Effective Supervisors are the backbone of any organizations. This is one of the reasons why many organizations has regular training for their supervisors.  There are many ways to become an Effective Supervisors, let me share with you some tips on how to become one.

1. Good communication skills

Effective Supervisors need to be able to present complex ideas in simple terms and convince others about why tasks need to be done a certain way. They also need to be able to communicate upward to higher management about issues and concerns on the floor—and, importantly, good Supervisors have good listening skills which they use with both upper management and their work teams..


World is changing at a fast pace and only flexible people survives. The efficient supervisors ought to keep up with it. Do not just blindly follow the age old norms and rules. Think out of the box if required. Adjust to the needs of the organization.

 To make flexibility work, it is not only necessary to change our attitude about who is a good worker and who is not, but we have to train managers at all levels to recognize the difference between the number of hours worked and the quality of work produced.(Madeleine M. Kunin)

3. People Advocate

it is said that People are organization’s best assets. They are ones running the business and the work. A good supervisor understands their worth and must act as their voice to the top management. Supervisors will surely gain respect for supervisors who acts as their voice.2014 PMAP President Atty Josephus Jimenez in one of the seminar said” most employees go straight to the Union should they have some grievance  because their supervisors fail to be their advocate.”

4. Management Advocate

While effective supervisors are people advocate they have first the responsibility to the management they work for. This role includes communicating to the people the direction and goals of the organization.

5. A coach/mentor

Share your experience. An effective supervisor shares his wisdom, knowledge and experience with the employees.


6. Disciplined

An effective supervisor is a role model. If a supervisor is disciplined then only can she expect the people to be so. The boss is an example – Come on time, meet the time-lines, set a behavioral code if necessary.

7. Feedback/incentives

Promotions, feedback, raises and accolades should be showered on the deserving people.

8. Be an example

Be hands on – Do not just always delegate. At times the boss should take on projects too. She may try picking up something less attractive or uninteresting and complete it wonderfully. This sets an example to all the team about taking up challenges and about how any work is important.

9. Be approachable

The employees should not hesitate in approaching the supervisor with their concerns and problems. An efficient supervisor will make sure that there is enough trust and openness between her and the employees for the latter to come to her with their grievances.

10. Be considerate

People are not just employees. They have families, friends and a life beyond work. Unless there is something urgent, do not make them work beyond the usual hours. Let them have their weekends and vacations. Be practical when setting the time-lines. This all will in turn improve the efficiency and the productivity of the employees.

11.Positive attitude

Positive attitude makes any person amiable.  Wish employees good mornings and be generous in thanking them. Inquire after about their families off and on.

12.Criticize constructively

When mistakes happen a good supervisor tries and understands the reasons behind the mishap. He criticizes or assesses the employee in proportion to the mistake. And it is always better to not to scream or scold in front of the others. Give constructive feedback; show them the right way to do things.


  1. Great article! I agree with all of the points you make here. When I had supervisors, I always tried to learn from them, and when I became the supervisor, I tried to demonstrate the good qualities of the supervisors I had previously. An employee will only be as good as the mentor they follow. Sharing on Google +

  2. Jude Michael Belicano

    You will only be effective supervisor if you were able to influence an employee to be productive in their own field since they play as a role model.

  3. Effective supervisors are necessary in all settings where employees need guidance and supervision to complete tasks, provide leadership training and professional development. A skilled supervisor is an effective communicator, problem-solver and employee motivator.

  4. Rasha Mustafa

    Being a flight attendant supervisor sometimes is our worse enemy.If they already have the supervisor flight attendant position they are always correct inflight.A good supervisor must be knowledgable of your job,your scope and limitation. And always be a good listener to the employee.

  5. Effective supervisors are necessary in all settings where employees need guidance and supervision to complete tasks, serve costumers, and meet deadlines. A skilled supervisor is an effective communicator, problem-solver and employee motivator. In order to be a good leader and get the most out of all of your employees, you need to have insights into their strengths and developmental needs. You also need to have a clear set of expectations and goals.

  6. Great tips! A positive attitude is a major factor to be an effective supervisor. He should not be abusive in his position and sets a good example towards his subordinates.

  7. Rodena Zuniga Vilches

    An effective supervisor is also a good team player, good leader is a good follower. In order to become an effective supervisor being flexible and open minded is important because you are dealing with people with different personalities. Not same thing will work with everyone.

  8. Rodena Zuniga Vilches

    An effective supervisor is also a good team player, good leader is a good follower. In order to become an effective supervisor being flexible and open minded is important because you are dealing with people with different personalities. Not same thing will work with everyone.

