach. If evaluation says that the employees necessary skills to perform well, he/she will be given trainings to level up his or her skills to appropriate the job performance. If he/she is willing to learn or change to be a prolific employer, then, upgrading additional option. Following up and monitoring of his progress or recommended. And if after all these motivational airports, he or she still know improvements, then it’s my call for our recommendation to the board for the result he or she has shown.
However, if the number forming employee turns his/her performance around or has improved, then I will make sure that he/she will be rewarded. As you want business expert Weinstraub says, “You want a team that can make mistakes and learn from them.” serves as myself motivation in dealing patiently and possibly with none- performers of my company.
This article only justify what I believed in about MOTIVATION. “It is something INTERNAL that will make it long term”. Motivation should always be driven by good performance, good compliance , good results, and hitting the right goal but for me the most substantial motivational process is motivating them during bad results. Motivating them not to give up and keeping themselves on the right track towards the common good. This is something LONG TERM.
Being in a company which values the good in each employee is a sign that it is moving forward. Considering human conditions as a primary is a good investment. An indicator of a growing company can be found in the work area where workers are happy sharing themselves for company productivity.
An employee who’s not performing well has a lot of factors why they became unproductive. Some factors are personal issues and problems but commonly it’s the working environment that they’ve experience. As what I’ve read on this article it is important to motivate your employees internally. As a boss of a company, I will always choose to motivate my employees intrinsically because it can gives a long term effect that will put satisfaction and contentment to your employees that will motivate them to be productive and iperform well. Motivating your employees internally does not mean to remove all the external benefits that they currently have, but rather as a boss you just have to add up some plans for example giving your employees a safe and positive working environment. The employee is the reason why the business grows and fall. It is important to give them the proper treatment that they deserve because at the end of the day it is your employee who does the lot of hardworks.
Employee motivation is the internal drive that the employees acquire inorder to strive day to day business operation. In this article, we may find those practices that are already present in the company that we are now working. And for those that you think helpful to us , may be implemented.
I came to realize that in my present company, we experienced lots of motivation skills for the employee for the last 5 years at the peak of our career. But for now, I think due to some expenses constraints few of these motivation techniques for the employees were not implemented as they were before. And I think it should be retained as well to ensure the retention of the employees. Happy people who works in a company results to a profitable business since each employee take part on the responsibilities that they engage in. We would feel that we are valued by the employer. As long as there is harmony from different levels with these employee motivations listed then a smooth sailing operation is possible with progresssive result. No matter how big is the salary if the employees were not happy, it would lead to employees leaving the company. So, as to avoid this we should involve people to inspire employee motivation by starting within ourselves.
This article just guided me to what kind of leader I should be in the future, A leader must know how to give importance to what matters most which is his/her subordinates. Because the quality produced by the team depends on how the members are motivated and dedicated to delivering targets or even beyond the goal. A leader must know how to keep the team’s fire fueled. The article suggests also to treat the employees as friends without losing the sense of guidance and leadership as respect is earned, not asked. And it makes me realize when to take a break and just enjoy the companion of the employees to correspondingly know them personally because amazing positive reactions will transpire when your people know you cared enough about them.
Ramon Resty D. Artesano BSIT3-C2
As a manager, you must be aware of all of your employees and attentive to their needs, otherwise the link will be lost, and you and your employees relationship will vanish. As a manager, I will use their wants to motivate those who are not working well. It could be a raise in pay or a promotion. I’ll do this as a motivator so that people may work harder and return their fashion to their occupations, and if they’re seen, that’s why they stick with it. I will give them the reward they deserve, and I will urge all of my staff to work toward the company’s goals, and when we achieve them, I will offer them a bonus to encourage them to work even harder.
Employee motivation is important in a business or company. Motivated employees means productive workforce. Engaging employees to a two way comunication, giving incentives, recognition ang most importantly showing respect to employees will have higher chance that employee will stay in the company and streghten loyalty for a long period.