  9. Ma. febe Legaspi

    Being a supervisor is a vital task because you need to know your subordinate well and become a good role model. Always remember “walk the talk” when you reprimand someone.

    Ma. Febe Legaspi
    HR 2015

  10. Leidor Cuenza

    Constructive criticism – a skill all supervisors should possess. No matter how good or bad the feedback maybe so long as it is done in a constructive manner will always be a win-win situation.

    BSBA-HRM 2015

  11. Grace Tanjusay

    I would always appreciate a mentor who does not only pinpoint his member’s mistakes but also take part in coming to a resolution, someone who can be a good example to all his members. – HRM2015

  12. Sheila Memoria. HR2015

    A good supervisor knows how to bring out the best in his/her subordinates. A good example and must appreciate the good works and àlso be ready to give inputs to correct the mistakes done.

  13. This is entirely correct. As a supervisor, I am entitled to perform every single tips stated to have an effective team.

    Antonio Jose Ferraris HRM2015

  14. Ruth Angila Vaflor

    I will keep these items in mind when i become a supervisor and start managing people, and try to mold them to better their careers. Positivity is a major factor of success i don’t see how someone can be effective in an environment that is full of negativity.

  15. Nicole Rodriguez - LCChr2015

    This article can give some people a heads up on how to be an effective supervisor. they can already apply this tips even if they are still in other positions.

  16. Ignacio C. Eboseo Jr.

    Organized working environment and empowered workforce develop excellent supervisors

  17. Jeli Grace Alvarez

    All the tips are great but for me every supervisor must be a coach/mentor for his/her employees for me learning should not stop in school but should be in every work we do and the best mentor we have everyday is our supervisors!

  18. Christy Mae Tenila

    In my opinion, employees are promoted to the role of supervisor because of their strong technical expertise. However, an effective supervisory relationship requires that the supervisor not only be a content expert, but that they also accept the enormous responsibility of mentorship.

  19. Rizza Rebadomia

    A supervisor must be empathetic to his employees. He should make the employees feel like he cares about their welfare more than the numbers. (HR2015)

  20. Marvin Panes

    Those ideas are useful, I could make use of these if time comes I will be handling my own branch.

  21. Very helpful! I now have the idea if I’ll become a supervisor later on. But being a supervisor, you give feed backs constructively and being one also, you have to be open to feed backs and suggestions with your subordinates. So much so, this could help the supervisor and his staff work harmoniously.

  22. Mai Hernandez

    Supervisors should not only supervise the workers and their work but also bring out the best in them. Another great tips worth sharing to all our supervisors. 🙂

  23. Carlo Magno

    Great powers comes with great responsibilities. Supervisors can be a worker’s superhero if these tips will be applied. Being your worker’s model is a great way of letting them know that they can count on you and will certainly give you their respect and loyalty.

    C. Magno

  24. Jo Cherryl Javellana

    Excellent tips! An effective supervisor really has to become a good example to his or her subordinates, he or she has to walk the talk. Having good communication skills is also very important.

  25. In my opinion the Supervisors make or break operations, the most crucial position in an organization, and usually one of the biggest investments that a company goes into. they lead the front line to the direction of the goals and objectives of the company.

  26. Reggie M. Agabon

    Line Managers and Supervisors plays crucial role in the organization because they are the one who interpret, relay/convey and most importantly execute whatever the Top Management wants to achieve.

  27. Yvette D. Ybanez

    Supervisors should not abused their authority in an organization just to manipulate people.

  28. An organization not only needs good managers and rank and file employees, but also good supervisors.

  29. It is every institution’s ultimate goal to provide the best quality of service and satisfaction to its clients, thus, it is important to have competent employees that can guide the whole organization into achieving its objectives.

  30. the above tips are important in becoming an effective supervisor – Considering that in supervising it is no longer about the supervisor himself, but, about the people who works with him and how well they do work. That is the measure of an effective supervisor –

  31. Every supervisor was responsible for the whole production process within his organization unit. And once these traits are being applied, everything will run smoothly and productively.

  32. it is indeed hard to be a supervisor, yet with good attitude surely you can manned your team effectively & efficiently.Among the tips what I like most is positive attitude…

  33. “There is no better employee than a disciplined one. Wherever she/he be assigned or whatever she/he did, a disciplined employee will always stand out.”

  34. Ilyn Rose V. Calantas

    Being a good role model to your subordinates with good moral conduct is my favorite!

  35. the last tips is great. whatever you say, if you say it wrong, it will end up to a stained relationship.

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