This article says it all. When I’m still working, this is the kind of motivation that me and my fellow employees needed the most. Unfortunately, we are connected with a very difficult company. Many companies doesn’t practice this and hopefully they will in the near future. I’m glad that that I was able to read this article.
Being a good employee is depends on the boss or a leader. If i am the boss i motivate my co employee in the way of teach all of my knowledge about technique and tips how to improve their skills. I will do as good as the best example. I don’t tolerate their wrong doing of my co employee.
Motivated employees are the most valuable asset any company can have. As a manager, you have to create an environment in which employees will choose motivation to accomplish their assigned job/ tasks.
Motivation is definitely not limited to just giving employees monetary incentives. As an employee, being treated with respect, trusted and be treated like an adult motivates me to contribute more and do well on my job. We employees appreciate positive recognition on any form. Knowing that we did something good and we’ve contributed to the company’s fulfillment of its visions, missions and/or goals, make us feel valued and that motivate us to even become better.
It is something that I’m looking forward to see the local companies practice. I feel like local companies have not really incorporated majority of the mentioned ways but they should start investing on programs that can motivate their employees to drive productivity and promote success.
Employee motivation has a big role in business because motivated employees more happier and productive, they will do whatever is necessary for a job well-done but employees with low motivation underperforms, lack of motivation means less work being accomplished. The key here is how to inspire and encourage employees, fulfilling their needs and expectations.
Funny how these simple steps are being neglected by some companies. Having worked in a toxic environment i can very much relate to the importance of the statements above. Companies need to remember that their employees are not machines, They need to know how important a simple compliment is for their employees and how much a morale boost can help in the companies productivity. Having read the article reminded me that if one day I will have my own company or lead a few employees I will make sure to remember that I was once an employee and make sure my employees are treated right, given the proper compliment and make sure to give motivation to everyone in the workforce.
This article is very beneficial as this teaches us how to effectively motivate employees. This should be properly observed and applied in a workplace. I was once a project supervisor in a BPO company and we have this what we call “SMART” goals set to agents. SMART goals means S -Specific, M -measurable, A – Attainable, R – Realistic, T – Timely/Timebound goals in that way agents will become more productive without having their morale sucked. Their should always be a positive workplace environment (BAD VIBES NOT ALLOWED). In the company I’m connected with, there’s this what we call “Employee Satisfaction Survey” where employees needs to answer every week to get feedback from them in order to solve the issues that the company may face. In summary, employees needs to feel that their hardwork and efforts are important and valued as this contributes to the company’s success. The management should always be approachable, energized and keeps an “open-door” policy.
Motivating employees is a big task to a boss/leader of a company because a performances of an employees is a result on how you motivate them towards their task/jobs, so if I were boss in a company I’ll show them on how I give my best that I can to the jobs, be passionate, be dedicated in every task I incounter, so that they were motivated to do their jobs too, because if you are a hardworking boss your employees will be dedicated as well to their jobs because boss/leader is a role model of their employess and its not just by motivating them through work it is also on how you treat your employees, sometimes you must give an appreciation to your employees due to their good performances because the essence of being a boss/leader is on how your good relationship to them and not just by controlling them it is on how you molded them to be a better person because there’s no successful company without your emplyees.
Reniel Atillano -Bsit-3C1
I strongly agree with these ways on how to motivate employees in a certain organization. This is true to some giant companies like Google and Apple headquarter employees and etc… They’re getting free nutritious food from the pantry, listen to music while at work, gets longer break time and enjoy premium benefits.
Sadly, this isn’t happening in the local industry. As an employee I have been starving for this methodology for the longest time. I have been working for more than eight years with different local employers, yet, none of them demonstrated these strategies. I always felt like, I have been underpaid and being used as a tool for the company to make wads of cash with.
If I will be a Human Resource Manager someday, I will make sure that workers under my administration won’t feel how I feel today.
This article gives us an example on How to effectively motivate employees. It tells us how to properly value the employees and making them feel more human. Acknowledging their successes, making sure they get valued on their hard work while setting up appropriate and realistic goals. It also tells us that atmosphere of the workplace is one of the factors that affect our employees. The article also tells the importance of time outs .Making sure that employees are fueled and energized for them to perform better.
Remember to love your employees. Once they feel being love they will love their job and the company as well. Encourage and motivate your employees in positive ways. Appreciate all the small and big things they contribute to the Company and always make them feel that the company is the better place to work with. And remember to put positive vibes everyday.
If there is an employee that not doing their job well, I will motivate them and I will remind them that before I take them and become part of my company they strive to get the position they are applying for. I would praise their good deeds more than the mistakes they made in their work. I will also give them a time to break to think clearly to ease their feelings and grievances at work. If we have employees who make mistakes, we should not immediately fire them from their position, they just need motivation and a reminder that they can undo and fix the mistakes they have made. As the boss of the company we also need to be considerate of the personal problems of our employees because if it is just work and we become selfish and if we fire all the employees who make mistakes without giving them second chance to prove that they can do better in work again the company we run will not prosper.
– Joe-ann Grace B. Hilare BSIT 3-2
First of all this is so beneficial article and guide on becoming a boss someday or if you are aiming for that kind of position. We really need to value hard work in all ways and don’t limit your praise to your employee if they really deserve it and you are lucky of you have a hard working employees and it is important that you have a goals so that you will have your guide and to look on. As an employee it is nice to hear the praises from your boss and if you are a boss commend also your employee or staff for the good job. Regarding with the positive vibes it is very helpful to keep the work place in positive vibes because you can work efficiently as a boss also and your staff you need to give your place a encouraging factor and if possible you will maintain your good energy the whole day. Lastly give your staff a break so that they can re energized.
Appreciation is the key. We have to invest in emotional bank account. Everyday or in every situation, find some good things so that when time comes that we have to call a person’s attention for something he had done wrong, you have already invested a lot of good words in him and it wont degrade the person then. Of course, I can relate to this. As a working student, appreciation in a subtle or “grand” way has really a big impact on our performance as an employee and of course will provide a better productivity at work
No matter how we efficient we are, if we don’t value our work it seems to be useless.
and also no matter how pressure or busy we are with the hectic sked. we should keep in our mind that we must spree the positive vibes in our organization.
Spot on to those companies/organizations who hasn’t practiced on these or hasn’t implemented yet. I have not been a boss in my career yet but I wish that this article has been published into a book/columns and have been read by one of my bosse’s. Its an eye opener to them to give value to their employees. Yes indeed, hardwork is mostly being neglected by the bosses because of them being greedy. They tend to forget the welfare of their employees. I strongly agree to these 6 factors that employees are looking for when applying for a job, not to mention the salary offer and benefits package to attract them. I agree on point number 4. Keep the positive vibe or the Company’s environment, no matter how much your earning if you have this negative atmosphere in the company. Employees will leave you in no time. Big Salute to point number 1!…Bosses should value the hard of employees put in the company. Without them there would be no business at all and operations. Employees are the most valuable asset in the company and very few bosses or not even aware of this.
Motivation is important in a company to perform the employees very well. A peaceful company can get an employee’s motivated. If I’m the boss of a company I will give my employees an incentives, benefits and bonus if they perform very well so that the employees will motivate to do their works or tasks. Respect and value their culture and uniqueness of your employees is one way to motivate them. Even if there is a differences in life between you and your employees you must respect and be equal to them so that the respect that you given to them will bring back to you. All you need is to appreciate them.
In a work field, we work as a family. We want to offer what’s good and best for the company. If there’s an employee who is not performing well and has it’s downs, I could motivate him through acknowledging their successes. Acknowledging their successes, making sure they get valued on their hard work while setting up appropriate and realistic goals. Also changing the atmosphere of the workplace is one of the factors that affect our employees. Positive atmosphere, positive people, positive outcome.